Paranormal Packrat said:
I've got viruses off DLing files from forums before it seems. Just being safe is all. No, I don't know what all is involved since I don't send people viruses. Gene's the computer wiz.
I really do appreciate your candor in admiting that you may not know all that is involved when it comes to viruses and how they're spread. It takes some gonads to say that, and I respect you for that. While it is true, of course, that some files can spread viruses, I can assure you, mp3's are not in that group and are safe to listen to. I can also assure you and others who may read this, that any other types of files I may post (though I can't, frankly, think of any others I might post here - but just in case I do!) are virus free - though one could always scan the file with your AV app... and, other than the Mac users here, I'm assuming no one here is dumb enough (I say that without ill-intentions... well, maybe on second thought I do) to still be using IE for routine browsing. Your first line of defense is your browser, and using IE of any flavor is foolhearty at best, to be using to view the web (with exceptions where you MUST use it, e.g. banking and other such sites). The best, of course
is to use Opera, my exclusive browswer of choice. It's many native capabilities, put FF to shame, and it safe from IE exploits.
Enough from me about all that... let's enjoy the first actual contact from aliens, as first initiated by a guest on c2c with George Snoory a few nights back. Like they say, "Once you go Mordac, you'll never go back."