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piscator ψ
Dear Paracasters I had intended this to be my one 1000th post but I got distracted in other threads.

I just want to say thank you to everyone Especially Gene, for making the forum what it is.
I have learned many, many valuable lessons from both sides of the fence.
I would like to say thank you to both current and former members who have taught me so much, there are too many of you to mention individually, but your contribution is truely valued by me.

I can still remember the first time I saw the forum, I had just seen a UFO documentary about Billy Meier and was really suprised to see the volume of websites that supported his claims, I then typed something like Billy Meier Hoax into google and the Paracast Hall of Shame popped up, I was really reassured by the level headed and reasonable approach displayed by the members here. It took me a long time to summon up the courage to post my thoughts on the matter, but I have never regretted it, I encourage anybody who feels nervous about doing the same to take the leap.

There is no way I can repay the debt, but here are some pictures that you have never seen before (because I have never previously shared them) as a kind of thank you.

HAN 2015.png

Han Green Sea.png

Han Rainbow.png

HAN Speeding Saucer.png

I used freely available software to produce the images, but please don't distribute them without asking permission from me first.

Best wishes to all, and Thank you again.

Peace and love Harry
Pretty cool post, Han. Thanks for enriching the space and enriching myself through dialogue with you. Your voice is indeed a voice of reason, honesty, peace and love. We'd all do well to follow your lead. Ron Regehr was right, your creative, critical thinking is invaluable. Thank you very much for the slick images, a great gift.
Pretty cool post, Han. Thanks for enriching the space and enriching myself through dialogue with you. Your voice is indeed a voice of reason, honesty, peace and love. We'd all do well to follow your lead. Ron Regehr was right, your creative, critical thinking is invaluable. Thank you very much for the slick images, a great gift.

Thanks Burnt, your approach to the subject has taught me many things, and opened my eyes to a whole range of knowledge, I may have previously ignored or undervalued.
Happy 1k, Han! I haven't been here long but I can already echo the sentiments made above. Great images!
Be well.

Thank you, again your contribution has already sent me on a fantastic journey (the music and ufo thread) I would not have found out about the Wessex studios without it!
Thanks Han, you have been excellent company on our shared journey.
I share your sentiments re this place

Dear Mike, I know we don't always draw the same conclusions, but your well thought out and logical approach, has stopped me in my tracks on many occasions, I especially admire your work in protecting your local and people, area and wildlife from fires.
On behalf of all the little critters and myself, thank you!
And to think I probably wasted my one thousandth post by posting something snide or smart alecky, well I'll make up for it on post #5k.
Hi wade, do you remember the christmas picture quiz?
Christmas Challenge (just 4 laughs no prizes :) ) | The Paracast Community Forums

I realised then that we think along very similar lines, as you were able to get the majority without so much as a hint, this thread taught me a lot, especially about the way different people interpret the same information!

I also remember your walk (I think it was at new year) it was the first time I had realised the power of being able to share information instantly, I kind of went on the walk with you, even though we were thousands of mile apart!

Thanks again.
I actually forward to Wade's annual walk now as a kind of real life marker, a virtual sharing of real life experience. The best part of the forum is the ability to be able to recognize human beings behind the digital identity. How respect, conflict and learning plays out through our tensions and resolutions as they work out over time has been life affirming for the most part, though i'm often reminded that we're still human beings, guilty of the usual foibles of ego and emotionally driven outbursts. But for me the learning experience has been tremendous, and the dynamic personalities I've encountered here has brought about an incredible widening of my own lens. That lens has grown increasingly skeptical as a result, but that has been a good thing. I still celebrate each imaginative forward venture, and am most taken by the new ideas you all offer up freely with good intentions, because they come from you honestly.
More coincidence: so I am looking for how many people streamed the bewitness event and I come across these pictures of a UFO designed by the Ferrari chief designer. They are incredible.


I often find myself thinking about objects that are completely mirrored. It retains its own object-hood yet also exists in time as a kind-of movie screen for it's surroundings. What, then, are we to make of the object that absorbs all?

Chicago 05 Bean.jpg



More coincidence: so I am looking for how many people streamed the bewitness event and I come across these pictures of a UFO designed by the Ferrari chief designer. They are incredible.


Very organic, sleek and aquatic - how come we don't see them like this at all? I think only Floyd (someone in this case was obviosly a psychedelic fan) came close to looking like this ufo as the design was pretty weird for that case in Portage 1966: