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A question for all guests and members of the Paracast forum about research

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Paranormal Maven
Hello everyone,

Sean F. Meers here.

I wanted to ask everyone here, regardless of your positions on all matters related to UFO and
UFO abduction research, what would each of you like to see in the documentation produced
on such research?

The reason I ask is because I spend all of my time doing research on these subjects and putting
together such documentation. As a result of that work, I've become very curious to know what
each of you out there would like to see, and what you each would personally value, in such

It does not matter what position or viewpoint you hold, this question is for everyone and all
input (pro, con or debunker) is valued.

I want to produce the best research documentation possible and I feel that the more people can
tell me about what they feel should be included in such material, the better the resulting
documentation will be.

Thank you all very much for your time and I look forward to hearing from each of you.


Sean F. Meers

I'm assuming you mean other than the obvious,time,day,date.Proximity to phenomena,independent verification,back ground information on witnesses.Have they experienced other strange phenomena,have other family members.How did they feel prior,during and after their experience.Has it altered their outlook in any way.How have others reacted to the witness.
Good luck Sean.It's a massive project to take on so I take my hat off to you.
Hi Ron Away,

Sean here.

Thanks for your input. What you've mentioned are all important factors, and definitely, as you say, the obvious things to include.
It's a good start what you've provided.

Many thanks,


Sean F. Meers
Just thinking to my own one off Ufo sighting.Mine was on a plane I was deep into reading a book when I felt compelled to look out of the window.Have other witnesses experienced anything similar.
Just thinking to my own one off Ufo sighting.Mine was on a plane I was deep into reading a book when I felt compelled to look out of the window.Have other witnesses experienced anything similar.

Hi Ron Away,

Sean here.

In some cases of UFO abduction people are drawn to travel to certain locations for no specific reason, and compelled,
for unknown reasons to do certain things. It's very difficult to know what to make of any of it. Sightings whilst in
aircraft are well documented in UFO history. I personally would like to learn more about the compulsion aspect of
what you've described. I think there was something reported by the primary witness of the Delphos, Kansas case in
regards to that as well.


Sean F. Meers
Interference with combustion cars and boats would be a good inclusion rather keep away from the abduction what ever the cause muddies the field. Stick to credible eyewitness accounts going with police officer, fighter pilots , NCO , officers of military sector nuclear installations land and sea, contractors , nurse, doctors etc. Physical traces and quotes from UFO books with footnotes .
Hi Ron Away,

Sean here.

In some cases of UFO abduction people are drawn to travel to certain locations for no specific reason, and compelled,
for unknown reasons to do certain things. It's very difficult to know what to make of any of it. Sightings whilst in
aircraft are well documented in UFO history. I personally would like to learn more about the compulsion aspect of
what you've described. I think there was something reported by the primary witness of the Delphos, Kansas case in
regards to that as well.


Sean F. Meers
Tried to give you more details in a conversation but was not allowed.Don't want to clog this thread up with my stuff.
How are you going to present this? As a book or video?
A video production would be the best way but would also be the most time consuming and the most costly option.
Either way, what I would like to see are new ideas and a fresh perspective. As the UFO phenomena continues, why rehash old sightings and old reports? Anyone that has spent an time looking into UFOs has read and re-read past sightings multiple times. Enough with Roswell and Kecksburg and Rendlesham. Give me new information on new cases and sightings. Give me new ideas and theories on what is actually happening. And give me information on recent events, stuff happening now. Not what happened 20-60 years ago. And verify what happened. Each time I read about something in the past, the story is different. Events are added or subtracted, timelines are changed. And in some instances, ideas are presented as fact when they are not.
I guess what I am saying is, make sure of your facts. Don't rehash ancient history unless you have new facts. Add a personal touch to the events. Don't just list the facts. Tell how the person felt, what they were thinking. Give the story from their perspective and include the emotional content. And make sure that you tell everything. Both good and bad. If something does not support your conclusion, include it anyway. Be objective and let your reader make their own decision. Don't include your bias, just be straight forward, honest and complete.
How are you going to present this? As a book or video?
A video production would be the best way but would also be the most time consuming and the most costly option.
Either way, what I would like to see are new ideas and a fresh perspective. As the UFO phenomena continues, why rehash old sightings and old reports? Anyone that has spent an time looking into UFOs has read and re-read past sightings multiple times. Enough with Roswell and Kecksburg and Rendlesham. Give me new information on new cases and sightings. Give me new ideas and theories on what is actually happening. And give me information on recent events, stuff happening now. Not what happened 20-60 years ago. And verify what happened. Each time I read about something in the past, the story is different. Events are added or subtracted, timelines are changed. And in some instances, ideas are presented as fact when they are not.
I guess what I am saying is, make sure of your facts. Don't rehash ancient history unless you have new facts. Add a personal touch to the events. Don't just list the facts. Tell how the person felt, what they were thinking. Give the story from their perspective and include the emotional content. And make sure that you tell everything. Both good and bad. If something does not support your conclusion, include it anyway. Be objective and let your reader make their own decision. Don't include your bias, just be straight forward, honest and complete.


All the documentation I build is presented for free in online readable copies and downloadable PDF documents.

Thanks for your input with this. Every piece helps :-)


Sean F. Meers
I would like to see more research into the RH negative connection in relation to the phenomenon. That and other commonalities amongst abducttees.

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Defining the difference between research vs. interpretation vs. belief is the issue. In a recent interview on Radio Misterioso Chris Aubeck quoted himself when asked ,"What is the mystery hiding behind Ufology?" "Ufologists," he said. Much of paranormality and ufology has been built upon speculation, interpretation, belief systems and ideologies. The Roswell Slides is a case in point.

Real research is calm, indfferent and not about insistence, bias or vengeance. It either stands the tests of unbiased academia or it doesn't. The great misfortune, or perhaps critical component, is that the majority of the liminal arena is known only through stories and not evidence. Consequently, much of these fields are built upon shaky evidentiary foundations and are possibly best used for sociological purposes. I would not limit these fields to only that area of study, but rarely does research address the physical and biological components of witnesses and their histories. Stories without evidence dominates when we shoud be investigating the perceiver and all that shapes/shaped their personal perceptions.

Being more doubtful, more curious, more disciplined, more interdisciplinary, more humble and more open minded would go a long way in these fields.
The whole Rh factor argument to me is just depressing. It's 1930s science, eugenics by any other name, and a breeding ground for racist, sexist, classist, or any other waste-of-my-time delusional narratives. To this day I can't take Nick Redfern as a credible author just because he wrote that massively stupid book on the RH factor. For the OP Sean Meers, if you want to come up with a convincing narrative, I would suggest coming up with a convincing narrative. That always helps.
Hi everyone,

Thank you all for the input you've each put forward in regards to my question.
It's good to get such assistance, and to hear what you all seek and value in case

Everyone is welcome to add their thoughts. Please don't ever feel afraid to contribute.
Differing or opposing views do not mean people are automatically enemies. To the
contrary, people can help each other more than they know when that is the case.

Thanks again everyone.


Sean F. Meers

A few general suggestions for in-depth documentation:
  • Professional detachment: All sides of an issue, pro and con, presented fairly, sufficiently, and in an irenic tone
  • Guarded narrative advocacy: One cannot assume to be true the very issue that one is trying to prove (whether for or against, believer or debunker)
  • No narrative invective: No hints of "I'm obviously right, and everyone else is a stupid idiot."
Strident advocacy can be a useful form of communication, but it is not helpful when one is still trying to figure out what is going on. Obviously fortean / anomalous / UFO / paranormal / supernatural experiences have a powerful impact on one's view of reality. At the same time these experiences are often more fleeting, subtle and nuanced than day-to-day normalities. How to combine striking experience reports with very limited evidence, all without screaming, is the conundrum to keep in mind, IMHO.
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A few general suggestions for in-depth documentation:
  • Professional detachment: All sides of an issue, pro and con, presented fairly, sufficiently, and in an irenic tone
  • Guarded narrative advocacy: One cannot assume to be true the very issue that one is trying to prove (whether for or against, believer or debunker)
  • No narrative invective: No hints of "I'm obviously right, and everyone else is a stupid idiot."
Strident advocacy can be useful a form of communication, but it is not helpful when one is still trying to figure out what is going on. Obviously fortean / anomalous / UFO / paranormal / supernatural experiences have a powerful impact on one's view of reality. At the same time these experiences are often more fleeting, subtle and nuanced than day-to-day normalities. How to combine striking experience reports with very limited evidence, all without screaming, is the conundrum to keep in mind, IMHO.
heed this.

true words spoken from the mountain top.
Place little faith in the magic of regression hypnosis as a kind of magic key to unlock memories of "what really happened". Hypnosis is as likely to create false memories as to uncover real ones. Possibly more so.
Place little faith in the magic of regression hypnosis as a kind of magic key to unlock memories of "what really happened". Hypnosis is as likely to create false memories as to uncover real ones. Possibly more so.

Hi Boomerang,

Sean here.

Thanks for your input with this.

In regards to hypnotic regression, if there were documented cases where it was used successfully and accurately,
and the information that was yielded was verified, would you like to see such cases collated together and brought
to light for public examination?

Many thanks,

Sean F. Meers
