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As I'm just listening to the "Rosetta Deception" show with James Carrion, I'd like to express my relief that Ian Fleming had the intuition to give him a simpler name than his role model had.

My name is Dunderdale... Wilfred Dunderdale.


I wonder if that name had anything to do with him coming up with the book title "Thunderball"...

...which, by the way, is the book featuring the yacht called "Disco Volante" (flying disk)... and the flying disk is where the atomic bombs are hidden.... OMG! Fleming knew about the Rosetta Deception...! Do you see the connection? It all fits the pattern!

...well, or maybe I'm deep in James Bond conspiracy land... :oops:

wasn't there some theory about Dr. No really being an alien grey...? :rolleyes:

But seriously, does Carrion write anything about Fleming, other than that Bond was based on Dunderdale who would have been an expert at deception and counter-intelligence?

Damn. I guess I'll have to head over to amazon and get both books...

