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3D Tic Tac from NYT pic

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Paranormal Adept
Waddayathink guys ? was having fun mapping the image in 3D tool ;) Thing has kind of a bent shape.
There's a strange platform (bottom) ... holding the structure ? or just some kind of field reflection ?

Anything legit about this ? Kind of a strange shape for a tic tac lol

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As somebody posted around here recently, that's a photo of a mylar party balloon. They actually projected that image behind Chris Mellon at the TTSA launch broadcast. We don't have an optical image of the Tic-Tac ufo yet - hopefully one will be forthcoming, perhaps via Cmdr. Fravor's gun camera.

Explained: Photo of "UFO" Used in Connection with Nimitz Incident [Balloon]

Mylar balloon has rounded edges. The 'blurry' photograph has relatively defined sharp edges and seems to suggest more structural features.
Although the pic could obviously have been 'doctored' to give a semblance of structure (straight lines) by boosting the contrast ;)... looks like the balloon is busted and caught quite a few peeps in the game.


With enough contrast ... this baby could be our new tic tac LMAO

Maybe commander Fravor would have an opinion ;)
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This probably better fits Commander Fravor's account. A nondescript 40 feet tic tac.

The odd thing in his account... a tic tac has 2 roundish ends ;) ... did the other end look like my previous rendition ? Or does he mean one of roundish ends was the head ?
'Stunning' Tic Tac shaped UFO encounter by US Navy pilot? 'It was not from this world'

"When it started to near us, as we started to descend towards it coming up, it was flying in the elongated way, so it's (like) a Tic Tac, with the roundish end going in the forward direction ... I don't know what it is. I don't know what I saw. I just know it was really impressive, really fast, and I would like to fly it," he said.

This is looking more and more like the 18 hours of recorded static video in the movie Contact lol

In his debrief comments, Dave, his WSO and the two other crews stated the object had initially been hovering like a Harrier. They described it as uniformly white, about 46 feet long (roughly fighter-sized), having a discernible midline horizontal axis (like a fuselage) but having no visible windows, nacelles, wings or propulsion systems.

Dazzling Luulia-Fulffy.png

Dazzling Luulia-Fulffy (1).png
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Why does it have to be a tic-tac.... can't it be like the inspired rectangular monolith of 2001 a space odyssey :)

An Air Canada pilot friend of mine encountered a nondescript black rectangle in the skies a while back. No features... just a rectangle about a mile long! Confirmed the sighting with a pilot flying the opposite way. Of course, they never dared report the thing LOL

On a private channel: 'check your 10... do you see what I see ?'


Now I'm hungry :p
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All these serious folks under a deflating mylar balloon. Weird stuff... due diligence ...due diligence ...

Is it laziness or organized disinformation ? To The Stars Mylar ... sigh
What do you get when crossing a blurry mummy with a blurry Mylar party balloon, as I have not the faintest of clues. Perhaps.., beDISCLOSURE?

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All these serious folks under a deflating mylar balloon. Weird stuff... due diligence ...due diligence ...

Is it laziness or organized disinformation ? To The Stars Mylar ... sigh

But hey, it’s not just any old helium-filled Mylar party balloon! It’s in the shape of the numeral 1, which is a subliminal signal for the audience to cheer on its team: ‘WE’RE NUMBER ONE! WE’RE NUMBER ONE! WE’RE NUMBER ONE!” And then go to the TTSA website to click on the $200 investment button.

Now consider the fact that the man sitting behind Tom (from the left, the 4th of 5) is Hal Puthoff, who developed Remote Viewing out of his training as a Scientologist in the late 60’s. But whereas Remote Viewing is a passive activity of simply observing and describing a target, Hal also developed Remote Influencing, which is a more active manipulation of the target once it has been passively observed.

Here is an article that describes Hal’s efforts to direct Ingo Swann to remotely influence a highly sophisticated quak detector at Stanford U. In 1972
"It Could Have Been That Remote Viewing Never Happened"
Tom DeLonge finally acknowledges the gaffe but weasels out of explaining that it is a Mylar party balloon. (From the TTS Facebook page)

To The Stars Academy of Arts and Science
4 hrs ·
On October 11, 2017, during a broadcast announcing the formation of To The Stars Academy of Arts & Science, our creative team utilized a slide that was intended to be illustrative of the Nimitz case discussed in the presentation. We recognize that the use of this slide without proper clarification created confusion and, most importantly, did not meet our standard of accuracy. TTS Academy is committed to being a trusted leader in the exploration of exotic science and technologies, and we regret this oversight. It is important to note that the evidence presented by the speaker regarding the Nimitz case is derived from the testimony of multiple US military personnel and multiple sensors aboard multiple ships and aircraft operating in conditions of excellent visibility. Furthermore, the US Department of Defense has not denied the account provided by TTS Academy or the retired US military personnel involved in the incidents of November 14, 2004.