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A super patch for Windows 8 ?

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Paranormal Adept
If you are running a Windows OS you may have noticed a new icon on your toolbar. It's a link to "reserve" (what the hey does that mean?) your 'spot' for downloading Windows 10 sometime in the near future.

Don't know if I will bump Windows 7 unless they stop supporting it. I will most likely attempt to upgrade (how much worse could it be?) to Windows 10 on my now Windows 8 laptop.
First, let me suggest that you upgrade to Windows 8.1, an experience that I have found to be a much quicker, no app oriented approach to this OS.

The last I saw, and this may have changed, Microsoft is making Windows 10 available as free upgrade for qualified Windows 7, Windows 8.1, and Windows Phone 8.1 devices. It will be available starting July 29, 2015; people can reserve their free upgrade today.

You only have until July 29, 2016 to take advantage of this offer. Once you upgrade, you have Windows 10 for free on that device.

Personally, I am passing on it until at least 2Q 2016.
And you can get it now via the public beta program, a technical preview.

I'm running it on a Mac with Parallels Desktop. The big feature is the return of the Start menu. Yawn!
they sent me the notice for the free upgrade a couple weeks ago but I refuse to give up my windows 7. don't need all the tiles nonsense and if it's not broke, why fix it. what do you think Gene?
Why bother? I find it astounding people still choose to use Windows. It gets more absurd with every passing year.

former Microsoft and Apple employee.
Actually, to correct myself, there is one reason. Build a gaming rig to play Star Citizen- which is still in alpha. The attention to detail with this game is mind boggling.

So, I'll admit gaming rigs are still a viable reason to have a PC.
Thanks all for advice and sharing opinions. I'm not all that tech savvy. But I'm receiving vibes that Microsoft has lost its rudder in designing and marketing operating systems for adults lately.