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4th & 5th dimension vs 3rd - your thoughts and/or experiences?

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Creepy Green Light

Paranormal Adept
Greetings people. It's been a while since I've been around, let alone post anything. Up until now, all my posts & conversations have been about the nuts & bolts aspect of UFO's. However, I have been learning & studying about the 4th & 5th dimensions and the differences of ones state of consciousness between 3D, 4D & 5D.

I would be interested in hearing any of your thoughts (whether pro or con). Hope all has been well here the last 6 months.

Greetings people. It's been a while since I've been around, let alone post anything. Up until now, all my posts & conversations have been about the nuts & bolts aspect of UFO's. However, I have been learning & studying about the 4th & 5th dimensions and the differences of ones state of consciousness between 3D, 4D & 5D.
Congratulations on kicking open the doors to your mind, :) and the bravery to dig where few choose to.

I would be interested in hearing any of your thoughts (whether pro or con).

One point. It can be argued, successfully imo, that we exist within the dream of physical reality as 4th dimensional beings - three of space, one of time.

WTS, in order to better understand how dimensions work, we might think of a dimension as a point of perception rather than an actual place to travel to. Those living from 3D, 4D, or 5D consciousness are experiencing the same reality (on some level), but rather their way of perceiving it is completely different.

This explanation assumes a structured, linear POV of dimensionality when in fact dimensionality is fluid and dynamic for e.g. judgment. Judgment is recognized as a 3D 'issue' that has also been expressed by 4D beings.

At the 5D level, we exist in unity conscientiousness, understanding that all is One, that healing oneself is the ultimate responsibility, nothing is inherently ‘good’ or ‘bad’. Judgment now has become discretion. Full self-empowerment is attainable.
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Wow. You basically said everything that my girlfriend of the last 7 mos has been attempting to teach/show me (if you are interested, visit her page Jamie Life Healer ). I wasn't expecting to see the first response to my query (yours) being as spot on as what she has been showing me. I have definitely had experiences over the last 7 mos (the latest was two nights ago).

Feel free to share as much with me (or us) as you are comfortable with. Thank you again for your response. I just woke up and you made my entire day. I also showed her (Jamie) what you posted and she was saying things like "Doesn't it feel great?" She lives 99% of her life in 4D/5D and I have definitely sucked her down to 3D a time or two (or 50 lol). Thanks again for your response Waller. TTYS :)
Wow. You basically said everything that my girlfriend of the last 7 mos has been attempting to teach/show me (if you are interested, visit her page Jamie Life Healer ). I wasn't expecting to see the first response to my query (yours) being as spot on as what she has been showing me.

Thank you, she's quite attractive...in many ways. ;) Turns lemons into lemonade (Evan). Nothing in life has an inherent, built-in meaning, we get to choose, and she has so chosen.

I have definitely had experiences over the last 7 mos (the latest was two nights ago).

Of course you have and have you yet noticed the synchronicities in your life suddenly appearing, sometimes in droves? The sequencing is simple.

Find what excites you the most, what you are, at any moment, most passionate about. Follow that, that is all you have to do. This path is a complete kit, drives and organizes your life, brings to you exactly what you need. Pushes you along the path your Higher Mind has created for you where all you will ever find is more of yourself.

Feel free to share as much with me (or us) as you are comfortable with. Thank you again for your response. I just woke up and you made my entire day. I also showed her (Jamie) what you posted and she was saying things like "Doesn't it feel great?" She lives 99% of her life in 4D/5D and I have definitely sucked her down to 3D a time or two (or 50 lol). Thanks again for your response Waller. TTYS :)

Thank you for the co-creation, this interaction between us.

Jaime understands that we are truly powerful, eternal beings who live in a physical dream of our own personal creation and collective co-creation. We have incarnated into earthly circumstances of severe limitation, forgotten who we truly are. The process of re-membering is the ultimate goal and the process (play), as Shakespeare said, "is the thing",

Yes, it does feel great, great to gain an understanding of the who, what and whys of our/my existence. Great to know how simple things truly are, complex and yet not at all complicated. Only 5 facts (Laws), the rest is nothing but beliefs...which can be changed at any time.

These are not knowledges that I have pulled from thin air, they are the teachings of the extraterrestrial community, of the Ascended Masters, from the discarnates and spirit guides we can, and are, in communication with. I simply re-word and regurgitate their teachings which have become the underpinnings of my approach to living.

Tell Jaime I said "Hey!" :)