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A small rumination today

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So, even 10 to 15 years ago ... your cell phone was something you grabbed as you headed out the door. No more, these things have implanted to your psyche and your fist! This modern life is SO DAMNED ODD ... So there I was this very early AM... like 3:35 AM when my eyes popped open. I was damned near FRANTIC ... as I realized my cell phone provider payment was due yesterday! Due on or by the 15th of the month and I had forgotten! I dozed in and out until I popped up about 5:45 or so AM ... shot out to the dining room ... turned on the coffee ... and immediately sent a payment in via my phone! I actually (for just a second) thought .. geeze ... what if they turned it off? Can you believe this shit? Damned technology crap ...

cell phones.jpg

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My expertise, outside of physical mediumship and the ET and spirit communications, is information technology. It's no longer of any interest to me to have a device that I have to lug around that has multiple communications capabilities (Android Nexus phone). I dumped it for Google Voice (free inc SMS) and a cell flip phone that costs $20 per two months.

I am going for much simpler not more complex.
I'm somewhat the opposite, firstly I can probably count on two hands the numbers of phone calls I make each month but even though I'm not one of those people that walk down the middle of the damn sidewalk with their face buried in the phone and with their headphones on making everybody deviate around them I am extremely curious what's going around me.

Back in the day when I was getting my info with a shortwave radio I got a Sony If 2001/2010 and listened to overseas broadcasts...a lot

After a while I would have these dreams where as I was turning the dial I wasn't listening to it but I was flipping the pages of an overseas magazine or paper that was in foreign library. Instead of seeing a frequency or band in the display I would be reading a u.k. paper or australian paper

I visit the world or even another county via Google Earth while waiting for the bus, whenever I see a plane flying overhead at 32K feet I have to know what airline it is, where it's going and where it came from. If i see a steamship making way, I have to know the name, The flag and owner registry have to know where is going and where has it been. If i hear a intriguing story on the radio (my phone has a FM receiver ) I have to follow up on it and be familiar with the background and/or history. In the end I liken it to having a pool in your backyard, you might not need it all the time but it's nice to know is there.

Having said all that I'm already done having to listen about the Rachel Dolezal situation and identifying as this or that. I identify myself as a considerate human being who can look at himself in the mirror every day when I get up knowing I'm doing my best to minimize any negative impact I have on those around me.
For everything a price. And part of the price of ever more capable computers is that we become entangled such that, instead of being relegated to the role of obedient tools, they begin to run us.

Some folks embrace and enjoy this symbiosis. While others--often older geezers like myself--start to feel like badly trained lab monkeys reacting rather than acting.

But the algorithmic paradigm, for better or worse, has only just begun and will not be denied. I spend a fair amount of time in it myself, mostly with podcasts and on forums. (the "soft drugs" of the virtual pharmacopeia ?") There is much to amaze and enjoy in this doggone brave new world. And inevitable tradeoffs as well.
For everything a price. And part of the price of ever more capable computers is that we become entangled such that, instead of being relegated to the role of obedient tools, they begin to run us. Some folks embrace and enjoy this symbiosis. While others--often older geezers like myself--start to feel like badly trained lab monkeys reacting rather than acting.
You are responsible for the physical reality you create and if you choose to be controlled, or feel that you are controlled, then it is your beliefs, conscious or unconscious, that has done you in. Beliefs/definitions---> emotions/feelings ---> thought/actions.

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