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70's UFO Documentary. Some good stuff!

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Goggs Mackay

Staff member
Here is a UFO doc that is new to me, although it is from the 70's. I found some of it very interesting and I imagine UFO buffs like most of us here, will find something to their liking/interest.

One point of interest (to me) specifically, is that there is a gun-camera photo, supposedly from the USAF, showing what looks like one of those crescent-shaped craft that Kenneth Arnold sighted.
I don't think I've ever seen a photo of one of those craft before, and this one ain't half bad, if it's genuine.

I'd really like to hear your opinions on this doc, and especially about the photo I mentioned above. Now, I do realise that none of us can actually prove any photo as real or faked, but just an opinion is sought.
- Randall (Ufology, Calgary) - have you encountered this particular photo before, or any other similar?

Stan Deyo - UFO's Are Here - YouTube
Here is a UFO doc that is new to me, although it is from the 70's. I found some of it very interesting and I imagine UFO buffs like most of us here, will find something to their liking/interest.

One point of interest (to me) specifically, is that there is a gun-camera photo, supposedly from the USAF, showing what looks like one of those crescent-shaped craft that Kenneth Arnold sighted.
I don't think I've ever seen a photo of one of those craft before, and this one ain't half bad, if it's genuine.

I'd really like to hear your opinions on this doc, and especially about the photo I mentioned above. Now, I do realise that none of us can actually prove any photo as real or faked, but just an opinion is sought.
- Randall (Ufology, Calgary) - have you encountered this particular photo before, or any other similar?

Stan Deyo - UFO's Are Here - YouTube

I'm blocked at work from watching streaming vids (they actually expect me to work if you can believe that:rolleyes: ), so I'll watch it when I get home tonight.
I think it would be interesting to see the whole vid, not just this preview. It's hard to have an opinion with so little to go on.
It should have been the whole vid. A search on youtube would bring it up. I mainly posted it because it was the first crescent-shaped picture ( like Ken Arnold's sighting ) of a UFO I think I've seen. This one is supposedly a classified picture, but of course that would mean either it was leaked or de-classified, two kinda unlikely scenarios considering govt behaviour on the topic.
There is something weird about the 70ies format, lol..

But there is at least one section with interviews with both Hynek, Vallee, Kenneth Arnold and more, which is great, and for the kick of seeing Kenneth Arnold walking confidently down the boulevard wearing a chequered suit and sun-glasses!
Another vid which is really good, esp at looking at the non-ETH theories, is one featuring Vallee, Bud Hopkins, John E. Mack and Terence McKenna.

Can't remember the name but if you specifically type those surnames into youtube you should find it.
I loved the documentary up to the point where Deyo climbs onboard. Couldn't much track it after that.

Fair enough but if there is something wrong with a presenter etc I just try to concentrate on footage or stills, basically the reason I watch these things in the first place. Although It's always nice to see Stan Friedman with longer collars and a blacker beard!
Goggs I finally watched the whole thing and I am very impressed!
Ray Palmer, Staton Freidman, Dr.J Allen Hynek, even Steven Spielberg....pictures and films I've never even heard of!

This is a tremendous find Goggs! I mean some of the stuff on here is hokem, but it's definatley a keeper.

Everyone on the Paracast should watch this!
Glad you liked it Exo. As I stated above, I was intrigued with the picture of the Kenneth Arnold crescent-shaped UFO. I had never seen a picture supposedly showing such a craft, certainly not a pretty clear one at that.
I am a fan of UFO docs anyway and I really have a thing for 70's documentaries, not entirely sure why but perhaps one of the reasons is that back then there certainly wasn't all this photo-shopped or otherwise hoaxed crap to wade through in looking for a real gem.

A site you should definitely have bookmarked in my opinion is UFO sightings on AnonymousFO.com - UFOs, alien and ovni, news, and reports. Find out what are ufos - the reason I say bookmark specifically is that this site is updated weekly and it's aim is to try and collect the best UFO vids from around the world, whilst trying to weed out the mistakes and hoaxes as much as possible.
It really is the best site I've come across for no-nonsense UFO videos. Apart from the quite annoying elevator music, it has a host of videos and so many that are bang up to date, it is a great demonstration that the phenomenon is alive and well and that UFO's are being recorded on a daily basis. It is always worth bearing in mind that for every UFO that is captured on video, how many must go uncaptured and how many possibly not seen at all, but there in the sky nonetheless?

On the home page of anonymousfo.com, there is a 'documentaries' tab, and believe me it has loads of UFO docs, as well as others. I haven't nearly worked my way through them all yet and to be honest, I know there are others I've seen which I would recommend but I cannot remember!
If you have a scan of that site, you will not be disappointed, that is a goggsmackayguarantee!
(hey, I just made that up and I am pretty chuffed about it too):p
I know what you mean about UFO docs from the 70's, I feel the same way.
They have an honesty of just telling the events and happenings in a serious way. They are intellectual, not "action-packed"!
Unlike todays docs that are exciting, and adventurous and IN YOUR FACE kind of made up action that are the same in docs about surfing and extreme sports. They are selling excitement...not intellect.
And I'm checking out that website after I make some more comments in a couple of other threads. Thanks for sharing!
It was fun. Though, I fell asleep halfway through the final segment, which was just the sit down interview. I haven't gotten a lot of sleep this week, so that was probably the primary cause of that.
One point of interest (to me) specifically, is that there is a gun-camera photo, supposedly from the USAF, showing what looks like one of those crescent-shaped craft that Kenneth Arnold sighted.
I don't think I've ever seen a photo of one of those craft before, and this one ain't half bad, if it's genuine.


Here are some frame grabs from my avi copy.
UFOs Are Here (1977).JPG
UFOs Are Here (1977)-2.JPG
UFOs Are Here (1977)-3.JPG
The last one's pretty funny.
I know what you mean about UFO docs from the 70's, I feel the same way.
They have an honesty of just telling the events and happenings in a serious way. They are intellectual, not "action-packed"!
Unlike todays docs that are exciting, and adventurous and IN YOUR FACE kind of made up action that are the same in docs about surfing and extreme sports. They are selling excitement...not intellect.
And I'm checking out that website after I make some more comments in a couple of other threads. Thanks for sharing!

You've nailed it. Most work posing as documentary lately is cheap entertainment marketed as investigation.
Here is a UFO doc that is new to me, although it is from the 70's. I found some of it very interesting and I imagine UFO buffs like most of us here, will find something to their liking/interest.

One point of interest (to me) specifically, is that there is a gun-camera photo, supposedly from the USAF, showing what looks like one of those crescent-shaped craft that Kenneth Arnold sighted.
I don't think I've ever seen a photo of one of those craft before, and this one ain't half bad, if it's genuine.

I'd really like to hear your opinions on this doc, and especially about the photo I mentioned above. Now, I do realise that none of us can actually prove any photo as real or faked, but just an opinion is sought.
- Randall (Ufology, Calgary) - have you encountered this particular photo before, or any other similar?

Stan Deyo - UFO's Are Here - YouTube

Just wanted to THANK YOU for this excellent video turn on. I am an absolute believer that there is valuable perspective information, if only on a small scale, for most information sources. This old documentary was PACKED with tremendously important perspectives from some of who are considered contemporary Ufology's most iconic historic figures. IMO, there is simply no better way to obtain and comprehensively register (read: retain) such signature input than to do so directly from these iconic figures mouths. To witness such people as Ray Palmer, Kenneth Arnold, Betty Hill, Stan Deyo, J. Allen Hynek, Jacques Vallee & Steven Spielberg all weighing in, and rendering key perspectives concerning the UFO topic is beyond fulfilling. For me it was both mesmerizing as well as truly inspiring. I applaud you man and just thank you to no end.