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A Way to Fight Poverty?

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I always find it interesting, the subject of wealth. Yes, there is massive disparity and extreme pockets of wealth - a few individuals perhaps - whilst millions more struggle by day by day, living hand to mouth - sometimes not even that. But...and this is a big but...why should we demonise those who have excelled in a given field, worked their backsides off and done well. Okay - it's not that simple - many have made their money is extremely dodgy ways but some haven't.

I don't resent them for it. Am I jealous of what their money can do for them and their families? You're damned right I am. Would I love to be in their position? You bet I would. Would I want to take it off them? No. We make the best of what we can, given our circumstances on the whole. Just to be clear here, I'm talking about the average person...not someone at rock bottom, without a place to live. Most of us get by.

Extreme wealth brings with it a whole host of problems which are very different to the kinds of problems the rest of us put up with on a daily basis. Does money make life easier? Of course it does. Does it make it any better? I think that's debatable. I was brought up in a wealthy family. Billionaires? No, but we certainly had a lot more money than most. My parents still do. Do I? No. Do I live in a huge house with a Bentley in the drive? No. Did my debit card get declined at the petrol station this evening when trying to buy a sandwich and a drink? Yes it did. That said, I do not resent my close family who have a lot more than me. I do not resent anyone who has a lot more than me. Do I sometime wish I was in their position? Yes I do. Who wouldn't?

Honestly, I just wonder how much of all this anti-billionaire stuff is born out of pure jealously and nothing more. Would it be good if they shared the wealth a little? A lot do. Quietly. Without fanfare. As I would do.

I accept that this is probably a controversial first post for me here, but hey, what's life without a little controversy?

Nice to meet you all, folks :-)
outlaw billionaires ?

perhaps they should put a cap on the number of new billionaires allowed per annum instead. If in any certain fiscal year (July 1- June 30 ) that cap is reached those closest to the top will be wait listed until the next fiscal year.
On a somewhat related note, I read a story about how Puerto Rico changed their laws to become a tax haven and attract U.S. hedge fund managers who are sick and tired of paying outrageous (?:confused: ) taxes to set up shop down there.

And we think that there is a rich/poor divide up here in the contiguous 48 ! who's next, the D.R.?

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the difficulty in being a billionaire includes : trying not to lead a life with waste and excess, or keeping your money invested in things that do noy enslave any other people in the world or contribute to pollution, war, genetic modification, disease, pharmacological toxification or environmental devestation. it must be pretty hard to be an ethical ultra rich person and teach your kids to be self-reliant, sharing, compassionate leaders who do good for others. i feel bad for them.

is that too harsh?
The only way a person can become a billionaire is by employing the violence of government to stomp out competition.

Less government = Less billionaires.

Elites created and installed Marxism because they know this.

Proles raised on a continuous diet of socialist propaganda do not.

I can't decide if the Proletariat are culpable for not detecting this scam.
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