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I had heard something of this a while back but I'd never seen this interview. Wow. He seems very sure and matter-of-fact in his timeline i.e that WT7 had explosions before either tower collapsed.

Maybe I am more paranoid but if I had been him I would have started to panic when I realised I was one of only 2 people who could justifiably contradict the official story. Of course hindsight is a great thing.

 It is an utter travesty that the '9/11 commision' - and for that you may as well read 'warren commision' asked Barry, presumably under some oath about his experience and then neglect to include it in the official report. Any police officer would tell you that different witnesses can have vastly differing accounts of the same event and still all be all telling the truth as they saw it. So Barry's story does not have to match the official account for him to be telling the truth. No.

 It would be fine to have contradictory evidence to a degree. It is far from fine to just effectively delete his testimony from the record. That smacks of direction from above or at least housekeeping from investigators wishing to bring only evidence that backs the official story.

Without evidence it may be a leap to jump to the conclusion his death is related but it seems very telling that a private investigator, charged with investigating his death, accepted the job then refused to continue. If TV characters are to be believed PI's are always broke and looking for a case to make some money. It would have to be a compelling reason for one not to proceed with an investigation.

One major thing about the whole 9/11 thing that really bothers me is that if it was a conspiracy, then I would think such a conspiracy would try to rely on as few people being in the know as possible. Certainly I find it impossible to believe that the whole CIA or FBI is in on it. If that is the case, and I think it probably is, then there must be large swathes of public officials and law enforcement officers who are not in the conspiracy but must still be acting as if they are, i.e they do not know but regardless they are going to do anything to make sure the official story is the only one that is accepted. For example, if Barry was 'taken out' then I am sure the hitman would not have been involved in planning 9/11 but even so, is willing, on orders, to remove someone who is telling the truth, thereby confirming the official story is untrue to said hitman. Like he finds out it all stinks but jumps in and becomes part of it willingly. Sick beyond comprehension if true.

The really sad part is that a hard-working family man in the wrong place at the wrong time will over time become a smaller and smaller part of peoples lives and in the end, probably it will seem like he never existed. Not in the nation's consciousness anyway.

It is a good thing that he told his side when he had the chance and that will survive for ever.

I mean really, what goes through Obama's mind if he watches testimony like that? Does he have any doubts?

