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A few quesitions about Rendlesham

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Paranormal Adept
Rendlesham must be the most compelling case for real high strangeness of the last 50 years. Below are a few questions about it, mostly based on Peter Robbins' "Left At East Gate". Perhaps someone here can shed light on what we do and do not know about Rendlesham. I realize Rendlsham has been revisited umpteen times. But I think it is deserving of such attention.

Was the storm which apparently leveled certain portions of the forest in 1987 as strange in nature, and as selective in terms of location, as has been claimed?

In one of the Charles Halt interviews transcribed in Robbins' book, Col. Halt claims to have personal knowledge of groups practicing large scale psychokinesis with "great success". This is quite a claim, smacking almost of dis-info. Does anyone know if Halt has said this anywhere else, or really believes this?

Halt (initially at least) claimed Larry Warren could not have participated in events of Dec. 1980, since he had not yet received necessary certifications. True or not?

Warren claims to have received retinal burns during the event. Chuck De Caro (in the book anyway) focuses in on this as crucial evidence. Are the medical records in Warren's possession? He doesn't seem to talk about the particulars of this much.

I understand this case was largely broken by Chuck De Caro on CNN. I have tried without success to find a video download of De Caro's presentation. Does anyone know where these might be found?
Rendlesham must be the most compelling case for real high strangeness of the last 50 years. Below are a few questions about it, mostly based on Peter Robbins' "Left At East Gate". Perhaps someone here can shed light on what we do and do not know about Rendlesham. I realize Rendlsham has been revisited umpteen times. But I think it is deserving of such attention

Halt (initially at least) claimed Larry Warren could not have participated in events of Dec. 1980, since he had not yet received necessary certifications. True or not?

Warren claims to have received retinal burns during the event. Chuck De Caro (in the book anyway) focuses in on this as crucial evidence. Are the medical records in Warren's possession? He doesn't seem to talk about the particulars of this much.

Larry was stationed at Bentwaters at the time, but there is no evidence there was UFO event on a third night and Larry is the only person claiming it happened. It may have happened, but it very unlikely.
Robbins was fascinated by the weather experiments of W. Reich, a prominent psychiatrist. He felt some branch of the military was using weather experiments.

To my knowledge, Col. Halt never mentioned psychokinesis.

Warren did have retinal burns to his eyes, Col. Halt, while working for the Pentagon, visited NSA to check to see if their records were in order. Off-handed he asked if they had any records on Larry Warren. Someone returned, showing a large folder on Warren. Halt was not permitted to look at them. Warren always said some governmental agency had his records.

There are three seperate incidents covering the RFI. There is the Penniston, Burroughs and Cabansag episode. The Halt episode. The Warren episode. Warren and others were segregated, threatened...”bullets are cheap”and immediately upgraded to Above top secret status. Warren was seperated from the others and underwent brain washing. He was thoroughly messed with.For an incident that didn’t happened, extreme methods were used to keep them silent.There was another witness who backed Warren’s story. He refuses to get involved because it had caused great stress to his family.