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2013 Symposium In Greensboro, NC

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Foolish Earthling
I am attending the 2013 Symposium on Official and Scientific Investigations on UAP in Greensboro, NC....both days. I only live an hour away and I wouldn't miss this for the world.
Are there any other Paracast listeners going?

Also, if it's ok with Gene I would like to post pictures and give a short report on how it went from a non-professional amateur point of view.
Hey! Freshly back from the symposium, and it was even more than I had hoped for!
Everyone I met was incredibly warm and sincere, and anxious to connect with everyone else.
They were curious, excited and, like me, glad to be around other people who shared the same curiosities and need to know.
Here's a shot of the venue:
ufosymposium 011.JPG
Here was Leslie Kean
ufosymposium 024.JPG
Dr. Richard Haines
ufosymposium 018.JPGufosymposium 018.JPG

Here's a list of the speakers:
Kent Senter; He was the person responsible for coming up with this idea, past president of the North Carolina MUFON, and this was his dream.
General Wilfried DeBrouwer: Retired General of the Belgium Air Force. His presentation was about the 1989 triangle craft. Very impressive! He also said the famous Petit-Rechain photo was confirmed a fake. This photo:


Next speaker was Dr. Richard Haines on UAP's and flight safety.
Then Leslie Kean on UFO's and Governments.
Jose Lay from Chile, who is in charge of the Chilean Governments UAP investigation office called CEFAA (pronounced cef-ah-ah). Very likeable grandfatherly type and very sincere.
Dr. Alexander Wendt on militant agnosticism and the UFO taboo in America.
That evening, astrophysicist Dr. Jeffrey Bennett gave a presentation on the likelihood of habitable planets and how it's beyond idiocy to think we are the only intelligent life in the universe.

Next day was retired Colonel Charles Halt talking about the incident at Bentwaters.
Then Xavier Passot, in charge of the official French governments UAP investigation office called GEIPAN.
Dr. Ron Westrum on an almost Jungian presentation on human perception and things hidden from our natural senses.
Timothy Good who spoke about governments, the military, and the need for the worlds people to know what the worlds governments know what's going on....if they in fact know anything.
Nancy Talbot on crop circles...are they fake? Do they have a connection to UAP's?

This meeting was astounding. Here is what they summed it up as;
1. The need for an honest unbiased study, by qualified people, on the UAP subject.
2. Maintain an agnostic view of "what" UAP's are, and concentrate on getting acceptance that something is happening in our skies.
3. Many countries such a Chile, France, Belgium, Australia, Japan, South Korea, New Zealand, and many others I can't remember are forming an international UAP study alliance to share information and work on a unified collection of data.
4. Quit using the UFO term...too many bad connotations. Use the neutral term UAP.

The contact website is www.centerforuforesearch.com

Gene and Chris.......Leslie said Hi!
BTW, Kent Senter is VERY interested in doing an interview for the Paracast...he's the driving force behind this hopefully annual symposium. I have the contact information to pass on, just let me know. (Kent is a great guy, a very good speaker, very personable and sincere. I think he would make an awesome guest!)

Any questions?
That was an excellent follow up! It sounded like a great time and extremely interesting. Wish I could have been there. Thank you exo_doc.
Local news reactions to the symposium.....
From WXII Channel 12 news;

People who claim to have seen UFOs meet in Greensboro
GREENSBORO, N.C. —People who believe some of the lights they see in the sky at night are from somewhere other than Earth are sharing their stories in Greensboro.
A Burlington man is hosting a Symposium on Official & Scientific Investigations of UAP. It started Saturday and continues on Sunday.
Kent Senter said he saw his first flying saucer when he was 10 years old and had another sighting that changed his life when he was 33. The 59-year-old Senter said the federal government is trying to cover it up, but also said when you're looking at something that's not supposed to exist, you realize there's something going on you don't know about.
Senter hopes to use testimonies and scientific research to remove the stigma and encourage the government to recognize UFO existence.
A local newspaper The Winston-Salem Journal;

UFO symposium to be held at Greensboro Coliseum

Posted: Friday, June 28, 2013 3:48 pm | Updated: 10:44 pm, Fri Jun 28, 2013.
UFO symposium to be held at Greensboro ColiseumJenny Drabble/Winston-Salem JournalWinston-Salem Journal
Flying saucers, alien abductions, little green Martians.
It all sounds like something from the latest sci-fi flick, but Kent Senter of Burlington said he knows the truth.

Senter, 59, said he had his first flying saucer sighting when he was 10 years old and had an extensive sighting that changed his life when he was 33.
He said he was in Durham when he saw a rectangular bar of light moving erratically and soundlessly through the sky at unbelievable speeds.
“The U.S. government tries to cover it up,” said Senter, who is the founder the North Carolina chapter of the Mutual UFO Network. “But when you’re looking at something that’s not supposed to exist, you realize there’s something going on you don’t know about.”
Senter, who has terminal cancer, will “boldly go where no one has gone before,” hosting a Symposium on Official & Scientific Investigations of UAP (UFOs) on Saturday and Sunday in Greensboro as a part of his bucket list.
He hopes to use testimonies and scientific research to remove the stigma and encourage the American government to recognize UFO existence.
The symposium will be at the War Memorial Auditorium in the Greensboro Coliseum Complex.
“We’re not jumping to get into the aliens and all that but, instead, look at the science of what’s going on in the airspace,” he said.
Most UFOs are triangular- or disc-shaped objects and move irregularly, soundlessly and can accelerate at fantastic rates of speed, Senter said.
Although there are a fair number of nonbelievers — a result of the movie industry hyping up the little green “take me to your leader” aliens, Senter said — such countries as Chile and Belgium recognize the existence of UFOs.
Respected citizens and military personnel from around the world have eyewitness accounts of UFOs or claim to have been taken aboard a flying saucer.
Jeff McLean, one of Senter’s friends, said they hope to get the U.S. on board — no pun intended — and remove the negative connotations with seeing UFOs.
“I’m a patriot to the bone, but people here are ostracized for what they’ve seen,” McLean said. “So we’re bringing in credible scientists, retirees from NASA and high-ranking military eyewitnesses to lay it all out on the table.”
Senter said there are about 6,000 reported sightings in the U.S. each year.
There was a sighting near Stratford Road in Winston-Salem last October when a commercial pilot saw a pulsing bright light from his home that he thought was moving too quickly to be a plane.
For Senter, who said has had experienced about 10 sightings, this is nothing new. He said UFOs are constantly in the airspace and have been for centuries.
Although many may write off the sightings as government experiments, Senter’s not buying it.
“There have been sightings throughout history, and if the government had had the craft I saw in the ’80s, they would’ve used it to get (Osama) Bin Laden instead of helicopters,” he said.
George Washington reported seeing a UFO in Valley Forge, Senter said, and strange craft have been depicted in 14th century paintings.
For Senter, a father of four whose days are numbered because of his illness, the goal is to bring UFO research under the public spotlight.
“I’ve had friends pass away in recent years who spent their lives trying to get the truth, but they never got their answers,” Senter said. “I have an incurable cancer, but I have to at least do my part to get the truth out there while I still can.”

It's not the world's best coverage, but it could have been worse I guess.
  • Any word on whether or not it worked out as a profit or loss?
  • Were they setup to sell books and CDs and videos as well?
  • Assuming a profit, did anybody say what's being done with the money?
Any word on whether or not it worked out as a profit or loss? Assuming a profit, did anybody say what's being done with the money?

I've not heard the profit/loss stats. I'll be talking to Kent Senter later on this week, he'll probably know by then.
I do know most of the money went to paying for the venue, and for the speakers, but I don't think I'll be able to find out the amounts paid to each, or cost of furnishing accomodations and transportation.

On a side note, I had a long conversation with Israel Curiel, the PR director for the North Carolina MUFON, and I am very seriously considering volunteering to be a field investigator. I certainly have the scientific background, and most of the equipment to be one. But this isn't something I want to jump into unless I can give 100% and do it properly. So I'm taking my time and doing the pro/con thing.
I've not heard the profit/loss stats. I'll be talking to Kent Senter later on this week, he'll probably know by then.
I do know most of the money went to paying for the venue, and for the speakers, but I don't think I'll be able to find out the amounts paid to each, or cost of furnishing accomodations and transportation.

On a side note, I had a long conversation with Israel Curiel, the PR director for the North Carolina MUFON, and I am very seriously considering volunteering to be a field investigator. I certainly have the scientific background, and most of the equipment to be one. But this isn't something I want to jump into unless I can give 100% and do it properly. So I'm taking my time and doing the pro/con thing.

Why not do freelance investigations and avoid the membership dues and politics?
Why not do freelance investigations and avoid the membership dues and politics?

Hmmm. I already do that. Probably not as much as I could though.
Still, having an "official" (whatever that's worth) connection to a known organization could have it benefits.
The dues wouldn't bother me, they do go for a good cause.
The politics on the other hand, yeah that is definitely a problem. I abhor politics with a passion, especially the kind that can crop up in small groups like this.
Decisions decisions........
I wonder how many still remember him.

I've seen a few clips, but he's way before my time ( I was born in '58 ), and his humor has taken time to register, but oddly, the older I get, the funnier it seems. My Encarta dictionary has a list of quotes from all over the place. Here's one that made me smile ...

"The world would not be in such a snarl, had Marx been Groucho instead of Karl." - Irving Berlin (1888–1989)
Hey! Freshly back from the symposium, and it was even more than I had hoped for!
Everyone I met was incredibly warm and sincere, and anxious to connect with everyone else.
They were curious, excited and, like me, glad to be around other people who shared the same curiosities and need to know.
Here's a shot of the venue:
ufosymposium 011.JPG
Here was Leslie Kean
ufosymposium 024.JPG
Dr. Richard Haines
ufosymposium 018.JPGufosymposium 018.JPG

Here's a list of the speakers:
Kent Senter; He was the person responsible for coming up with this idea, past president of the North Carolina MUFON, and this was his dream.
General Wilfried DeBrouwer: Retired General of the Belgium Air Force. His presentation was about the 1989 triangle craft. Very impressive! He also said the famous Petit-Rechain photo was confirmed a fake. This photo:


Thanks so much for the report. Just a small correction. This is the photo in question (Petir-Rechain):
It was also discussed on forums in lenght here:
Famous Belgian UFO Photo A Fake | The Paracast Community Forums

Do you know will they make available DVD's from the conference?

Here are some video reports:

Here is another important conference of this year that passed almost unoticed within community:
You sure seem to have picked a good one, or rather as fate (geography) would have it, it picked you. In fact, the whole event reeks of good UFO karma. :) I have heard and seen more in terms of what almost seems like a tangible sense of real decency, dare I even go as far as to state, sincere interest (beyond comedic filler!), with respect to the MSM and this particular UFO event, than any discussed in a typical media coverage sense in quite some time. It has really been touted highly thus far.

Perhaps these newscast's and various media blog's formerly seldom seen or heard reverent tones with respect to UFOs are being personally mistaken on my behalf for a genuine UFO interest on the part of the MSM. Wishful thinking? Possibly, but it may be at least in part due to the manner in which the media shed light as it did, and always seems to hence their flair for the dramatic , on the event's host, Kent Senter, who has himself been courageously battling terminal cancer. That fact in and of itself commands an immediate high level of attention within the already UFO infatuated, with respect to a sheer instinctual response alone.

Either way Sir, I salute you for going and reporting back. Yours were the first words I read of the conference. Wish I could have been there myself for what is being described as a true "Class A" UFO event. I also want to take the opportunity to sincerely wish you the best in a wise decision making process concerning your official/unofficial UFO investigations. Whatever the choice, excelsior.
My thanks Jeff. I was very fortunate to have this event so close to where I live. Your assessment is spot on because it was a somber, get to the facts, kind of meeting, yet everyone was so friendly.
I was really impressed with just how courteous and sincere the speakers were.
I was afraid to approach Timothy Good, but he saw the copy of "Above Top Secret" I had and started speaking to me and signed it for me. It was just that kind of an event.