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2 Nite on DMR

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Staff member
Tonight on Dark Matters Radio my guest is the beautiful and very intelligent Acharya S, author of "The Christ Conspiracy," "Suns of God," "Who Was Jesus?" "Christ in Egypt" and other books. Always a very strong proponent of the rights of women world wide, she has in recent times taken on the "religion of peace" Islam and their treatment of women. This should be an interesting show.

Dark Matters Radio begins at 10:00 PM Pacific and is broadcast on CyberstationUSA. Go to Dark Matters Radio - Cause it matters in the Dark ! ! and I hope to "see ya" on the radio. DMR will be updated a bit later.

Ryan, no ... the phones are not in service yet. As a matter of fact ... this is also bugging me!

Tonight on Dark Matters Radio my guest is the beautiful and very intelligent Acharya S, author of "The Christ Conspiracy," "Suns of God," "Who Was Jesus?" "Christ in Egypt" and other books. Always a very strong proponent of the rights of women world wide, she has in recent times taken on the "religion of peace" Islam and their treatment of women. This should be an interesting show.

Dark Matters Radio begins at 10:00 PM Pacific and is broadcast on CyberstationUSA. Go to Dark Matters Radio - Cause it matters in the Dark ! ! and I hope to "see ya" on the radio. DMR will be updated a bit later.


Good Show Don,
Very controversial show to some but great for others :) Maybe the breaks in transmission touch a nerve or just Gremlins in the machine:)

Good On Ya Mate!:D