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10/9 Sighting ???

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FeralNormal master
Last night while taking my customary walk I saw something rather interesting that I wouldn't call a ufo sighting (but technically was)

It was partially cloudy and cool and I saw a very bright white light moving very rapidly from sw to ne. Although I wouldn't put it in the same realm that people associate with ufos that disappear in the blink of an eye whatever it was it moving like the dickens, definitely faster than any military jet I've seen. It was very high up and the first thing I thought was satellite as there were no nav. lights and no contrails despite the fact that I saw quite a few contrails on the s to n/n to s flights that are typical.

I mentioned in another thread there is little to no easterly or westerly air traffic in these parts at that altitude and if they are most certainly military in nature. I've seen a few satellites in my time so I would, given the above information, naturally passed it off as one except on this sighting I also noticed a second amber light much duller in appearance like the parking lights on a car on the distance, directly behind it. as in the first instance there was no nav. lights of any kind...I was packing my 10 x 25 monocular...and this light was about 8 seconds directly behind it. I realize that is not a scientific observation but I had nothing else to judge it with. Then what occurred to me was if this was two objects in space, would not the second object also radiate a white light from sunlight reflection? even if it's a much smaller object I could see it being a smaller white light but amber? Also these objects were (to me) at those speeds, uncomfortably close. As far as I could tell as I watched these lights disappear, the same distance was maintained. If it was some kind of military flight with escort...which I've seen in the past...I wouldn't think there would be such a big difference in luminosity between the craft unless for whatever reason the first craft had every interior light on and it was quite large and the second craft just had a few lights on and again I could not distinguish any other navigational lights on either craft.
Last night while taking my customary walk I saw something rather interesting that I wouldn't call a ufo sighting (but technically was)

It was partially cloudy and cool and I saw a very bright white light moving very rapidly from sw to ne. Although I wouldn't put it in the same realm that people associate with ufos that disappear in the blink of an eye whatever it was it moving like the dickens, definitely faster than any military jet I've seen. It was very high up and the first thing I thought was satellite as there were no nav. lights and no contrails despite the fact that I saw quite a few contrails on the s to n/n to s flights that are typical.

I mentioned in another thread there is little to no easterly or westerly air traffic in these parts at that altitude and if they are most certainly military in nature. I've seen a few satellites in my time so I would, given the above information, naturally passed it off as one except on this sighting I also noticed a second amber light much duller in appearance like the parking lights on a car on the distance, directly behind it. as in the first instance there was no nav. lights of any kind...I was packing my 10 x 25 monocular...and this light was about 8 seconds directly behind it. I realize that is not a scientific observation but I had nothing else to judge it with. Then what occurred to me was if this was two objects in space, would not the second object also radiate a white light from sunlight reflection? even if it's a much smaller object I could see it being a smaller white light but amber? Also these objects were (to me) at those speeds, uncomfortably close. As far as I could tell as I watched these lights disappear, the same distance was maintained. If it was some kind of military flight with escort...which I've seen in the past...I wouldn't think there would be such a big difference in luminosity between the craft unless for whatever reason the first craft had every interior light on and it was quite large and the second craft just had a few lights on and again I could not distinguish any other navigational lights on either craft.

What you observed is what we call a UAP ( unidentified aerial phenomenon ). UFOs are objects that are observed well enough to gather sufficient information to rule out known natural or manmade objects or phenomenon and are historically described in official reports as craft, often metallic, evasive, and with performance characteristics beyond anything we have. They were formerly referred to as flying saucers, which were deemed to be extraterrestrial spacecraft. So the word UFO boils down to objects which we have sufficient reason to believe are some sort of alien craft. They are not simply vague lights off in the distance or some mundane but otherwise unidentified object. You can view an article on the word history, official definitions, and modern usage by clicking the link in my signature line.

Regarding your sighting. The performance characteristics of the lights you observed do not seem to indicate alien technology, mostly because your report doesn't say there was any instantaneous changes in direction or speed and you couldn't see them well enough to establish any structural shape. Although they were moving very fast in a straight line, without knowing their altitude and how much distance they covered in a particular period of time, there is no way to estimate with accuracy the speed at which they were moving. What might they have been? They sound like unidentified aircraft or perhaps some space junk in low orbit one piece perhaps covered in gold foil to give it that amber color.
You know what guys, the last time I saw something that bright was the I. S.S. with one of the shuttles on it. I heard a few days ago that space x was about to do another mission and I thought this may have something to do with it but I didn't think it was happening for awhile. I just heard that they did dock. I'd bet my next paycheck what I saw was the robotic shuttle catching up on the space station. pretty frickin cool I think.

SpaceX Dragon arrives at space station - San Jose Mercury News