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11-7-2015 Sighting Over Los Angeles

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Paranormal Maven
Found this link on social media this morning. A group of Los Angeles vloggers were filming on top of a Target parking garage when they witnessed a bright light above. The light eventually (at 1:19 on the video) developed a blue streak that stayed above the parking garage for several minutes.

Some suspect it was a missile involved in the Navy's "war games," although I'm having a tough time confirming those games are actually taking place this weekend.

Check it out for yourself at the link below and share your thoughts.

Light In California Sky On November 7: From San Francisco To Los Angeles, Reports Of UFO, Comet, Or Naval Test Fire Abound [Videos]

I didn't see the actual event but I find myself questioning the thinking process of those that would consider this a ufo given the obvious flume. I know technically ufo is an appropriate term until it's later identified but you know darn well in this context people report ufo as "flying saucer/aliens" sightings.
I didn't see the actual event but I find myself questioning the thinking process of those that would consider this a ufo given the obvious flume.
I completely agree. Vague lights off in the distance, especially ones that behave like rockets, aren't UFOs.
I know technically ufo is an appropriate term until it's later identified but you know darn well in this context people report ufo as "flying saucer/aliens" sightings.
Actually, you were right the first time. The term UFO is a designation for alien craft, and is synonymous with the common phrase "flying saucer". It's not meant to be taken literally as "unidentified flying object". However the average person isn't aware of that, or has been given the wrong impression by the media or other less informed people. It's a common mistake that even some people in the ufology community make.

So here's the real deal:

Mystery Light Over Ocean Was Missile Test:

"A mysterious light that streaked across San Diego’s night sky Saturday, visible as far away as Nevada and Arizona, was a Trident missile test-fired by the Navy. Navy Strategic Systems Programs conducted the scheduled Trident II (D5) missile test flight at sea from the Kentucky, an Ohio-class ballistic missile submarine, in the Pacific Test Range off the coast of Southern California, a Navy spokesman said."
BTW: Nice catch there @truthseeker ;) !

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I didn't see the actual event but I find myself questioning the thinking process of those that would consider this a ufo given the obvious flume. I know technically ufo is an appropriate term until it's later identified but you know darn well in this context people report ufo as "flying saucer/aliens" sightings.

I'm more interested in this sighting from the UFO context and not necessarily the extraterrestrial one. Most of the post sighting reports have concluded this was some sort of missile test, although you have to admit from a novice point of view this is pretty intriguing.
Actually, you were right the first time. The term UFO is a designation for alien craft, and is synonymous with the common phrase "flying saucer". It's not meant to be taken literally as "unidentified flying object". However the average person isn't aware of that, or has been given the wrong impression by the media or other less informed people. It's a common mistake that even some people in the ufology community make.

I'm not so sure UFO is entirely reserved for extraterrestrial contact, at least in my opinion. I find if more useful to describe the unexplainable, although I see your point about the long term stigma associated with the acronyn.

Thanks for the link, which I found to be very helpful.
I'm not so sure UFO is entirely reserved for extraterrestrial contact, at least in my opinion. I find if more useful to describe the unexplainable, although I see your point about the long term stigma associated with the acronyn.

Thanks for the link, which I found to be very helpful.

You have a valid point, which is why the word "alien" is specifically used as opposed to "extraterrestrial". The word "alien" implies E.T. but doesn't necessitate it, which is perfect because all things considered, the ETH appears to be the most probable, but there is still the slim possibility that aliens might also come from some as of yet undiscovered terrestrial location. Possibilities like other universes are technically a subset of the ETH just like the Interplanetary or Intergalactic hypothesises. So the word "alien" really does cover it quite well. After all if it's not alien, then logically we'd be able to identify it ;).
Most of the post sighting reports have concluded this was some sort of missile test, although you have to admit from a novice point of view this is pretty intriguing.

No doubt, I even alluded to this myself on another thread that discussed this. which was the period when Vanderburgh AFB was being used to launch the Iridium satellite chain. One memorable launch was when from my perspective in West Los Angeles the missle instead of appearing to go straight up and out...the word "down range" comes to mind....it looked like it hugged the earths coastline (maybe no more than 25-30 degrees above the horizon) although in retrospection that missle was probably one of the missles destined for Kwajalein island and not part of the Iridium launches.

At any rate they were spectacular but not from a NASA rocket launch perspective, many of these missles (apparently like the ones discussed here) were done near sunrise/sunset and there were lovely to look at because of the exotic(?) gases expelled in the upper atmosphere they would start to disperse and twist into exotic shapes and once the suns rays starting hitting them they really were a sight to behold almost like watching an Aurora Borealis but more static. I actually thought that the PTB did it at these times to give us a show. Indeed if you look at these shots you can see light on the horizon
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