If you review alien psyche aware information the status gives a statement. The statement attests by human awareness that scientists on Earth, the Creators/inventors as males are interacting with fake/artificial communications.
We know that science is an artificial state on Earth, it is an introduced application, and it is a human male's choice to apply conversion to natural Earth nuclear material.
The basis of our natural life was supported by the signals/communications of natural nuclear fusion of Planet Earth's own body.
Therefore we already have the information that natural nuclear fusion....not artificial conversion is the basis for the status of evolution and changes to evolution.
The reason we are also aware in modern times is due to the fact that natural life, natural health and the natural psyche was attacked and the condition evolution changed....and an artificial state was introduced.
This artificial state attacks us, and the information states that it involves the study of DNA, the taking of samples of DNA, the reproduction of DNA, the changes to DNA and also that the changes relate to the artificial affect...the alien and UFO manifestation and the changes applied to the Earth soil (nuclear dust) and the stone of Earth (its fusion). All of these conditions relate to the unnatural and artificial/alien applications of the human sciences.
The human psyche and human life is called spiritual and natural and we are not scientists. Science itself was sought in a chemical drugged mind state. The effect of being irradiated by the introduced condition then caused a drug like mind affect in the natural human brain chemistry as cause and effect.
Therefore unlike our ancient occult Shamanic brother who became the occult scientist, our mind/brain does not understand scientific concepts, for we are only aware in life due to symbolism, the teaching of symbolism and the statement of symbolism. Therefore when our mind is affected by the alien/UFO introduced condition, the unnatural effects causes us to use symbolism in the best stated reason that our psyche can reason. This is why the information is not scientific.
The occult scientist who began to study the phenomena affects on the human life, then introduced an atmospheric mind contact...mind feed back interactive program to study the effects of the artificial with the human mind....for they want new resourcing and resourcing of energy has always come about by unnatural and artificial applications. They believed that the human mind was AI....yet the application of AI belongs to machines and the communication/transmitting states of machines.
As they want the artificial UFO conversion signal conditions as a new scientific theory reasoning, they are therefore studying the human life/cell state as an atmospheric interaction.....seeing that the UFO condition is occurring in the atmosphere. They want the human life to actually own the alien/UFO condition and reason that we own it personally on a dimensional level or a level of cellular information.....yet our life does not exist in dimensions, it exists in 1 place in a multitude of information ownership as 1 owned state. We also know that we are born to die, therefore we do not personally own the atmospheric body....and we also use the energy the atmospheric body gives us.......our cells would not survive without this energy body interaction.
The problem with our occult scientist brother is the fact that he wants to now own the atmospheric body as a new resource...so he is trying to data base its information and give it value relating to an owned interaction with his collider. He wants a cell body of plasma, a condition to use the plasma as energy and to then resource and reapply the energy he thinks the atmospheric body and the UFO created....which is why he wants the alien to be the life Creator.
The only plasma type cell states on Earth is found in Nature....the plasma that he wants exists in out of space and this plasma is not organic.
Our occult scientist brother owns a mind reasoning that gives value to conditions where he considers that his own personal life and self will be safe. As he wants to resource the Earth's atmospheric body he therefore has given his own mind false reasoning....for he wants the Creator concept to be "other than" his own personal male human ownership. By having this mind concept he then advises his own self that he will be safe himself whilst resourcing the atmospheric body.
Yet if he cared to take a good look at his own self, his previous reasoning about his male human self being the creator and inventor is correct. As he owns the bodily organs that procreates the species of the human life and cellular ownership as a status, then how does he presume his own person safe in this fake theory he has given our life? We are not an alien and nor are we a UFO....for we live in the atmospheric condition watching both forms manifest and disappear.
We also personally know that the human parents have sex, make babies, we grow into adults and die as a human life. We do not personally own the atmosphere. The other organic state...animals exists in the same condition. If we stopped having sex as a species our life would die out. Therefore where is the "other Creator" of our life that you keep insisting exists?
When a male who professes to perform conversion on applications that exist in our past....he is now reasoning that our human cell state existed in the past as if we began life as a germ. A germ began life as a germ....no human life exists in a germ or any other form of material that you keep ascertaining is the beginning of human life. Our life has no status "elsewhere", as if you are going to own it in the past like you currently do with material resourcing.