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51 UFO/ET Congress

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So Mr. Gilbert, are you ever going to take down your Moonship UFO nonsense or do you just plan to leave that up? Do you plan to use it in your presentation?

Hi T.O, to both of your questions, the answer is no.
At the lecture I will be showing some of my so far unseen, and un-aired personal UFO footage and will be explaining how some of these things are actually living entities, and communicate messages in more than one way telepathy being only one of many ways.
I have invited a young man named Geoffrey of my "Moonstruck Family Group" there to show some of his excellent
Daytime footage that he and other members have taken of UFOs in the skies of the New York City Tri-state area.
There seems to be a "Secret" UFO Flap, and cover up" going on here in NYC.

Now as for what "Does and does not" remain at my site being that I am the one that pays for it, I therefore am the one that has the last say as to what is to go away or what is to stay on my website.
Still again, this is not to say that I will not add a new post with your information at Temple Of The Infidel.
As you may have read in my response to Gene's resent post I am having hell with the Internet and trying to post and upload new files on my site.
Once everything is uploaded I will post the link to the page in the Paracast UFO forum.

Thing is Posey if you continue to present that photo as anything other than what ive shown you it is, the 3rd stage of a satV rocket, then you are deliberatly comitting fraud on the UFO field.


I have a model of a SatV rocket here, i have taken the third stage and held it at the approriate angle, its a perfect match.
Its your site, but leaving it up makes the following your problem, When well read people like myself see a "known" object being presented as a UFO, then we are suspect of the entire content of the site.
It invokes from the audience a "this guy doesnt know what hes talking about" , response that gets applied to everything there.

Im sure you dont want that
Thing is Posey if you continue to present that photo as anything other than what ive shown you it is, the 3rd stage of a satV rocket, then you are deliberatly comitting fraud on the UFO field.


I have a model of a SatV rocket here, i have taken the third stage and held it at the approriate angle, its a perfect match.
Its your site, but leaving it up makes the following your problem, When well read people like myself see a "known" object being presented as a UFO, then we are suspect of the entire content of the site.
It invokes from the audience a "this guy doesnt know what hes talking about" , response that gets applied to everything there.

Im sure you dont want that

Thanks for your concern and the picture Mike, I'll add it to my article.
I've contacted Jumpline and it seems believe it or not, I've filled my allotted space and I'll have to buy more.
When I can I will and then I will post my full reply there.
As you know I really don't give a fig as to what people think or believe, about me or my site.
Anything I published there about me is true, anything that I published about a non-personal event as far as I knew it at that time, was true.
I called it the Moonship UFO because to my understanding this is what the crew of the Apollo 12 called it that being an unknown flying object that they reported was following them.
If they could not recognize it, big whoop te do that I could not.
Read my full article there as it is you will notice it is focused on the anomalies and the humanoid form I discovered when I blew up the picture.
It was there, in the picture when I got it, and should you or anyone else get the picture and do the work you will find them in your pictures too.
My article focuses on What are these things?
Rather than saying anything about what the UFO was.
Bob Dean's focus was on something entirely different from mine.
If he is pulling a hoax then that is between him and The Believers.
My focus in my article is on the anomalies and the little humanoid form that I found in the blow ups.
Get the picture and do the work, then prove to me that what I found in my blow ups was not there.
Only then will I give some thought as to what I should do at my site.


As for those that still can't understand my delay,
See my statement to Trainedobserver above if that does not answer your questions, just read it through to the end and then read it again, and so on, and so on, and so on, and so on, and so on, and so on, and so on, and so on, and so on, and so on, and so on, and so on, and so on, and so on, and so on, and so on, and so on, and so on, and so on until you finally do get it.


"Look at the moon, not at the finger that points to the moon." Bruce Lee

I called it the Moonship UFO because to my understanding this is what the crew of the Apollo 12 called it that being an unknown flying object that they reported was following them.
If they could not recognize it, big whoop te do that I could not.

You talk as though this is a picture taken by the Apollo 12 astronauts of something that they could not identify. That simply is not true Posey.

They were taking pictures of the spent rocket stage. You are going on hearsay and garbled stories as far as I can tell.

Where does Buzz Aldrin or any of them say that they saw anything unusual while they were in near Earth orbit taking pictures of the Earth and that spent rocket stage?

My article focuses on What are these things?

You are totally misrepresenting your Moonship page Posey and you know it!

You do not call attention to any of these smaller features at all in your article. You show this photograph:

And then say this directly below it.
Please do not waist my time saying it looks like a goblet of wine or grape juice.
If this turns out to be that, then it is your tax dollars at work, but I no way think this is that, having said that,
If you have the ability to study the edges of the object and to will see the stars go to the edges or just study the pictures in this section.

You are obviously not talking about little humanoids or anything else but the rocket state itself.

Posey, go to Apollo Image Atlas 70mm Hasselblad Image Catalog Apollo 12, Magazine Q Images AS12-50-7325 to AS12-50-7459. There is a series of shots showing the rocket stage receding into the background. The high resolution image of the photo in question is here.

Those are not stars showing through the body of the spent rocket stage. It is in deep shadow and that may be some light reflecting off the body or more likely artifacts on the copy of your photo. That is probably the case with these figures and faces you see as well. It is a bit like the guy who saw a demon in his sunglasses remember? There wasn't a demon in his sunglasses and there and the lint, damage, artifact, in your "Moonship" photo isn't a humanoid. But that is beside the point. You are misrepresenting what you plainly said on your Moonship Photo page now in an attempt to justify it's existence.
Im sorry posey but you appear to be clutching at straws to try and present this photo as something its not.
As TO said there area series of shots showing the rocket stage receding into the background, this is one of them.

Presenting a mundane object as anything other than what it is, is no different to billy liar presenting a garbage can lid as a beam ship.

Moonship, beamship............... both deliberate hoax's
Both completely debunked

Congratulations youve just secured yourself a spot next to the one armed bandit in UFO's hall of shame

You talk as though this is a picture taken by the Apollo 12 astronauts of something that they could not identify. That simply is not true Posey.

They were taking pictures of the spent rocket stage. You are going on hearsay and garbled stories as far as I can tell.

Where does Buzz Aldrin or any of them say that they saw anything unusual while they were in near Earth orbit taking pictures of the Earth and that spent rocket stage?

You are totally misrepresenting your Moonship page Posey and you know it!

You do not call attention to any of these smaller features at all in your article. You show this photograph:


And then say this directly below it.

You are obviously not talking about little humanoids or anything else but the rocket state itself.

Posey, go to Apollo Image Atlas 70mm Hasselblad Image Catalog Apollo 12, Magazine Q Images AS12-50-7325 to AS12-50-7459. There is a series of shots showing the rocket stage receding into the background. The high resolution image of the photo in question is here.

Those are not stars showing through the body of the spent rocket stage. It is in deep shadow and that may be some light reflecting off the body or more likely artifacts on the copy of your photo. That is probably the case with these figures and faces you see as well. It is a bit like the guy who saw a demon in his sunglasses remember? There wasn't a demon in his sunglasses and there and the lint, damage, artifact, in your "Moonship" photo isn't a humanoid. But that is beside the point. You are misrepresenting what you plainly said on your Moonship Photo page now in an attempt to justify it's existence.

The Moon Ship UFO

Nasa Documentation
MoonShip UFO
Light Blasted Moon UFO.
*-----> Moonship UFOs And Figure
*-----> The Other Moon UFO And Apollo 11 UFO
*-----> Other Nasa UFOs
*-----> The Moonship Hoax?

The above are all part of the same article and not different little separate articles.
That is why they are all listed under the one title of The Moon Ship UFO.
That being said:
You are accusing me of doing something that was never my intent.
If I was doing as you suggest why the hell would I ask others to get the same pictures from NASA and do as I'd done?
Would that not out me as a hoaxer as soon as they did so and found my evidence to be counterfeit and my claims to be untrue?
What face are you talking about?
I make no claims of seeing the humanoid's face.
Just how much of my article did you read?

And as for your statement of:

Where does Buzz Aldrin or any of them say that they saw anything unusual while they were in near Earth orbit taking pictures of the Earth and that spent rocket stage?

Well, let's see, how about: UFO sightings by NASA Astronauts

1.Major Gordon Cooper
2.Donald Slayton
3.Major Robert White
4.Joseph A. Walker
5.Commander Eugene Cernan
6.Ed White & James McDivitt
7.James Lovell and Frank Borman
8.Neil Armstrong & Edwin Aldrin <-------------- ‎Was ist das?:confused:
9.Maurice Chatelain
10.Scott Carpenter

Is that enough hearsay and garbled stories for you?

And as for:

"Those are not stars showing through the body of the spent rocket stage. It is in deep shadow and that may be some light reflecting off the body or more likely artifacts on the copy of your photo. That is probably the case with these figures and faces you see as well. It is a bit like the guy who saw a demon in his sunglasses remember? There wasn't a demon in his sunglasses and there and the lint, damage, artifact, in your "Moonship" photo isn't a humanoid. But that is beside the point. You are misrepresenting what you plainly said on your Moonship Photo page now in an attempt to justify it's existence."

I only stated what I knew it not to be, not what it was.
If it is a goblet of wine then NASA sent me a goblet of wine.
What a waist, I never drink wine.
I do not drink intoxicants or consume contraband, nor even smoke.
Until you order, receive a copy of, and blow up your own copies of this picture you can only speculate as to the what the artifacts on my copy are.
Do the work and then you can be talking from a point of knowing and not belief.
If you can speculate as to what you think these things are, why can't I whom have taken the time to pay the money, and do the work be offered the same courtesy?
If NASA pictures are as of such high resolution where did all these so called flaws in the picture come from?
They were not physically on the actual picture when I put it in the scanner, nor on the scanners screen that I put it into.

Seems you been "Klassified" like some of the other idiots here?
First do the work then talk what you know, and not what you speculate.

At the 51 UFO/ET Congress Dr. Edgar Mitchell said that there were things that the astronauts knew they could not speak about under penalty of loosing their benefits, but I am sure someone as well read as yourself would know that there are things that some of them even today dare not to speak about.
You talk as if you were onboard Apollo 12, I don't see your name listed as being part of the crew, or your picture with any where with the crew.
You are damning me and my work with speculative (s), could be(s), maybe(s), more likely(s), and probablys, but not one certainty.
Get the picture do the work, them reenter your petition, but know that you are not going to hang me or my site with speculations.
Prove your claims against my findings in this picture, and I will have no choice but to do as you ask.
I will not do it on your nor anyone else's guess work, prove to me I am wrong.
It's easy get the picture and do the work, my friend.

Oh and Buzz Aldrin was not part of theApollo 12 crew.
Commander - Pete Conrad
CommandModulePilot - Richard Gordon
Lunar Module Pilot - Alan Bean.

See even the well read as yourself can make a misstep too, but that does not make me question anything else you have written.
Like Mike, Goggsmackay, Stoneheart, and some others here you are for the most part right on point with your posts.
Thanks for the links, I will add them to my article when I can again post to my site.
"Look at the moon, not at the finger that points to the moon." Bruce Lee
Prove your claims against my findings in this picture, and I will have no choice but to do as you ask. I will not do it on your nor anyone else's guess work, prove to me I am wrong.

Posey, they have clearly proven you wrong. Now you just need to admit it to yourself.
Again if you compare the hi res shot here


With the copy on your site, which is a copy of a copy blown up at the local kinko's where no doubt the photocopier had lots of dust on the glass.........

I dont doubt they saw UFO's they have said so, but this picture is clearly the 3rd stage of the Sat V rocket.

Your claim this picture is a moonship/UFO has been proven wrong.

Given the confusing nature of your story, that is you are mixing Apollo 11 stories with an Apollo 12 photograph, I think I understand my mistake. You are correct, I was wrong to imply that Buzz Aldrin was on Apollo 12.

However Posey, all of this was explained to you in the original Moonship UFO thread. You have elements of Apollo 11 and Apollo 12 confused in your story.

At the top of your Moon UFO Page you say:
"The pictures you will see in this section came from a picture taken by the astronauts of the Apollo 11 as it was on its way to the moon and and while they were there." - Posey Gilbert

I explained this problem to you in a post here back in March of this year. "Posey, your moonship page says the photo was taken by Apollo 11. It was Apollo 12. The photo number A512-50-7346 on the back of your photo indicates that it is from Apollo 12. "

My question is still valid. Where is the account of the crew of Apollo 12 seeing something in near Earth orbit (because that is where your photo was taken) that they could not identify?You are clearly confusing Buzz Aldrin's Apollo 11 story with something about Apollo 12 since that is the mission where your picture comes from. You have to distort to fit.

Here is the Apollo 11 UFO story explained by Buzz Aldrin.

Not only have you mistaken a rocket booster for a UFO but you have taken a story (that something followed them to the moon) about Apollo 11 and applied it to an Apollo 12 photo. On top of that you are now making additional and very different claims ("anomalies and the little humanoid form") about the photograph while maintaining that has been your focus all along.

Your claims about your Moonship UFO are clearly contradictory (Apollo 11 story with a Apollo 12 photo) and have changed considerably (from UFO to humanoid).

This whole affair is an excellent example of how UFO myths get generated and maintained.

Posey, I am "damning" your work as you say, on your Moonship UFO because it is clearly erroneous. Your refusal to acknowledge or correct your errors and your promotion of new allegedly anomalous elements in the photo make me wonder if there isn't an intent to deceive being shown here.
Moonship, beamship............... both deliberate hoax's
Both completely debunked

Congratulations youve just secured yourself a spot next to the one armed bandit in UFO's hall of shame

I really do wish the Paracast forum had a mechanism similar to the ATS forum's where hoaxes, hoaxers, or the terminally confused could be flagged as such. A Hall of Shame badge or a Hoax forum catagory or something.
To all those still interested.
After a constant battle with my site trying to up load my response, thanks to a remark made by Gene Steinberg on an old Paracast Program I was listening to I realized what was happening.
He spoke about how although you are told when you sign up you have unlimited space that is not always true.
When I signed up with Simple Host they guarantied unlimited space but then they sold out to Jumpline, which, as I just found out today does not give unlimited space and my site being 15GB is over their allowed space.
All the time I called them they never told me this, but instead gave me ways to correct my ftp settings, my page, and my browser.
When they started the same routine I stopped the helper and asked about my disk space and told them that Simple Host had said I had Unlimited space that was when I was told that my space was full and not unlimited.
Why they did not say that a month ago I can't tell you.
So I now have to buy more space which will put me at their 20GB limit.
Inasmuch as I have a lot more things to post and movies to upload, I know that means I will eventually have to move to another hosting site.
Friday, June 1st I will be able to buy this extra space and so I then will be able to post my final comments about this situation there.
I want to thank all you guys for your input about this.
Honestly this is the first time in a while that I came back to this page after my last posting here.
I had no idea so much more had been added.
I will add all your valuable info to my post, and so now I am glad it took so long for me to be able to get back to this forum.
Beyond the speculation and name calling, some excellent points have been made here.
Which is what I am more interested in.
Because many may have been to my site and read my previous article, I will not take down my page.
But I will post every bit of the important things that have been said here to that page, and if allowed I would like to quote them as written by those that wrote them, typos corrected only.
Mistakes and misguided assumptions have been made on both sides of this situation, and like I do with all my post I like for the full story to be told.
Thanks again guys and as soon as I can I will post my full response to my site being that it will be much too long to post here.
I'm glad that I did return to post this response, and I thought it was long before sheesh.
A friend of mine once upon a time had a company called HostICan, which also promised "unlimited" bandwidth and storage. He was underfunded and eventually decided to sell out to -- Jumpline. Jumpline has since killed the brands they acquired. They also don't have the greatest reputation for support.

One of our current partners, DreamHost, offers a special hosting deal for our listeners:

DreamHost Radio Promotion | | DreamHost

They also offer unlimited everything on their regular shared plans (where a bunch of sites are hosted on a single server), and you can sorta get all that if you don't abuse the privilege. If your site becomes too popular or uses too many resources, they'll ask that you upgrade your plan.

For us, we have to use a dedicated server (powered by high-end Intel Xeon processors if you need to know) to deliver great performance for all our sites. We use incredible amounts of bandwidth because of all the downloads.
I really do wish the Paracast forum had a mechanism similar to the ATS forum's where hoaxes, hoaxers, or the terminally confused could be flagged as such. A Hall of Shame badge or a Hoax forum catagory or something.

I don't. The HOAX forum is too often used by Springer's shills to drive disinfo and disregard for items that they and they alone "debunk". Pfffffft.
Seriously, you're interested in doing something akin to ufowatchdog? Don't waste your time, my time and our time. It's valueless as a source of operative skepticism.

I beg to differ. There is not one single entry in that thing that isn't valid and well researched. Who got a bad shake in there by your estimation? I'd really like to hear that.