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a couple experiences..

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Paranormal Novice
a couple of experiences..

I'd just like to point out the fact that I understand the meaning of "UFO". I understand that it means an object that is flying and is unidentifiable. I'm not saying that what I saw was an alien space craft (even though it would be sooo cool to think so.. ;)) and I'm not saying that there's no explanation of what I saw those 2 nights, because there more than likely is, i just want to hear other people's views on what I'm about to explain :) thanks!

It was in the middle of winter, probably close to the end of November in 2003. It was a beautiful night sky, perfectly clear. My self and my Dad were out feeding my horses at about 8.00pm. after we were done we stood in the middle of our garden, with our backs to the house, commenting on the billions of clear stars we could see, and pointing out the constellations we could recognized, the obvious ones in this hemisphere, Orian, the Big Dipper and so on. we were in the garden for about 10 minutes when we saw a shooting star! I was delighted, as this was the first time I'd ever seen one. a few minutes later we saw another, and then a third in quick succession. We waited a few more minutes, then I said we should go inside because it was starting to get quite nippy. We turned to head back to the house when Dad commented on another shooting star, but this one was bigger, and a brighter orange colour. I said because of its colour, it was probably a comet. After a few seconds and a few blinks of disbelief, this new attraction in the sky moved directly left in the sky, it slowed, then turned and headed straight above us. I couldn't make out any shapes, just a bright orange light. It then gained speed and moved in a big arc to the left again. Needless to say, my Dad and I were speechless! It then picked up some serious speed, and disapeared into the sky. When we got inside, me and Dad blinked at each other in disbelief. We toyed with the idea of it being a fighter jet or something of that ilk. We then realized the obvious; Ireland doesn't have an Airforce! We also thought it could be a satelite, but Dad pointed out to the best of his knowledge satelites didn't move in that manner. We saw a UFO.

That was the first one. Since then, I grew up and moved out to college, often visiting home for a week or so during the mid-terms. The second time I withnessed a UFO was in June this year. There's a strict "No-Smoking" ban inside my house, so I sat outside on the bonet of my car, in my PJ's having the last cigarette of the night. it was about 11.40pm. Dad came out to have a little chat away from the rest of the ears in the house. I finished up and we headed back around the house to the door. Since the car was parked (this is not entirely accurate since i'm only going off the rising and the setting of the sun..) on the north side of the house, and the back door faces west, (the setting sun) we were facing the south west (again, an approximation) turning around the house to the door. There in the sky (it wasn't pitch black, there was a little duskyness around the horizon as is the norm in the summer) was a bright orange/pinky light. I immediately said thats probably a satellite, because of its extremely slow movement, and lack of aeroplane lights. Then to our astonishment it gained speed. it was moving faster than any aeroplane or aero-vehicle i have ever seen or heard of. It gained yet more speed and flashed across the sky. (If i wasn't trying to stay completely open to any posibility, I would say that it engaged warp drive ;) ) It completely disapeared from sight in about 6 seconds. i know thats a long time, kinda, but if you think of it, there's a lot of sky to cross in the space of six seconds!

So they're my stories, i'd love some feedback off you guys, just to see if you can give me any insight to these sightings.

And this is my first post, so hiya!! ;)

a couple of experiences..

a couple of experiences..

kewl!! i'm from the border of Galway and Roscommon.. and i'm not the first person who's seen stuff over this way either, there were a few things in the auld paper about similar sightings, and they had a segment on it on shannonside fm :p

a couple of experiences..

kewl!! i'm from the border of Galway and Roscommon.. and i'm not the first person who's seen stuff over this way either, there were a few things in the auld paper about similar sightings, and they had a segment on it on shannonside fm :p

~Vicky[/quote Thanks for the info vicky,there was lots of reported sightings this wednesday and thursday in tallaght dublin heard it on 2fm:)
Your sightings sound like they may have been the International Space Station. The first time I saw it, a few months ago, I nearly hid in a bush! Then I realised what it was. If you see anything similar again, go here to check if the ISS was overhead at the time.

BTW, was there much cloud around at the time? If the objects you saw were below the cloud ceiling - they definitely weren't the ISS.
Your sightings sound like they may have been the International Space Station. The first time I saw it, a few months ago, I nearly hid in a bush! Then I realised what it was. If you see anything similar again, go here to check if the ISS was overhead at the time.

BTW, was there much cloud around at the time? If the objects you saw were below the cloud ceiling - they definitely weren't the ISS.

thats very interesting, thank you for your insight, the first time it was a clear sky, and the second time i saw this there were a few blobs of clouds and a few whispy ones, it was below the whispy clouds!
Your sightings sound like they may have been the International Space Station. The first time I saw it, a few months ago, I nearly hid in a bush! Then I realised what it was. If you see anything similar again, go here to check if the ISS was overhead at the time

BTW, was there much cloud around at the time? If the objects you saw were below the cloud ceiling - they definitely weren't the ISS.
The international space station when you see it in the sky in Ireland...looks like a pure white light that doesnt move when you look at it,.. :)
Your sightings sound like they may have been the International Space Station. The first time I saw it, a few months ago, I nearly hid in a bush! Then I realised what it was. If you see anything similar again, go here to check if the ISS was overhead at the time.

BTW, was there much cloud around at the time? If the objects you saw were below the cloud ceiling - they definitely weren't the ISS.

How in the hell can the ISS move; change direction; increase and decrease speed and so on? Seriously can the ISS appear to do these things?
well i'd love to hear them! thats why i started this thread ;)

Ok. Here we go.

1. Misidentification and Hoaxing.
Psyccotronic / The human factor.
Geophysical Locations and the effect on Human Consciousness.
4. Artificially generated EM and the effect on brain behavior.
5. Natural phenomena with which we are unfamiliar.
Other Dimensions.
Folklore and Modern Mythology.
8. Cryptoterrestrial., something native to the earth but hidden.

This is all I can come up with off the top of my head. Feel free to add to the list. Admitedly., the ET hypothesis is still the most commonly accepted. Keep an open mind. 'Cause nobody Knows for sure.
Ok. Here we go.

1. Misidentification and Hoaxing.
Psyccotronic / The human factor.
Geophysical Locations and the effect on Human Consciousness.
4. Artificially generated EM and the effect on brain behavior.
5. Natural phenomena with which we are unfamiliar.
Other Dimensions.
Folklore and Modern Mythology.
8. Cryptoterrestrial., something native to the earth but hidden.

This is all I can come up with off the top of my head. Feel free to add to the list. Admitedly., the ET hypothesis is still the most commonly accepted. Keep an open mind. 'Cause nobody Knows for sure.

wow, thats an excellent list, thanks so much! But to the best of my knowledge, there isn't any other sort of man made craft that moves in the manner those did on those 2 nights. If they were some kind of optical illusion or brain behavior, then it was a mass one, because i since heard that my self and my dad were not the only ones to see what ever it was as it was seen by over 40 people in the region, and they had a segment on it in the local radio show, and in the national newspaper.

But anyway, thanks a million for your ideas and hypotheses, they'll have me thinking for a long while!! ;)

Hi Vicky,

Your first experience is interesting- not sure how something would change direction in that way.

Your second certainly does sound the space station though. It is a satellite and so does move like one - including an acceleration as it gets overhead. It of course stays at the same speed in reality (about 25,000 mph) but when it is overhead it is much, much closer to you than when it is near the horizon and so appears to speed up dramatically. And like all other satellites, the light you see is reflected from the sun, and as such there is only a small window after sunset and before sunrise where you can see it at all. If you catch the end of this window in the evening, you will see the station turn deep orange as it experiences it's own "sunset" then disappear completely as it enters the earth's shadow (its own local sunset). And I think they recently added more bits to it, so it's bigger and brighter than ever now :)
