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A news section?

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Bits Missing

Paranormal Novice
Gene, David,

A quick suggestion - what about a quick news/events roundup at the beginning of every show?

I tend to like the shows where you give a quick followup/summary of the previous week ("previously on...."), and you guys have also said in the past that sometimes the guest can be a time filler, particularly when you've got two on. 15 minutes at the start might be an excellent use of your time.

I ....ahem....used to listen to Mysterious Universe before I knew better and quite liked the news type format even if the presenter was an unquestioning doe eyed believer of anything and everything! I'm sure listeners would love to get an update with a Gene and David crititical overview......

I know you guys are self funded and can't afford a researcher/assistant, but I'm sure the devoted good folks of the forums could supply plenty of links/stories for your perusal - sort of separating signal from noise......

What do people think?
Personally I say skip the news section. Anyone can google UFO or alien or whatever. Because more often than not all you end up with is very fragmented, poorly vetted, crap that comes from The Sun, AllNewsWeb, American Chronicle, or better yet, the self-appointed "Examiners"(Examiner.com).

I find very few "news" stories that are worth even discussing because there is nothing else to follow up on. And if there is something of value, Gene and Dave sometimes have time to discuss it or even have someone else involved on the show. (Ie O'Hare, Stephenville)

Usually some forum member will post a news story for a quick look. IMO I'd just rather hear from the guest as much as possible. (Well,..... within reason right??) Sometimes my ears nearly bleed.
Gene, David,

I ....ahem....used to listen to Mysterious Universe before I knew better and quite liked the news type format even if the presenter was an unquestioning doe eyed believer of anything and everything! I'm sure listeners would love to get an update with a Gene and David crititical overview......

What do people think?

not exactly what you wondered what this "people" thinks, but I don't think there is anything wrong with listening to Mysterious Universe; I did not find Grundy to be a "doe-eyed" believer of anything and everything - as I recall he often prefaced the bits read out with disclaimers, or personal opinions that contradicted what was on offer for the evening. He was the first to admit it was ENTERTAINMENT, not serious news.
I still listen to my old episodes of MU, and have yet to find ANYONE who has put together a better combination of entertainment, forum, research/blogging assistants, paranormal and oddball news or music.
If Ben ever gets MU2 up and running again, I hope to be the first subscriber, although I am sure I will be buried in the deluge of returning MU addicts.;)