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A hoax? Medieval carving of astronaut in Spain?

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Paranormal Novice
I have a feeling this is a hoax, but this was just e-mailed to me, so I'd like to run it past folks on this forum to see if someone can confirm or disconfirm it. Here is what the circulated e-mail says: "Mystery Astronaut Carving in Ancient Temple in Salamanca, Spain. Inside the splendid Ieronimus Cathedral, built by Episcope de Salamanca in 1102 A.D. [that's not really "ancient" but never mind --CR], among the fascinating carvings of mythical animals and saints, we find a NASA Astronaut." Then there are attached URLs for these photos, the last two of which are the relevant ones:






My personal guess is that this photo is doctored or that this is a part of the cathedral that was indeed carved in modern times.

Does anyone know?
I am a geologist by degree and though it does not do me a whole lot of good here, the piece in question looks relatively new compared to the more heavily weathered stone to the left and above (9-11 o'clock) positions. I'd say this is a new addition.
Apparently this section has been restored fairly recently and this icon was put in by the workers. I can't remember where I read about it but will post a link if I find it.