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A number of people I'd like to hear on the show

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Skilled Investigator
1. Guy Lyon Playfair- member of the Society for Psychical Research, was one of the two lead investigators into the Enfield Poltergeist, wrote the book on Enfield, lived in Brazil and wrote a book called The Flying Cow detailing his investigations into psychic healers/surgeons, Spiritists, and all manner of strangeness down there. He's probably most famous for his work involving Enfield though.
2. Stephen E. Braude- professor and investigator at the University of Maryland-Baltimore. He's a philosopher who has looked into afterlife research. He's written two brilliant books, The Gold Leaf Lady and other Parapsychological Investigations and Immortal Remains: The Evidence for Life After Death.
3. David Fontana- English professor of psychology. Wrote the book Is There An Afterlife: A Comprehensive Overview of the Evidence. This book is absolutely fascinating. Fontana has also actively investigated cases.
4. Gary Lachman- Former bassist for Blondie who has gone on to write a number of books dealing with esoteric subjects. He's a bit like a younger Colin Wilson. Three of his books that I think are great are A Dark Muse: A History of the Occult, Turn Off Your Mind: The Mystic Sixties and the Dark Side of the Age of Aquarius, and a biography of Rudolf Steiner.
5. Philip Coppens- while I don't necessarily agree with a lot of what he says, he comes across as a bit New Agey, his website has some very interesting articles, one of which is a piece on the Gulf Breeze Six. For those who don't remember the case- some service members got wrapped up in ouija board sessions and went AWOL from their base in Germany and headed to Gulf Breeze. Very bizarre story.
6. Bill Chalker- This guy has a encyclopedic knowledge of ufology, particularly Australian ufology. His book Hair of the Alien: DNA and other Forensic Evidence of Alien Abduction is extremely interesting.
I'll second the Bill Chalker request, i also think he'd be more then willing.
I also think Chalker is the sort of sensible, hard nosed investigator that David would like. And his knowledge of Australian ufology is unparalleled- he could talk about some of the more fascinating, little known Australian cases.
I'd love to hear those guys interviewed. Fowler- not so much.

I am trying to do a search and coming up empty but I thought Gene and David interviewed Fowler before. Either way, he may be willing to assist in getting ahold of those involved in the original incident. They seemed pretty credible.
I am trying to do a search and coming up empty but I thought Gene and David interviewed Fowler before. Either way, he may be willing to assist in getting ahold of those involved in the original incident. They seemed pretty credible.
It was one of the more memorable episodes of Unsolved Mysteries. Bet it's on YouTube. But I'd like to hear those guys interviewed, not Fowler.
I also think Chalker is the sort of sensible, hard nosed investigator that David would like. And his knowledge of Australian ufology is unparalleled- he could talk about some of the more fascinating, little known Australian cases.

i agree. let's get chalker on the air.