FeralNormal master
I received an email from albert rosales, "formerly" of http://www.ufoinfo.com/humanoid/index.shtml, by formerly please refer to the emboldend section below
as per albert....
Attention anyone interested, I am putting out CD's with the latest humanoid updates/summaries, from ancient times up to 2009.Of course I have put in a lot of work and effort into this and I have charge something.
Each decade starting in the 40's up to 2000's will be 25 dollars each decade, which includes thousands of updated cases with original images, etc, comments, links, information, anecdotes etc. From 1910 to 1930's 30 $ , decade of the 1900's 25 $ all cases before 1900 to ancient times (hundreds !) the whole package, (ancient cases to 1900) 50 $ Also any two decades with thousands of case summaries is 40$. Please anyone interested send me an email with pertinent information.
Files can be sent electronically also and prices are flexible close to 17,000 case summaries, corrected and updated
As for UFOINFO site, I am not updating there anymore I had an issue with someone stealing the files and trying to publish a book in AMAZON copyright infringement, Amazon just removed it. As you have noticed, there are even some missing years on UFOINFO
albert can be contacted at alberthumanoid@gmail.com and garuda79@att.net
as per albert....
Attention anyone interested, I am putting out CD's with the latest humanoid updates/summaries, from ancient times up to 2009.Of course I have put in a lot of work and effort into this and I have charge something.
Each decade starting in the 40's up to 2000's will be 25 dollars each decade, which includes thousands of updated cases with original images, etc, comments, links, information, anecdotes etc. From 1910 to 1930's 30 $ , decade of the 1900's 25 $ all cases before 1900 to ancient times (hundreds !) the whole package, (ancient cases to 1900) 50 $ Also any two decades with thousands of case summaries is 40$. Please anyone interested send me an email with pertinent information.
Files can be sent electronically also and prices are flexible close to 17,000 case summaries, corrected and updated
As for UFOINFO site, I am not updating there anymore I had an issue with someone stealing the files and trying to publish a book in AMAZON copyright infringement, Amazon just removed it. As you have noticed, there are even some missing years on UFOINFO
albert can be contacted at alberthumanoid@gmail.com and garuda79@att.net