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Abduction experiences with Budd Hopkins and “Dan”

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Skilled Investigator
I have to start my rant with the comment that, coming from C-2-C, your show is a refreshing combination of intelligent questions, interesting guest, (for the most part), and critical thinking on the part of the host(s).
As I have said in previous post, I agree with those who state that the government has no need to debunk us, as we do a good job ourselves with our in-fighting, knee-jerk reactions, and just plan “crazy-like-gravy” approach to the UFO question.
The program that you all had some time ago with Budd Hopkins, and the UFO abductees called “Dan” was enlightening, and disturbing at the same time. While I found Dan’s account of multiple abductions interesting, when he begins to deviate from abductions to his grandmothers stories of the “little folk”, I begin to think this guy was a crack pot. I then started to emphasize with Dan, and thought that if I had gone thorough what he said he went through, I would be a mush case too. My biggest “red-flag” with the interview concerned Dans’ ability to remember, in detail, everything about his past abductions, (as far as the layout of where he was, who he was with, why he was there, what he was drinking, eating, etc), I attempted to remember what happened to me last week, and I could pull up only ten percent of what this guy remembered from over ten years ago. One of the biggest clues to lying is an attempt of the liar to “remember” too many details about his lie. With that said, I don’t know why someone like Dan would go to all the trouble of hoaxing a story about abduction, and include so many witnesses like his brother, and sister-in-law, etc. My question to Budd would be did he ever get any agreement from any of the witness to these abductions? Or did he just take the word of “Dan” that they could not, or would not talk about there experiences? I would like to hear a follow up about this story. While I think that Budd Hopkins is a great guy, and is truly attempting to find out what is going on out there, I think he might be a bit too empathic with the abductees. In other words, he cuts them too much slack. While this one of the things I respect the most about ffice:smarttags" /><?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com
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<ST1:place w:st="on">Hopkins</ST1:place></st1:City>, it does tend to cloud his ability to weed out the loons. I would like to hear other ideas on this show. pb
Hi Pb

I remember that show but I think the guys name was Doug Not Dan? It certainly was an interesting case. And I never quite got a handle on the missing photos bit...was that a coincidence or connected to the incident? If the latter then how did that happen?

However, I found the guy convincing. I think he was doing his best to recall and explain details of these events.

My biggest “red-flag” with the interview concerned Dans’ ability to remember, in detail, everything about his past abductions, (as far as the layout of where he was, who he was with, why he was there, what he was drinking, eating, etc), I attempted to remember what happened to me last week, and I could pull up only ten percent of what this guy remembered from over ten years ago. One of the biggest clues to lying is an attempt of the liar to “remember” too many details about his lie.

I understand your point here but I have found with a traumatic or impacting experience this is not always the case. You can remember incredible detail, even feelings you felt at the time, smells, colours etc. So to me this actually made Doug's account more real - also his lack of a clear narrative, explanation or understanding of the events. He sounded like someone just trying to process and deal with some very weird and disturbing events.


MUFON investigated abductions. It turns out that whenever the video cameras were running there was no abduction. The abductions would only occur when the subjects turned off the cameras.