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Happy New Year, Jeff, and everyone else here! It's just gone 6 pm here in the UK, and the fireworks are already whizzing around. Hope everyone has a wonderful 2008.
Good, I saw the title and thought it was going to be one of those end of the world threads. I haven't heard many doomsday predictions this year. Guess 2012 is the new envogue year.

My new years will be good so long as I stay out of jail. :redface:
That was sooo nice of Jeff, to wish us all a good 2008.

Thanks, Jeff, and thanks to everyone who has contributed to these forums, and given us the reason to continue to do The Paracast.

Paranormal Packrat said:
Good, I saw the title and thought it was going to be one of those end of the world threads. I haven't heard many doomsday predictions this year. Guess 2012 is the new envogue year.

My new years will be good so long as I stay out of jail. :redface:

2008 is too early for the end of the world. Not enough time to sell all the books.

Please be safe everyone :exclamation:
Bother. I'm 12 hrs or so ahead of the world on here (I live in Christchurch, New Zealand) and could have been the first to wish everyone a very Happy New Year.

So ... gentle reader, accept this as being the first post in the thread but from several years in the future when I finally get that dentist chappie to show me how to work this (future) bloody time machine I would/will have built ... some time in the future, not now, of course ... i think :D

(never ever try to write about the future in the present, it buggers up your past tense ... or is that future tense ... argghhh i hate time travel :D)

Anyway, have a great 2008 (hey ... that rhymes :D)

Best wishes all

Happy New Year to Gene , David, Jeff and all forum posters as well - hope to God it's better than last year.