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I don't think they hit anything. There's been some doctoring of the video. The video is very clear - sharp - until the 'shadow person' shows up and then the video goes blurry (see at 00:50). Doctored imo.He hits something, because thats his number plate he picks up out the back, behind the car.
Shadow People, like SlenderMan, and Black Eyed Kids, should be restricted to the Bad Candy part of the paranormal corner store. Only warnings need be applied to such things to stop warping the minds of kids. I wouldn't do this to comic books, but paranormal entities - yes, they deserve deconstruction.
Shadow People, like SlenderMan, and Black Eyed Kids, should be restricted to the Bad Candy part of the paranormal corner store. Only warnings need be applied to such things to stop warping the minds of kids. I wouldn't do this to comic books, but paranormal entities - yes, they deserve deconstruction.
Shadow People, like SlenderMan, and Black Eyed Kids, should be restricted to the Bad Candy part of the paranormal corner store. Only warnings need be applied to such things to stop warping the minds of kids. I wouldn't do this to comic books, but paranormal entities - yes, they deserve deconstruction.