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2 dark entities

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Paranormal Novice
I was in my friends shed sanding down his car when I seen 2 dark shapes moving at the back of the shed they were there for a couple of seconds so had a good look when I mentioned to friend he said he sees them sometimes he had a name for them I cannot remember anyway but they left him alone so he did the same I found it a bit creepy.
I have had these shadow people experiences before too. Usually very thin. My husband saw them too in the house. He never had any paranormal experiences until we met. They were really creepy to him too. When he first moved in, sometimes I would come home to every light in the house on, because he was spooked. The oddest thing is when one happens to walk in front of our big tv while it is on and they are very opaque. I haven't seen any in over a year, but they are deffinately interesting. Some people associate them with old hag syndrome or sleep paralysis, but mine never seemed to be related. I have experienced sleep paralysis before, but only in the most scientific, non-paranormal way. I knew what was going on and didn't have paranoia or feel a presence. This is when some people say they usually have the shadow people experience though.

You said you got a good look for a couple of seconds. A lot of times people see them from the corners of their eye. Almost like they are trying to hide and just observe without being caught. I am not really sure what they are all about, but there are a lot of interesting theories. I have even heard of a specific kind that supposedly always wears a hat. It is also supposedly taller than the normal ones. Weird huh!.. I haven't seen one of those.
I have had these shadow people experiences before too. Usually very thin. My husband saw them too in the house. He never had any paranormal experiences until we met. They were really creepy to him too. When he first moved in, sometimes I would come home to every light in the house on, because he was spooked. The oddest thing is when one happens to walk in front of our big tv while it is on and they are very opaque. I haven't seen any in over a year, but they are deffinately interesting. Some people associate them with old hag syndrome or sleep paralysis, but mine never seemed to be related. I have experienced sleep paralysis before, but only in the most scientific, non-paranormal way. I knew what was going on and didn't have paranoia or feel a presence. This is when some people say they usually have the shadow people experience though.

You said you got a good look for a couple of seconds. A lot of times people see them from the corners of their eye. Almost like they are trying to hide and just observe without being caught. I am not really sure what they are all about, but there are a lot of interesting theories. I have even heard of a specific kind that supposedly always wears a hat. It is also supposedly taller than the normal ones. Weird huh!.. I haven't seen one of those.

I saw one attack a friend of mine. And...before recently hearing a podcast talking about there being different kinds of Shadow People, I'd never really mentioned the part you've bolded before...but the one I saw...was indeed wearing...a fedora! I'd never seen anything like this before or since...I've written about it somewhere here..(over in Ghost Section, I believe). I can retell it here if anyone wants. This happened in the early 90's and I was working constantly at the time, so didn't watch tv nor read many books about any Shadow People, but when I SAW and felt that, it affected us deeply!
The house I grew up in had a shadow cat roaming around. The next door neighbors said they had seen it in their house, too.
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Ya' know??? Now that I think about it. I sometimes think I see something out of the corner of my eye but when I turn to focus on it... gone. I think it might just be a component of my eye sight. Or.... maybe I just spend too much time here! :p
Ya' know??? Now that I think about it. I sometimes think I see something out of the corner of my eye but when I turn to focus on it... gone. I think it might just be a component of my eye sight. Or.... maybe I just spend too much time here! :p

I've always had that. It's not location specific either, I normally attribute it to eyelash or stray hair, but sometimes I even jump a little.
Think I've mentioned it somewhere here, but maybe not.

A while back, must be a couple of years now, I formed the intent to become more aware of what happens in my surroundings. I didn't intend anything sinister, just to be aware of things I usually missed. I knew that what felt like strong intuition might actually have occurred with a more natural explanation, that my subconscious registers a lot more information than my conscious mind and that feelings of intuition might be based on fact rather than phantom information exchange. So each day, I repeated the intent.

Instead of proving the point, I saw shadowy figures walking through my house and one standing outside a glass door. Appeared to be observing me. I also heard growling in my house, more like a dog than a bear, cat, etc. (Just occurred to me that I have a bearskin rug in the direction I heard the growl. Ew)

None of it felt sinister because I knew I could stop all of it, whatever it was. In fact, it was too interesting to try to stop it for a while. One morning I forgot to form the intent and that turned into days. Haven't seen anything since and my little experiment didn't prove anything to me except that we are capable of some weird shit. LOL

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