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911 Whistleblowers ...

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Paragilmorian guy
Which is the name of the following linked article on Aangirfan's blog. It shows how many people have misgivings about 9/11. And these people are not generally fruitcakes of any sort (well there might be one or two ... but you get that with human beings) ... but it does give you a good idea that there was so much wrong with 9/11 that it could only have been done (and generally botched up) by government and/or its allies (like ... hmm ... Israel for instance :rolleyes:).


I think that if you seriously still cling on to the notion that a bunch of arabs/muslims/mad islamists did 9/11 after this, then unfortunately, you truly are living in cloud cuckoo land, and are going to have a very big awakening to the truth one day ... and it ain't gonna be pleasant, I'm afraid.

Have a nice day


ps I decided to post this as another thread since I thought that it would be noticed more at the start of its own thread rather at the end of another seriously long ... thread :rolleyes:

pps and again if you still believe that nothing strange of any import went on on 9/11 (and you know who you are) ... then check this out: http://www.citizeninvestigationteam.com/ Craig Ranke et al have been digging into what happened at the Pentagon. And they have done some incredible painstaking work and show that nothing hit the Pentagon that day ... not a sausage ... its quite eye opening stuff, and if you are truly interested in what your government and military does in the US and other places then you must look at this website.
Good luck. The socialistic/marxist thread nazis are no longer in control. This one might just stay active. ;) That last comment then lock the topic is BS.
Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffer is a hero of mine for his courage to talk about ABLE DANGER and the events of 9/11. He is a perfect example that there are good, patriotic men/women in our government/military system.
Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffer is a hero of mine for his courage to talk about ABLE DANGER and the events of 9/11. He is a perfect example that there are good, patriotic men/women in our government/military system.

Pentagon bought and destroyed 9,500 copies of Army reservist Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffer's memoir

Read more: Pentagon bought and destroyed 9,500 copies of Army reservist Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffers memoir
Pentagon bought and destroyed 9,500 copies of Army reservist Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffers memoir

Lt. Col. Shaffer's written testimony




“ABLE DANGER and the 9/11 Attacks”
Able Danger Blog: Lt. Col. Shaffer's written testimony

---------- Post added at 03:52 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:39 PM ----------

The Smoking Guns of 9/11

I'm currently reading the Able Danger Blog. Pretty damning stuff in there. Some of what it describes shows egregious and blatant disregard for national safety issues.

Sadly though, this is not a new theme. Politicians and military leaders have been having these types of struggles since the beginnings of time.
I think that if you seriously still cling on to the notion that a bunch of arabs/muslims/mad islamists
pps and again if you still believe that nothing strange of any import went on on 9/11 (and you know who you are) ... then check this out: http://www.citizeninvestigationteam.com/ Craig Ranke et al have been digging into what happened at the Pentagon. And they have done some incredible painstaking work and show that nothing hit the Pentagon that day ... not a sausage ... its quite eye opening stuff, and if you are truly interested in what your government and military does in the US and other places then you must look at this website.[/QUOTE]


What truly baffles me Monsieur MVoltage is that still a lot of people believe that a group of Muslims/Arabs with box-cutters ie Stanley knives managed to do all this ... even though a large number of them or all of them couldn't fly big planes like that. I truly am utterly bamboozled by this. You can stare blindly at the internet for less than 5 minutes and find one single thing that would change your entire view of what happened that day.

Still some people think that Emma Woods is insane, Stan Romanek is telling the truth and George Noory is really interesting. Jeez ... we're not going to make it are we???
Just be careful.....If what you say is right, then it will be dangerous to be so close to such a truth.
The old spidee-senses are tingling on this one....best to back right away from it...
Just be careful.....If what you say is right, then it will be dangerous to be so close to such a truth.
The old spidee-senses are tingling on this one....best to back right away from it...

Hehe ... you obviously don't know me that well :rolleyes:. Anyway I'm such a small fish in such a very big world that I'm way too insignificant to be of any danger to the powers that be. Other people like Michael Collins Piper are much more in the gunsights than anyone. If you check out what happened to Mark Glenn (journalist and podcaster at http://theuglytruth.podbean.com and Phil Tourney (survivor of the USS Liberty, a US ship that was bombed and napalmed and torpedoed by the Israelis in 1967) recently ... they were threatened by either an Israeli agent or just a wannabe ... well I'm noone at all. So writing a few posts to a few forums which will be pretty much be ignored by all unsundry is not going to get be in any danger.

Now saying that ... who are you?? whats that you're pointing at me ... nooo ... pleasee ... nooo think of all the little childreeen ... noooo ... please ... the horrrorr .... nooooo ... arghhhhhh ...:D

ps the only way bullies are stopped ... and fundamentally these people are bullies is to stand up to them. Its because people don't stand up to them that they get away with what they do get away with ... :cool:
I think that if you seriously still cling on to the notion that a bunch of arabs/muslims/mad islamists did 9/11 after this, then unfortunately, you truly are living in cloud cuckoo land, and are going to have a very big awakening to the truth one day ... and it ain't gonna be pleasant, I'm afraid.
Gee, it doesn't seem so bad from in here.:cool:
As I read somewhere, the government doesn't really care what you say but rather what you can prove

That brings Barry Jennings to mind. He spoke about what he saw and experienced inside of WTC7. He was 53 years old when he died mysteriously on August 19, 2008, two days before the release of the NIST Final Report on the collapse of WTC7.
That brings Barry Jennings to mind. He spoke about what he saw and experienced inside of WTC7. He was 53 years old when he died mysteriously on August 19, 2008, two days before the release of the NIST Final Report on the collapse of WTC7.

try digging into the death of bioengineers over the past 10 years...
Exactly. Regardless of what one believes on this topic, I don't think anyone is watching us discuss it.

Kind of true and kind of not IMO. What I mean is I don't think some guy is following a list of people around the web or anything. I do think all of what he say on the web goes into databases and that keywords typed puts different people in different categories on various databases. That is how Trailblazer, Carnivore, Promis, ect. works. I don't care about it personally and say whatever I want because no matter what my views are I have a right to them and I'm not some violent nut. So in that sense, yes someone is watching it. Maybe my views more then yours, but your views go through the same type of software. I don't even say that as some nefarious conspiracy or anything, but just the reality of how using the web is now.
Yet another video showing that something strange indeed was going on on 9/11. This one shows that the 9/11 Commission was a whitewash. Its really quite an eyeopener for those who wish to look at it. You'll never look at Phillip Zelikow in the same way ever again ;). Sometimes the truth does come out through the main stream media. Verry interesting stuff.

Oh and right towards the end it is stated that Zelikow admitted at one point that the reason for its pre-emptive war against Iraq was the "threat towards Israel'!!! Hmmm ...