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Paranormal Novice
btw... dave and the guest are the show anyways, we all know that gene barely says two sentences durring the almost two hours of show. david def shows presidence here so why all the?@#$%. just keep the show the way it is and lets move on with some disclosure already!

angryarnold said:
btw... dave and the guest are the show anyways, we all know that gene barely says two sentences durring the almost two hours of show. david def shows presidence here so why all the?@#$%. just keep the show the way it is and lets move on with some disclosure already!


WRONG! Gene tells us that we are in the Paracast AFTER EVERY SINGLE COMMERCIAL BREAK, EVEN WHEN THOSE GOOFY "ALIEN" VOICES HAVE JUST TOLD US THAT FACT. He used to also tell us how to contact the Paracast and about the Paracast forum AFTER EVERY SINGLE COMMERCIAL BREAK. God, it was annoying. He seemed to have the fantasy that this was a live old fashioned radio show, and that people were joining at different points during the interview. In reality, it is a PODCAST SHOW, GENE! People click on the icon to hear it on their PC, or download the MP3 file. We don't need to hear at least 12 times (that's the number of breaks on average per 2 hour show, since I take the MP3 file and cut out all the breaks, along with Gene) that we are listening to the Paracast and how to contact you and/or find the forum! MAN! It is a Podcast! We had to choose it. We know what we are listening to. This isn't AM radio in the 60's.

Gene also interrupts Dave a lot just as Dave gets interesting. I have a warm spot for Gene, but he needs to know he is not gifted with a knack for impromptu humor. So he should really not try. I sort of feel sorry for him when he makes a "funny" and it is pretty lame.

I think of Gene as the Paracast Big Daddy and Facilitator, because he has many fascinating contacts with "old time" UFO specialists like Allen Greensfield. But I admit I enjoy listening to David, since Gene is usually the soft ball and I prefer the hard ball approach Dave takes. Maybe Gene's approach is necessary to keep the guest from slamming down the phone receiver half way through the interview?

Both guys make the show. However, I do have the above irritants and appreciations regarding Gene's participation. I think Dave is fantastic. Maybe it's a generational thing? I never thought Bob Hope was funny or entertaining, but my folks think he was hilarious.
For a time the show was on a Las Vegas station and we run it with the intention of returning to commercial radio or a similar medium.

No, I don't interrupt David much except for the break -- we do have sponsors that need to be properly respected and serviced. :)
gene pretty much does an excellent job controlling the momentum of the show.....if you've listened long enough, you'll see that there's plenty of times where gene keeps the shows on topic and provides a fair amount of insight into whatever the topic is at hand.....

gene you pretty much have an amazing radio personality and definitely add a huge amount of quality to the show, which it would otherwise lack just being a solo bietny endeavor.

so whoever says anything bad about gene is missing the bigger picture.

edit: and thank god fastwalker isn't running this show
Is it just me?

I think Gene's funny.

He's the sweetheart to David's badass. I'm always impressed with who Gene has known from ufology too, some of the more interesting characters. Sometimes the members of a team are a good match, as in this case.
I gotta go along with those supporting Gene, here. I think the hosting chemistry between him and Dave works real well.

I do thoroughly enjoy David’s thought-provoking monologues, and often, but don’t always, agree with his conclusions. But Gene seems to know just when to step in to suggest a new twist or make supporting statements. He’s a professional class moderator, in that respect.

So, one balances the other, and the result would suffer without it, in my opinion.
cmbezln said:
edit: and thank god fastwalker isn't running this show

There is no reason to make a personal attack on anyone, including me, simply because you disagree with them.

I have been meticulously making CD's for a friend who has to travel from the East Coast to the West Coast (and back again 5 days later) by car. I suggested the Paracast to keep him company and awake on that long solo drive. So I am taking each show, using TOTAL RECORDER software to play it, snipping out each commercial break with the increasingly irritating Gene starting each segment with the same re-introduction of the program name, followed by a commercial for sending them news, and then a commercial for the forum.

Perhaps performing my meticulous removal of the commercials for program after program (along with those goofy voices that tell us over and over that we are in the Paracast - well, duh!), has just made me a bit edgy about this. Have YOU taken every single episode and taken out the commercials and then downloaded them to CDs for a friend? Try it sometime. You will enjoy the show but slowly go gaa gaa with the repetitive breaks every 8 minutes or so.

As I noted in my above post, Gene is a necessary part of the show. Don't worry. I will not be asked to run the show. If I was, they would certainly get rid of all the corny space music sounds and the corny space voices. Maybe I'd get celebrity voices to do it instead, e.g., The Clueless One, Paul Kimball, etc., each saying "Hi! I'm X. You are listening to the Paracast". And I'd direct Gene to stop starting each segment with the same commercial spiel, even if he has visions of the show being syndicated "some day" on the radio.
I tend to think of our Gene as being the Master to David's 'Grasshopper' ... or should that be "Glasshopper" :D

David is the one who has no fear and asks the hard questions, whereas Gene is to keep him on the straight and narrow, and to keep the momentum and the show on the rails.

He is the stabiliser to Davids anti-gravitational nuclear powered jet propulsion thrusty thingy (technical terms all).

Oh and Gene is definitely funnier than David, and I should know ... cos I'm right.

schtick ... who is always right even when he's wrong :P

p.s. oh, and I can verify that Bob Hope was never funny, since most American comedians are never funny ... although Bob Hope was born in London ... oh you know what I mean. Anyone who has a bunch of scriptwriters is never funny ... so there ... and I should know (see above).

p.p.s show me an American comedian as funny as Eric Morecambe, and I'll eat my trousers without marinading them first :P (well ... apart from the Marx Brothers, of course, when they were funny ... but then again they were actually Russian or something ... oh you know what I mean :D)
Fastwalker, I hear two things: a personal dislike for the show’s identifiers, but also the impatience that comes from the repetitive micro-editing you mention. And no wonder to the latter!

But the show is otherwise reasonably structured, for the interests it must represent, in its un-edited form.

You could just tell your friend to fast-forward through the commercials once he gets them memorized; that’s what I do.

It’ll save you a lot of work, and your copies will be preserved, in their entirety, for posterity.

Maybe even E-Bay!
When we can run a show sans spots (which pay our server and other operating expenses; well partly), I'd do it in a heartbeat. But that's not how the radio business works, online or otherwise.

Besides, we can't ask our loyal listeners to ante up and pay all of our expenses. It would not be fair to them, nor do we wish to depend solely on your charity.
no doubt... i guess they both make the show. i like this podcast the most because its mostly no holds barred, i just wish that they would talk more after the guest is off air and form more opinions good or bad. i do miss that but they dont do this much anymore, i liked when dave ripped serreda a new ass haha!.... .later felles
Fastwalker said:
cmbezln said:
edit: and thank god fastwalker isn't running this show

There is no reason to make a personal attack on anyone, including me, simply because you disagree with them.

yeah, well.....when you roll out the personal attacks against GENE (the guy who pretty much makes the FREE show you listen to POSSIBLE), you pretty much leave yourself open for attack
cmbezln said:
Fastwalker said:
cmbezln said:
edit: and thank god fastwalker isn't running this show

There is no reason to make a personal attack on anyone, including me, simply because you disagree with them.

yeah, well.....when you roll out the personal attacks against GENE (the guy who pretty much makes the FREE show you listen to POSSIBLE), you pretty much leave yourself open for attack

There was nothing personal in my comments about Gene. In fact, they weren't about Gene so much as about the intro's he does for each segment between commercials. Good grief, if I cannot even express displeasure with THAT, then I guess we've entered another "Art Bell Fan Club" fanaticism. Gene responded quietly and succinctly with an explanation for why such intro's are done.
Fastwalker said:
cmbezln said:
Fastwalker said:
cmbezln said:
edit: and thank god fastwalker isn't running this show

There is no reason to make a personal attack on anyone, including me, simply because you disagree with them.

yeah, well.....when you roll out the personal attacks against GENE (the guy who pretty much makes the FREE show you listen to POSSIBLE), you pretty much leave yourself open for attack

There was nothing personal in my comments about Gene. In fact, they weren't about Gene so much as about the intro's he does for each segment between commercials. Good grief, if I cannot even express displeasure with THAT, then I guess we've entered another "Art Bell Fan Club" fanaticism. Gene responded quietly and succinctly with an explanation for why such intro's are done.
If you like my picture so much, you can private message me, and I can sell you some additional shots of me at a somewhat inflated price.
Just to voice my opinion...

I think Gene is hilarious. He moderates well, his radio voice is impeccable, and he is genuinely interesting when he does manage to get in a few words. To each his own, but for my money I'd rather hear more of Gene.

And less of Bill Birnes plugs. *buh-dum--ching!*
andersonglk said:
Just to voice my opinion...

I think Gene is hilarious. He moderates well, his radio voice is impeccable, and he is genuinely interesting when he does manage to get in a few words. To each his own, but for my money I'd rather hear more of Gene.

Hi Gene :)
cmbezln said:
gene pretty much does an excellent job controlling the momentum of the show.....if you've listened long enough, you'll see that there's plenty of times where gene keeps the shows on topic and provides a fair amount of insight into whatever the topic is at hand.....

gene you pretty much have an amazing radio personality and definitely add a huge amount of quality to the show, which it would otherwise lack just being a solo bietny endeavor.

so whoever says anything bad about gene is missing the bigger picture.

Completely agree and thanks for saying it.