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A Show I would like to see

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Skilled Investigator
I have had this idea off and on for a while about a show I would like to hear; either on the Paracast or the Culture of Contact either one.

I am fascinated by ideas surrounding the possible 'reality' behind the UFO. I'm long, long, long, past the point of needing proof about UFOs themselves. Like many, I am literally bored by sighting reports at this time.

What fascinates me is this question. Take any particular UFO case and ask yourself this. Where did the UFO originate from? Where did its occupants come from? Where was the UFO manufactured? On what assembly line?

In discussions on this topic, those of us who are trying to keep a rational point of view on this phenomenon, wisely respond to questions like this with the correct answer of simply "I don't know."

And, while that is a true, accurate, and reasonable response, what I would like to explore are theories and ideas about just what the answers could possibly be. Oh, sure, somebody might say 'time travelers' and 'extraterrestrials' and 'beings from another dimension' but we rarely go any further than that. Let's go further!!

I would love to hear an entire episode devoted to a panel discussion that really tried to explore these ideas in great detail.

Let us take a few very specific 'proven' UFO cases. For me, my favorite cases are Lonnie Zamora, or Mr. Symington's buckwheat pancake, or Fatima.

Given each individual case, just what possible theories and explanations might describe *all* of the facts of the matter. Not just 'some' of the facts, but every single one with not a single loose end. What theory encompasses that?

I would really love to hear an explanation that came from the perspective of the occupants themselves. I want to know their origin, their reality, their motives, agenda, etc.

I realize, of course, that all of this is just entirely pure bullshit guess work, but what a fascinating discussion that might be. What could be more interesting than that? Who wants to discuss the mind numbing details of yet another sighting event, told through the very limited amount of data we can access?

Are there frames of reference from other cultures and traditions that might begin to express the perspective of these encounters?

I have questions like this...

Have you ever heard those stories about how some people who take DMT sometimes see little gray aliens like alien abductees report?

Yeah, sounds interesting right?

What I really, really, really, want to know is has any alien abductee ever taken DMT and said, holy shit, that was the same fucker I saw on the spaceship!?? (Answer, to my knowledge, *no*)

Same thing for Persinger and his magical brain magnet horsecrap.

I'll believe that Persinger's magnetic sleep harness is an explanation for alien abductions when an alien abductee wears the harness and says, yep, that's exactly what happened to me.

Does anyone know of any fictional books ever written that really break new ground in exploring stories about the intelligence behind this phenomenon from the perspective of the intelligence behind this phenomenon?

Where do the alien abductors go to work? Where do they live, fuck, breath, sleep, play? Do they wake up in the morning? Do they have an experience in time and space?

Are UFOs manufactured technological objects, made in a factory, somewhere in time and space?

A few science fiction stories have attempted to spin their tales from the perspective the aliens themselves. Has anyone ever done the same thing trying to take the UFO phenomenon into account?

What I am particularly interested in is a story in which the author desperately tries to get as close to possible the *real* answer that encompasses every single aspect of high strangeness of each individual case.

I am not asking for theories that are a 'one size fits all' approach. I do not honestly believe that whatever happened at Fatima has much, if anything, to do with the Lonnie Zamora case.

However, on a case by case basis, I a would be very interested to hear some intelligent discussion and debate amongst a panel of open minded individuals some theories and ideas that might even begin to explain the origins of these incidents that would still embrace all elements of the drama.

To be honest, once you begin to explore Fortean phenomenon and once you begin to accept the fact that 'strange shit happens', you begin to realize that what we call 'reality' may, in fact, be a highly subjective thing that is nothing more than a convincing illusion held together by spit, string, and a general consensus that is often wobbling on a two legged stool.

Basically imaginative speculation. Wouldnt really get us anywhere though, other than serve as a think tank for Genes next sci-fi book.

But hey, if helps break his writers block then Im all for it.
Basically imaginative speculation. Wouldnt really get us anywhere though....

Why not?

I don't think it would be hard to come up with a set of great discoveries and breakthroughs that originated with imaginative speculation.

Obviously, the problem is keeping in focus the fact that it is just speculation.
I think that is a great idea and I would love to listen to such as show. Nothing wrong with using the imagination to explore new ideas about this phenomena.

Although this may be nothing new and already thought of here is one. The UFO's are both physical objects and they can be created by and interact with our ourconsciousness. How that works exactly we still do not know yet. They are around us all the time but are phased out most of the time. They think of us as we would think about breeding and experimenting on monkeys.

The beings are both cyborbs and humanoid. The humanoids know how to use what we would call our astral bodies as well as we use our everyday physical bodies. The beings also know how to use holograghic images that can interact with us in waking or dream states. And so on........
Great points you bring up, there. jratcliff63367.

I also would like a show discussing topics/points such as:

Say disclosure is now done with. What effect exactly will that have on the world, on individuals? On religions? On politics, on money? Energy? etc?

I mean, once all is said and done in the end: People will just say: 'Cool, so they are real'. Then still live their normal lives. They still have to get up at 6 am the next morning and go to work, pay their mortages, etc..

YET....you KNOW this would REALLY.....affect MANY areas of the person's daily life, their thoughts, beliefs, etc..

I wanna hear a show discussing about HOW the government may disclose to the world. WHAT would they say, exactly? Would they just have a press conference? And would they have various support systems in place to try and diffuse any chaos or psychological breaks, etc?

And......WHAT terms would have to be met BEFORE they'd ever disclose in the first place? (ie: would they disclose anything if they didn't understand anything about it, say?). If so, why? If not, why not?

I wanna dig deep into THAT kinda of talk, personally.....

Nothing wrong with using the imagination to explore new ideas about this phenomena.

Although this may be nothing new and already thought of here is one. The UFO's are both physical objects and they can be created by and interact with our ourconsciousness. How that works exactly we still do not know yet.

I wonder...where would the first UFO come from? I guess I am asking what do you mean by "created"? Well, I am not asking this right...I mean, how did it start?

For what it's worth, I think your idea is worth a thread all its own.
Hi All,

Gareth said:
Basically imaginative speculation. Wouldnt really get us anywhere though...

Perhaps of instead of taking a episode of "What If?" as jratcliff63367 suggests. To do an episode of "What Is?" from a anthology sociological point of view of what has been both the positive and negative effects on the world today about UFO's. If not to a greater extent the paranormal topic affecting our society in the past, now in the present, and how it will continue to evolve in affecting us.

A positive can be science fiction which i'm sure Gene will attest to as a step forward. However a negative can be various stereotypes that can be spouting by news media, etc...

An entire episode on such a topic could give us some insights into human nature and our collective creativity. Whether it be for good or ill, how some dabble in it in moderate terms as a form of finding a truth. Whilst other unstable mentally people cling to it so as to further delude themselves and other gullible people.
Origins of the ufo occupants is one of the most common themes, or at least topics, brought up on the Paracast in my view. Dealt with a lot on Jeremy's show too. I'm surprised to see a thread asking for more of it.