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140+ issues of John Schuessler's “UFO Potpourri” newsletter now online (and other PDFs)

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Paranormal Maven
John Schuessler (former International Director of MUFON, probably best known for his work on the Cash-Landrum incident) has given me permission to upload his "UFO Potpourri" and "Potpourri News" newsletters.

These newsletters were mainly used to circulate press-clippings. They were generally relatively short.

When giving his permission for me to upload “UFO Potpourri”, John Schuessler recently remarked to me that “it was nothing earth-shaking, but it did supply some information of interest to far-flung investigators around the globe”. He commented that this newsletter was no longer needed now that we have the Internet.

However, I find it is often illuminating to go back to contemporaneous source materials when looking into UFO incidents. Contemporaneous newspaper accounts often include important additional details (e.g. witness names) often omitted or mistranscribed in UFO books/journals. Sometimes contemporaneous accounts included an explanation (or clues towards an explanation) which have been ignored when the relevant tale has been retold in the UFO literature. As some of you know, due to my fond (if optimistic…) hope that making UFO source materials available as searchable PDFs may help improve the quality of modern discussions of issues relating to “UFOs”.

There were LOTS of issues of this publication (over 400). The AFU in Sweden has kindly currently scanned over 140 issues of these publications, which I’ve uploaded to the AFU website.

All the issues of these newsletters that have currently been scanned can be downloaded from this temporary link during the next week:

After this week, or if you only want some specific issues, all of the issues listed below are on the AFU’s website at the two links below:

Index of /Downloads/Magazines/United States/Potpourri News (John Schuessler)

Index of /Downloads/Magazines/United States/UFO Potpourri (John Schuessler)

Rather than starting another thread, I’ll also just mention here that the AFU in Sweden has also kindly scanned all the issues of another publication at my request. CSI Quarterly was published in the USA between 1952 and 1954 (and hence is now in the public domain due to a failure to register the renewal of its copyright). The text of each issue of this publication (together with some background) has already been available for some time on Jan Aldrich’s excellent “Project 1947” website - but I rather like having searchable PDF copies of the actual publications so thought it worth having these quickly scanned. (There were only 4 issues of a few pages each, so the AFU was willing to indulge me in getting these scanned despite the text being available online already…).

All four issues of this newsletter can be downloaded from this temporary link during the next week:

After this week, or if you only want one issue, these issues can be found on the AFU’s website at:
Index of /Downloads/Magazines/United States/CSI Quarterly