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Aldous Huxley interview Alex Jones Endgame interest

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Vzygoth ... of the late "From the Grassy Gnoll" podcast/programme has been talking about Huxley, and others, for some time. Over the space of a few years, he and his guests (I think mostly the Collins Brothers) have come to the conclusion that a number of writers such as Huxley and H G Wells knew what was coming down the path for us ordinary human beings.

It was also concluded that George Orwell also knew what was coming (new world order, martial law etc etc etc) and tried to warn us about it in '1984'. We all know that '1984' has predicted some aspects of the society we live in today, but the extent to which Orwell et al knew of what was going on behind the scenes was not greatly looked into until Vyzygoth started looking into it and bringing people on his show who could add a deeper insight into their connections with the elite.

So all this Huxley stuff coming from old Alex Jones now is rather old news really 8)
Here are links to some other video interviews that might be of interest.

Margaret Sanger:


Henry Kissinger:


David Hawkins the youngest of 20 prisoners to defect during the Korean War:

schticknz said:
Vzygoth ... of the late "From the Grassy Gnoll" podcast/programme has been talking about Huxley, and others, for some time. Over the space of a few years, he and his guests (I think mostly the Collins Brothers) have come to the conclusion that a number of writers such as Huxley and H G Wells knew what was coming down the path for us ordinary human beings.

It was also concluded that George Orwell also knew what was coming (new world order, martial law etc etc etc) and tried to warn us about it in '1984'. We all know that '1984' has predicted some aspects of the society we live in today, but the extent to which Orwell et al knew of what was going on behind the scenes was not greatly looked into until Vyzygoth started looking into it and bringing people on his show who could add a deeper insight into their connections with the elite.

So all this Huxley stuff coming from old Alex Jones now is rather old news really 8)

H.G. Wells was certainly onboard with those that wanted to move toward a one world government...see article below for more on H. G. Wells.


Below is some decent commentary(from a LaRouchie) about that Rhodes/Huxley/Wells era and mentality.


For added Synchronicity read the above article about some of the intellectual origins of the CIA and watch "The Good Shepard".

~Foo Fighter~