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Aborigines & The Dreamtime

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Skilled Investigator
Hi All,

In the Shamanic traditions of aboriginal cultures like those in Australia. Speak of a similar etheral plane where they commune with their ancestors or the Great Mystery itself.

I'll use the Australian aborigines term of "Dream Time" since it overlaps nicely. Most of these native indian cultures have stated these traditions began by the men that came from space and taught them these techniques.

My own notion of the Dream Time is akin to a spiritual dimension that those with meditative abilities can dial into with near ease. Where such a realm is the Ma-Bell of communiation between entities or civilizations.

So if the ancient astronaut theory holds value then the dream time realm is a steady line of communication to these aborigines. Where time and space do not pose the physical obstructions we are so clearly limited by in human nature.

Which sort of reminds me of the spiritualist movment of the 19th century Victorian era. Where mediums and charlatans alike delved into a similar dream time of sorts.

So aside of any abduction experiences can the dreamtime be a viable avenue for contacting other sentinent life.? (aside from your dead uncle) Be it here on Earth (past / present / future) or elsewhere in the Galaxy, etc....

The Dreamtime being the ultimate avenue any person can tap into as their own personal satellite array.
Atrayo said:
Hi All,

I'll use the Australian aborigines term of "Dream Time" since it overlaps nicely. Most of these native indian cultures have stated these traditions began by the men that came from space and taught them these techniques.

I think your post and idea is interesting. I like this sort of thing too. But I would caution against generalizing native cultures. I don't think anyone can say most of them believe in space men or anything. I don't think anyone has even fully described half the belief systems and mythologies of native peoples of the Americas or Australia. There were so many, they were diverse in many ways, and so much has already been forgotten. Unfortunately, modern Western thought lumps these people all together.

Of course, you can make broad generalizations like respect for nature etc... but most of them believing in space people? That sounds like Black Elk and the Sioux stuff.

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