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A new threshold for nonsense

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Devil's Advocate
There's FIVE of these freakin' things.

Kudos to you if you can stomach watching all of them. I had them playing in a seperate window just as background noise while I was working and I still had to stop every now and then to skip past the more annoying "interviews".

In the "signal-to-noise" spectrum, this is pure static, broadcast at 10,000 db!

So, a question my fellow "parasites" (oh come on, that's a GREAT nickname for paracast fans!): Do you think anyone, ANYWHERE (outside aging hippie communes and certain small "compounds" in europe) actually buys this stuff?
CapnG said:
It's easy and fun?

It's easy and fun to label groups of people.

Especially quacks who believe in UFOs... ;)

It looks interesting; but I only watched about 10 minutes. I don't know if he ever mentioned what he based all this information on, i.e. if it's coming from a particular mythology, or if someone made a pastiche from different creation narratives and threw in UFOs and the Galactic Federation for good measure. I did see the part where he said he was an expert in ancient UFO visits... I wonder if the first UFOs brought dinosaur bones and ancient pottery?

By itself, I think it's harmless. The problem becomes when certain people take advantage of others' trust and ruin their lives with their belief systems. Certainly a large portion of society would see this stuff as ridiculous and "culty," but on the flip side there are those who would look at my beliefs and think I'm insane.

For example, I was raised Catholic, and even though I practice and pray largely in that context, I believe in reincarnation and subspace consciousness. Maybe I'll start my own church someday? Hubbard would certainly approve!

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