1. Guy Lyon Playfair- member of the Society for Psychical Research, was one of the two lead investigators into the Enfield Poltergeist, wrote the book on Enfield, lived in Brazil and wrote a book called The Flying Cow detailing his investigations into psychic healers/surgeons, Spiritists, and all manner of strangeness down there. He's probably most famous for his work involving Enfield though.
2. Stephen E. Braude- professor and investigator at the University of Maryland-Baltimore. He's a philosopher who has looked into afterlife research. He's written two brilliant books, The Gold Leaf Lady and other Parapsychological Investigations and Immortal Remains: The Evidence for Life After Death.
3. David Fontana- English professor of psychology. Wrote the book Is There An Afterlife: A Comprehensive Overview of the Evidence. This book is absolutely fascinating. Fontana has also actively investigated cases.
4. Gary Lachman- Former bassist for Blondie who has gone on to write a number of books dealing with esoteric subjects. He's a bit like a younger Colin Wilson. Three of his books that I think are great are A Dark Muse: A History of the Occult, Turn Off Your Mind: The Mystic Sixties and the Dark Side of the Age of Aquarius, and a biography of Rudolf Steiner.
5. Philip Coppens- while I don't necessarily agree with a lot of what he says, he comes across as a bit New Agey, his website has some very interesting articles, one of which is a piece on the Gulf Breeze Six. For those who don't remember the case- some service members got wrapped up in ouija board sessions and went AWOL from their base in Germany and headed to Gulf Breeze. Very bizarre story.
6. Bill Chalker- This guy has a encyclopedic knowledge of ufology, particularly Australian ufology. His book Hair of the Alien: DNA and other Forensic Evidence of Alien Abduction is extremely interesting.
2. Stephen E. Braude- professor and investigator at the University of Maryland-Baltimore. He's a philosopher who has looked into afterlife research. He's written two brilliant books, The Gold Leaf Lady and other Parapsychological Investigations and Immortal Remains: The Evidence for Life After Death.
3. David Fontana- English professor of psychology. Wrote the book Is There An Afterlife: A Comprehensive Overview of the Evidence. This book is absolutely fascinating. Fontana has also actively investigated cases.
4. Gary Lachman- Former bassist for Blondie who has gone on to write a number of books dealing with esoteric subjects. He's a bit like a younger Colin Wilson. Three of his books that I think are great are A Dark Muse: A History of the Occult, Turn Off Your Mind: The Mystic Sixties and the Dark Side of the Age of Aquarius, and a biography of Rudolf Steiner.
5. Philip Coppens- while I don't necessarily agree with a lot of what he says, he comes across as a bit New Agey, his website has some very interesting articles, one of which is a piece on the Gulf Breeze Six. For those who don't remember the case- some service members got wrapped up in ouija board sessions and went AWOL from their base in Germany and headed to Gulf Breeze. Very bizarre story.
6. Bill Chalker- This guy has a encyclopedic knowledge of ufology, particularly Australian ufology. His book Hair of the Alien: DNA and other Forensic Evidence of Alien Abduction is extremely interesting.