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Aliens 'already exist on earth', Bulgarian scientists claim

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Aliens from outer space are already among us on earth, say Bulgarian government scientists who claim they are already in contact with extraterrestrial life.
Work on deciphering a complex set of symbols sent to them is underway, scientists from the country's Space Research Institute said.
They claim aliens are currently answering 30 questions posed to them.
Lachezar Filipov, deputy director of the Space Research Institute of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, confirmed the research.
He said the centre's researchers were analysing 150 crop circles from around the world, which they believe answer the questions.
"Aliens are currently all around us, and are watching us all the time," Mr Filipov told Bulgarian media.
"They are not hostile towards us, rather, they want to help us but we have not grown enough in order to establish direct contact with them."
Mr Filipov said that even the seat of the Catholic church, the Vatican, had agreed that aliens existed.
He said humans were not going to be able to establish contact with the extraterrestrials through radio waves but through the power of thought.
"The human race was certainly going to have direct contact with the aliens in the next 10 to 15 years," he said.
"Extraterrestrials are critical of the people's amoral behavior referring to the humans' interference in nature's processes."
The publication of the BAS researchers report concerning communicating with aliens comes in the midst of a controversy over the role, feasibility, and reform of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.
Last week it lead to a heated debate between Bulgaria's Finance Minister, Simeon Djankov, and President Georgi Parvanov.
Work on deciphering a complex set of symbols sent to them is underway, scientists from the country's Space Research Institute said.

They claim aliens are currently answering 30 questions posed to them.
Lachezar Filipov, deputy director of the Space Research Institute of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, confirmed the research.
He said the centre's researchers were analysing 150 crop circles from around the world, which they believe answer the questions. ...

Studying crop circles for secret messages from aliens is about useful as watching I Love Lucy reruns for insights into Fermat's Last Theorem.
Studying crop circles for secret messages from aliens is about useful as watching I Love Lucy reruns for insights into Fermat's Last Theorem.
I thought you folks would get a chuckle over that particular detail. Heh-heh. Maybe Robbert should
help out by having one form around him so the Bulgarian scientists can ooo and ahhh and decipher what it means.
If I remember correctly, Kevin Smith either had Filipov on his show or there were some cloak and dagger shenanigans about him disappearing when he was supposed to be giving the interview?

Is this brand new Chris or possibly a recycled story?
Yet another "Space Big Brother" here to save us story.
Much as I'd love for it to be true, and really wish it could happen, it's just too much to swallow.
Good addition to the "where are they now?" Files, I suppose...

I didn't notice that it was a re-post until I was pasting it into the thread. Oh well, I saw it (re)posted yesterday.

Now that I mention it, it kinda sounds like a great screenplay idea: Bulgarian scientists decode crop-circles and establish a process for symbolic communication w/ "aliens." Filipov hears of Robbert and together they create a dialog through the creation of real-time crop-circle formations and psychic photographs. Monkeys playing horns and dead crop-circle researchers aid and abet the process. Hey, Sacha Baron Cohen could play Filipov and Justin Beber or Timberlake could play Robbert. The girlfriend (played by Millie Cyrus) could have a scene rolling sexily around in a crop-circle formation in a pile of mysteriously deposited pure magnesium... :)
I admit there are limits to what one can find from confines of ones armchair, but i remember looking into this one back in 09

There is a BAS and space research institute, but the only publications i could find from Lachezar Filipov


There are 8 publications of this author

    Krasimira Iankova, Lachezar Filipov , BAM 2004, 14-18 June, Rogen, Bulgaria , June 2004 , 0 , 167
    Full text (pdf )

  • Effect of the Rossby Number Variations on Dynamical Formations in Accretion Disc Flow
    Daniela Boneva, Lachezar Filipov , SENS 2007 , 2008 , 0 , 84
    Full text (pdf )

  • Modification Equations of Disk for Magnetic Corona
    Krasimira Iankova, Lachezar Filipov , SENS 2007 , 2008 , 0 , 88
    Full text (pdf )

  • Disturbances in the Disc Flow of Selected LMXBs* and the Variations in Their Light Curves
    Daniela Boneva, Lachezar Filipov , SENS 2008 , 2008 , 0 , 271
    Full text (pdf )

  • Web Based Monitorin in the Ragion of Burgas, Using Aerospace, Ground-Based and GPS Data
    Lachezar Filipov, Roumen Nedkov, Plamen Hristov, Maria Dimitrova, Iva Ivanova, Mariana Zaharinova, Daniela Boneva, Geor , SENS 2009 , 2009 , 0 , 187

  • Models of Vortices during the Accretion Processes in Close Binary Star Systems
    Daniela Boneva, Lachezar Filipov , SENS 2009 , 2009 , 0 , 360

  • Structure of Magnetized Accretion Disk
    Krasimira Yankova, Lachezar Filipov , SENS 2009 , 2009 , 0 , 370

  • Waves and Interacting Flows in Accretion Close Binary Star Systems
    Daniela Boneva, Lachezar Filipov , SES 2010 , 2011 , 0 , 398
    Full text (pdf )
I admit there are limits to what one can find from confines of ones armchair, but i remember looking into this one back in 09

There is a BAS and space research institute, but the only publications i could find from Lachezar Filipov

That's all? Oh my. He's a busy guy!
Publish or perish, as they say... :)
I mailed the Bulgarian SRI back then and asked if the story had any merit, but got no reply.
I shot off another one today, but i suspect the results will be the same
I was in Bulgaria couple years back, nipping over from neighbouring Romania. Now, I have nothing against Bulgarians per se, but it's one of those countries where the police are more scary than the criminals!

Not for a second do I believe Filipov's story - certainly not without substantial evidence, however Bulgaria strikes me as a place where people could disappear easily!
Good addition to the "where are they now?" Files, I suppose...

I didn't notice that it was a re-post until I was pasting it into the thread. Oh well, I saw it (re)posted yesterday.

Now that I mention it, it kinda sounds like a great screenplay idea: Bulgarian scientists decode crop-circles and establish a process for symbolic communication w/ "aliens." Filipov hears of Robbert and together they create a dialog through the creation of real-time crop-circle formations and psychic photographs. Monkeys playing horns and dead crop-circle researchers aid and abet the process. Hey, Sacha Baron Cohen could play Filipov and Justin Beber or Timberlake could play Robbert. The girlfriend (played by Millie Cyrus) could have a scene rolling sexily around in a crop-circle formation in a pile of mysteriously deposited pure magnesium... :)

You are SOOOO in love with Miss Cyrus, I on the other hand, am in love with her father's fabled vintage 80's mullet.
That only makes you normal tho? shit....