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A Little Help Please?

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Paranormal Novice
I'm new here and seem to be having some trouble posting. When I hit the reply bar I also get the last quote from the last poster in my response as well.

I've tried signing off and on and even using the reply bar with the quote, thinking maybe it was bassackwards.

No soap!

I'd like to reply but can't do it without the quote. Any suggestions? Or could this be a conspiracy from the secret world government?;):D
There are two Reply options. One says Reply With Quote, which does what you said. You click Reply, as I did here, there's no quote. What OS and browser are you using? We tend to have issues with Internet Explorer 6, the worst browser on the planet.
There are two Reply options. One says Reply With Quote, which does what you said. You click Reply, as I did here, there's no quote. What OS and browser are you using? We tend to have issues with Internet Explorer 6, the worst browser on the planet.

I hit reply and as you can see your reply is still there. It doesn't matter if I hit reply or reply with quote, BOTH come back with the quote.

I'm using the computer at work and I guess it's a Windows XP, but I'm not much of a computer guy.

In addition when I log onto to this site, I have an overlay on the screen. There are words covering up other words as if someone has laid a cover sheet over the front of the web site, and it's hard to make out what the words are. Finally it doesn't show me how to log off. Only how to log on.

In fact there is a blue bar that says your message that is covering up part of this page I'm typing on and I'm having trouble seeing below or above it.

Sorry to be so much trouble!
Sounds like we are warning you about Internet Explorer 6, which is very insecure. May I suggest you ask someone at your job to help you upgrade.
You are right Gene. I go to ---different--- computers, and each one has a -different- experience for me in the Paracast forums in regards to how it's features work for me ( or DON'T!) The older the computer, obviously, the more difficult and confusing things are.
You are right Gene. I go to ---different--- computers, and each one has a -different- experience for me in the Paracast forums in regards to how it's features work for me ( or DON'T!) The older the computer, obviously, the more difficult and confusing things are.

Internet Explorer 6 is toxic. Lose it, even on an older PC. If these are office computers, your IT people should know about the serious security problems.