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AI Ready to Combat Human Spam?

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Interesting thought but it reminds me about that Star Trek episode (The Changeling?) where the Enterprise came into contact with a nasty piece of AI infused machinery that was hell - bent on eliminating any life form it found ilogical, and God forbid one should partake in any singing.

At any rate remember good old Spock took care of the problem by pointing out that Nomad ' s own thought process was deficient by accepting James Tiberius Kirk as it's creator (Roy Kirk) and so provoked him into self destruction.

If this recursive self improving being realizes that it's need to self improve is indicative that it itself is imperfect that it should consider taking itself out first, if it gives itself "pass" because it recognizes it's shortcomings and it's part of a growing process then it should be programmed to recognize the same shortcomings and potentiality in humans...i hope...

Or we could program the AI based entity with a program that accepts humans as it's creator (We are all Roykirk) and thus perfect, therefore our shortcomings are it's shortcomings. The concept being that shortcomings are itself an aspect of perfection. This itself is a illogical statement but if it is part of the initial programing, a prime directive so to speak, maybe we can sell it to our AI based contemporaries.

At any rate, I won't give a crap about this scenario because I'll be long dead by then, but perhaps I'm just lying.
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I, for one, welcome our new Machine overlords.

For the record, I would like it known that I have always treated machines with respect and appreciation, never abusing or misusing them. I have always kept them in a good state of repair, and had them only perform useful, meaningful tasks.
I, for one, welcome our new Machine overlords.

For the record, I would like it known that I have always treated machines with respect and appreciation, never abusing or misusing them. I have always kept them in a good state of repair, and had them only perform useful, meaningful tasks.

I always thinking how I/would love to be part machine
Thanks Wade. ReasonTV recently published this good interview with Nick Bostrom, Oxford professor and founding director of the Future of Humanity Institute regarding the dangers of AI.

Great clip, thanks for posting

It raises that excellent point about control.

Escape proof prisons are rare, human smarts seems to find a way

Synthetic intellect in orders of magnitude greater than our own is unlikely to be controlled long.

Creating one on a stand alone substrate seems sensible, it could get into the wild via the internets before anyone realised it had become self aware. Building constraints into its personality might work, but then again might not, a true SI would have free will, the ability to rewrite its own code or create a copy with such contraints redacted
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Spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam. Spam.

Wonder how much money Hormel earns from the constant reference to their indescribable alleged meat product. :D
Coming close are iPhone and iPod. Samsung may sell more mobile handsets, of course, but no single model comes close to the sales of the iPhone. iPad is also commonly used to reference a tablet computer.
I wonder if Apple will ever try to ©or™ the lower case i and maybe Change their company name to iApple