Derek Wood
Skilled Investigator
How about a concerted effort to conduct and carry out observational studies during commercial flights.
Much of this could be done passively (on holiday flights for example) and many people could be co-opted into providing data from their experiences on their flights (we have similar exercises here in the UK with e.g. BBC SpringWatch programmes encouraging people to record various song birds in their back gardens etc and report this to the programme).
Taken further, a number of forum members could all muster together and arrange to carry out say 2,000 hours of flying and use this to make detailed observations via a formal process.
Such an initiative could be really quite useful and if it was properly co-ordinated and standardised correctly, could provide more meaningful observational data from a vast range of altitudes and geographical distances.
Much of this could be done passively (on holiday flights for example) and many people could be co-opted into providing data from their experiences on their flights (we have similar exercises here in the UK with e.g. BBC SpringWatch programmes encouraging people to record various song birds in their back gardens etc and report this to the programme).
Taken further, a number of forum members could all muster together and arrange to carry out say 2,000 hours of flying and use this to make detailed observations via a formal process.
Such an initiative could be really quite useful and if it was properly co-ordinated and standardised correctly, could provide more meaningful observational data from a vast range of altitudes and geographical distances.