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You didn't sound offensive at all - you were asking a legitimate question. The thing is, people defending all sorts of positions end up using logical fallacies. I know I have fallen into it. We just need to be aware of it so that we argue properly.Ooops. Sorry I deleted my post in between yours above here. I didn't want to sound offensive. For the record: after Angelo's first post I asked him to elaborate on some of the logical fallacies....![]()
It's full of Straw Man Arguments and non-sequiturs.
Well, doesn't it always. Videos like that could be made (and have been made) about any of the great conspiracy subjects I guess. And even with those which seem dismissible at first and second glance, something will come up that seems fishy. The Moon Hoax Conspiracy is obviously crap, but there still are a few images that have not been explained. Lee Harvey Oswald was most likely a lone nut, but why the heck did the CIA say they had no files on him when he had defected into and back from the USSR, which obviously must have got him some attention? And what in the world made those military guys think that a salvaged flying saucer story would distract attention away from the Project Mogul balloon and Roswell?
Conspiracy theories are like life itself, they refuse to be rendered extinct. Maybe that's not a bad thing. I guess with all the big events in history, not only the conspiracy stuff, there is and always will be details that are hushed up, things we'll never know. That doesn't mean that the conspiray theories, which often offer the most extreme explanations, all have to be right. Just that there is always details that aren't reported truthfully. For whatever reason.