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Aliens can enter the "afterlife". I think.

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Skilled Investigator

I'm new to the forum + this podcast, been reading about OBEs, aliens & spirtuatuality,r eincarnation etc etc. Just started listening to the podcast episodes from 2006.

My question.
Can aliens / advanced extraterrestrial beings enter the real of the "dead" using technology (machines)?

I've been reading that spirtual masters can OBE/astral project into the dead realm. I came to this idea after reading "Walking between worlds, belonging to none" (link to amazon.com). In that book the biy incarnated here on earth. He is fetched by aliens, awakened to his true identity, meets his deceased brother etc etc.

If ETs can defeat gravity, walk through solid matter etc etc using tech then sure they can access the after death realm.

Whats the general concensus on the forum about that?

I'm new to the forum + this podcast, been reading about OBEs, aliens & spirtuatuality,r eincarnation etc etc. Just started listening to the podcast episodes from 2006.

My question.
Can aliens / advanced extraterrestrial beings enter the real of the "dead" using technology (machines)?

I've been reading that spirtual masters can OBE/astral project into the dead realm. I came to this idea after reading "Walking between worlds, belonging to none" (link to amazon.com). In that book the biy incarnated here on earth. He is fetched by aliens, awakened to his true identity, meets his deceased brother etc etc.

If ETs can defeat gravity, walk through solid matter etc etc using tech then sure they can access the after death realm.

Whats the general concensus on the forum about that?

Welcome to the forum! this is a great question. i have never considered it. it will be interesting to hear what others have to say.
My question.
Can aliens / advanced extraterrestrial beings enter the real of the "dead" using technology (machines)?
If ETs can defeat gravity, walk through solid matter etc etc using tech then sure they can access the after death realm.

We don't know that they are ETs, not in the usual sense. After a while you start to see how a lot of paranormal things can get clumped together... UFOs, ghosts, bigfoot... they are all real, but not real at the same time. I think it's more a matter of us not quite understanding what reality actually is. We only perceive the solid physical reality, and reject the rest of it as psychosis!

Matter is not all that solid... it's mostly empty space. The reason you can't pass your hand through it is because of repulsion. You never actually touch things, there is always a small space between.

I'm not sure that they use technology to pass through walls, but it might be. it just might be the nature of their existence.

A few interesting clues are the experiences people have on DMT. A very important book is "DMT: The Spirit Molecule" by Dr. Rick Strassman. I urge everyone interested in this subject to read that book! (It's going to be a movie soon as well) Test subjects given very large doses of DMT intravenously have near-death experiences, and many have encounters with non human intelligences, including the typical UFO abduction experience.

This would appear then that DMT, which is a natural substance produced in our brain by the pineal gland, has the ability to "open" our perceptions to things that very well might be here, but are not normally perceived. The pineal gland has always been considered the seat of the soul, and even the third eye. It is actually a remnant of the Parietal eye which some animals have, which is literally a third eye. The pineal gland has rods and cones just like your eye, and is through to possibly be light sensitive.

DMT is also produced in its highest concentrations when you are born and right before you die. So, if DMT triggers near death experiences, and also allows people to see apparent dimensions and beings that we don't normally see, it kind of hints that these beings might be from a realm that we associate with the after life. The large dose created before death might be to "open" a portal for our non physical self to enter.

Some people who have had encounters with these beings have been told they are not necessarily what we see, and they can pretty much take any form they want. This would imply that they might be not fully based in the physical world as we know it, but can be at times.

This would help to explain them being able to walk through walls, and even the behavior of UFOs. Now we can't really grasp the concept of something that is real, and isn't at the same time, because all our perceptions are based in the physical world as it is interpreted by our brain. This would also help explain things like ghosts, and other paranormal phenomenon.

It might all be a normal part of our world, but we just don't understand it, and it has been slowly removed from our cultural belief system by material science. We certainly have a long history of interaction with all sorts of beings, elves, gnomes, fairies, and all manner of "little people". Now they just look like an advanced technical race, and maybe they are. We have always said that we had supernatural beings here that came from "the heavens", and that when we die, we go to the same place (heaven in the singular). If they are from another dimension, that we also go to in some other state when we die (as energy or consciousness), then that makes some of our mythology and religion a little more concrete, and less symbolic.

I have felt for a long time that many of the stories we have retold over and over as mythology and religion might actually have some basis in fact, but have been misinterpreted and mangled over time.

But it is something to think about. :)

I also think that these beings might exist in a shared plane as us, which would explain why they are against us harming the planet and being concerned with our nukes. If we blow us up, we blow them up too!

Or, it could be much stranger than that. We don't even know why we exist, so we certainly can't say there isn't some reason why all this strange stuff happens.
Welcome to The Paracast, and I agree, interesting questions! I've also wanted to ask here the concept of non-humans being in the afterlife and if there's even such things and encounters with 'Alien Ghosts' ;) (being because they have died or are there using technology, etc).
As for myself, due my years of experimentation in ITC and my analysis of other ITC researcher's results in this field, there are small number of us who have entertained the notion that those beings that are called "ET's" or "Alien's" in the UFO field are in actuality beings from other worlds who have passed over into the "netherworld" of the dead who in fact dwell on the same plane as those humans who have passed over into it from our own world.

This explains why we get so many ITC images of beings who do not look human where we are seeing a vast assortment of beings who most definitely look like they are not from the planet earth.

I will spare you of showing any of those images here in this forum because there are some here who have problems handling information like this on a psychological and emotional level because it's so foreign to them. But,the fact is, it's there for anyone to evaluate.

However, I strongly believe that, in the years to come, researchers in the UFO field will be seriously analyzing such information as they become more willing to accept those "paranormal" and "spiritual" aspects of the UFO phenomenon.

I have much confidence that such open-mindedness in this area will eventually occur due to the overwhelming positive response to those images shown to us by Dorothy Izzat which left a deep impression on J. Hynek and other well known researchers in the UFO field. It will be on a very gradual basis, but rest assured, it will happen.

In any case, even in my own field of research, because the vast majority of those, at least in the US and Britain, refuse to acknowledge that those images of those non-human beings that show up in our ITC results are "non-human" because most are members or followers of the Spiritualist Church which does not recognize the existence of beings many cultures and religions call "demons" -- because in their religion, demons do not exist. So once again we are dealing with information that is being interpreted through the looking glass of one's pre-existing belief system and this is unfortunate. For this reason I do not belong or associate with those who are members of AA-EVP which is associated with the Spiritualist Church due to their very biased interpretation of ITC results.

On the other hand, the top European ITC researchers are much more objective in their analysis of ITC information and most of those work for various universities in France, Germany, Italy and Russia. Those researchers believe that those "non-human" ITC images could possibly of beings from other worlds though it's a toss up if they are dwelling in the land of the dead or are simply manifesting to us from a separate place where they actually dwell on ... meaning from a different dimension. Unlike the spiritualists, they do not stick their head in the sand and negate the existence of such beings or say that such images are really only distorted images of human discarnates which is laughable when one see's the length those members of the Spiritualist church will go to.. to support their argument on this issue.
We don't know that they are ETs, not in the usual sense. After a while you start to see how a lot of paranormal things can get clumped together... UFOs, ghosts, bigfoot... they are all real, but not real at the same time. I think it's more a matter of us not quite understanding what reality actually is. We only perceive the solid physical reality, and reject the rest of it as psychosis!

Matter is not all that solid... it's mostly empty space. The reason you can't pass your hand through it is because of repulsion. You never actually touch things, there is always a small space between.

I'm not sure that they use technology to pass through walls, but it might be. it just might be the nature of their existence.

A few interesting clues are the experiences people have on DMT. A very important book is "DMT: The Spirit Molecule" by Dr. Rick Strassman. I urge everyone interested in this subject to read that book! (It's going to be a movie soon as well) Test subjects given very large doses of DMT intravenously have near-death experiences, and many have encounters with non human intelligences, including the typical UFO abduction experience.

This would appear then that DMT, which is a natural substance produced in our brain by the pineal gland, has the ability to "open" our perceptions to things that very well might be here, but are not normally perceived. The pineal gland has always been considered the seat of the soul, and even the third eye. It is actually a remnant of the Parietal eye which some animals have, which is literally a third eye. The pineal gland has rods and cones just like your eye, and is through to possibly be light sensitive.

DMT is also produced in its highest concentrations when you are born and right before you die. So, if DMT triggers near death experiences, and also allows people to see apparent dimensions and beings that we don't normally see, it kind of hints that these beings might be from a realm that we associate with the after life. The large dose created before death might be to "open" a portal for our non physical self to enter.

Some people who have had encounters with these beings have been told they are not necessarily what we see, and they can pretty much take any form they want. This would imply that they might be not fully based in the physical world as we know it, but can be at times.

This would help to explain them being able to walk through walls, and even the behavior of UFOs. Now we can't really grasp the concept of something that is real, and isn't at the same time, because all our perceptions are based in the physical world as it is interpreted by our brain. This would also help explain things like ghosts, and other paranormal phenomenon.

It might all be a normal part of our world, but we just don't understand it, and it has been slowly removed from our cultural belief system by material science. We certainly have a long history of interaction with all sorts of beings, elves, gnomes, fairies, and all manner of "little people". Now they just look like an advanced technical race, and maybe they are. We have always said that we had supernatural beings here that came from "the heavens", and that when we die, we go to the same place (heaven in the singular). If they are from another dimension, that we also go to in some other state when we die (as energy or consciousness), then that makes some of our mythology and religion a little more concrete, and less symbolic.

I have felt for a long time that many of the stories we have retold over and over as mythology and religion might actually have some basis in fact, but have been misinterpreted and mangled over time.

But it is something to think about. :)

I also think that these beings might exist in a shared plane as us, which would explain why they are against us harming the planet and being concerned with our nukes. If we blow us up, we blow them up too!

Or, it could be much stranger than that. We don't even know why we exist, so we certainly can't say there isn't some reason why all this strange stuff happens.

And ................ that's basically what I think too! Nice post!
My question.
Can aliens / advanced extraterrestrial beings enter the realm of the "dead" using technology (machines)?
We have machines now that can do that. Coming back to the realm of the living is the technical hurdle.
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We have machines now that can do that. Coming back to the realm of the living is the technical hurdle.
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In the ITC field, we have ample evidence that those "on the other side" are using their own "technology" to communicate to us via ITC/evp.

So yes, they use their own technology to manifest into our physical realm -- and many times they manifest and communicate to us through electronic technology on our end to where the technology on their end is somehow connected to our technology to manifest.

The same goes for those entities who claim they are not human who dwell in the unseen realms.

We in the ITC field have known this for over a half a century. Nothing new here.
I don't know if I buy into this indigo child thing, but your idea is one that has been discussed and written about. Strieber's fictional 'Majestic' uses this idea extensively (and negatively.)

Obviously western societies these days are extremely rationalistic and it's no stretch to claim most ‘scientists’ reject religious beliefs outright as being backward, simplistic, and even stupid. No wonder, considering what organized religion did to the world, especially fundamentalism (in all its forms). Millions died, all for the wrong reasons. That kind of religious belief that insisted on blatant untruths, needed to be rejected. However, I must say that rationalistic science has done no better in terms of our behavior to each other. Dr. Mengeles comes to mind.

But I wonder sometimes if we haven’t thrown the baby out with the bath water here. Understand that as a young child of five or six I remember learning about the beliefs of Christianity and declaring the equivalent of “This is bull shit.” By the time I was eleven I was convinced it was absolute and utter nonsense. I learned to keep my beliefs to myself and fortunately had a mother who was very good at passive resistance when it came to attending church or Sunday school. Thanks, Mom!

It’s only in my later years that I have come to revisit the issue and wonder if there is not something to it. I don’t mean the superficialities, the catechisms, or the beliefs that God looks just like me. I mean the idea that there is more to ourselves than just this physical reality and that at a very basic level, religion does have it right. We are multi-dimensional beings stifled in this dimension by the veil of forgetfulness that makes it nearly impossible for us to know the truth.

However, I also have a faith in science being able to explain Reality (the capital-R kind) completely. That science as a whole rejects these religious notions right now is simply a matter of not having gotten there yet. Newton would have rejected charmed quarks as well. That the Randis of the world loudly debunk anything resembling religious or paranormal thought is just as ignorant and idiotic as fundamentalist preachers like Falwell railing in the opposite direction. I see them as peas in a pod, brothers united in extremism.

The cutting edge of theoretical physics is very interesting these days. I do not pretend to understand it, brane theory, or holography, and I’m not saying the 11-dimensions of super string theory are equivalent to the kind of inter-dimensions suggested by religion, but, just as on the religious side, I feel there is something there. The next big breakthrough, as in an Einstein-type breakthrough, is going to be when physics ‘discovers’ the same dimensions religion is talking about. That will, of course, be awesome for our species. It will change everything.

Why do I think this will happen? Because it already has. ‘They’ have done it and ‘they’ understand, whomever they are. I don’t think any one piece of evidence, whether it is UFO-related or paranormal, says much of anything. It can all be pretty well debunked by someone determined. But as a whole, the body of evidence experienced by millions personally, would suggest that this is the case. We have a tremendous amount of anecdotal evidence which is rejected as a matter of course. I have no idea of what Reality really is, but I suggest this general outline is probably more or less correct.

I do not think that when we are in a position to be aware of the next level of Reality that we will be indulging ourselves in heaping scorn upon the James Randis and Carl Sagans of the word walking the streets in humiliation for being so completely wrong. I suggest that we are very ignorant of who we are, and at the next level we will discover that was their job and role to play, even as we had ours, and that things do fit together as they should. Nor is the next level the last. We are likely many levels from enlightenment.

I’m not sure I like this game we’re in, by the way. In fact, I kinda think it sucks. It looks to me like it is totalitarian and manipulative, and from my level of ignorance, I don’t want to play it any more. Perhaps at another level I will discover that “I” agreed to all this with enthusiasm and gusto. If so, I withdraw my consent. If I were forced into it, I pledge my resistance. It’s still all bull shit, no matter how you cut it.
We in the ITC field have known this for over a half a century. Nothing new here.
I'm guessing you don't mean the International Trade Commission.
Something to do with information technology and a word that starts with a 'c', I'm guessing. I feel like I'm on Acronym-Jeopardy.
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But I wonder sometimes if we haven’t thrown the baby out with the bath water here. Understand that as a young child of five or six I remember learning about the beliefs of Christianity and declaring the equivalent of “This is bull shit.” By the time I was eleven I was convinced it was absolute and utter nonsense. I learned to keep my beliefs to myself and fortunately had a mother who was very good at passive resistance when it came to attending church or Sunday school. Thanks, Mom!

Me too! My parents were Roman Catholic, no surprise as my Dad's mom was from Ireland, and my Mom's folks were from Italy. They weren't religious though, and my mom only took me to church once, which was all in Latin, and she kept shushing me when I asked what the man was talking about! But the gothic architecture was nice in the church.

Later some nuns kept sending home a notice about Sunday school, which I would throw away before I got home from school, but they eventually came by the house and convinced my mom that I needed this. This must have been about 3rd grade or so. I thought it was all nonsense, and they didn't like me asking questions like "what color were Adam and Eve?" I think I got a slap for that!

I just knew it was all BS. Same thing when I was taught about the pyramids and all.

It’s only in my later years that I have come to revisit the issue and wonder if there is not something to it. I don’t mean the superficialities, the catechisms, or the beliefs that God looks just like me. I mean the idea that there is more to ourselves than just this physical reality and that at a very basic level, religion does have it right. We are multi-dimensional beings stifled in this dimension by the veil of forgetfulness that makes it nearly impossible for us to know the truth.

Yes, I came to the same cross roads recently. I keep thinking "people are telling these stories, over and over, and they seem to be important, and people don't want us to forget them." And not just religion, but mythology and folklore too. At the same time, something seems to want us to forget them, and they have been fractured and mangled into forms that no longer make sense.

The cutting edge of theoretical physics is very interesting these days. I do not pretend to understand it, brane theory, or holography, and I’m not saying the 11-dimensions of super string theory are equivalent to the kind of inter-dimensions suggested by religion, but, just as on the religious side, I feel there is something there. The next big breakthrough, as in an Einstein-type breakthrough, is going to be when physics ‘discovers’ the same dimensions religion is talking about. That will, of course, be awesome for our species. It will change everything.

Same here. I have a feel for it, but it's hard to try and think about. I only started the book, but the Self Aware Universe is very good, and he's trying to do the same thing, takes physics and religion and have them coexist.

Why do I think this will happen? Because it already has. ‘They’ have done it and ‘they’ understand, whomever they are. I don’t think any one piece of evidence, whether it is UFO-related or paranormal, says much of anything. It can all be pretty well debunked by someone determined. But as a whole, the body of evidence experienced by millions personally, would suggest that this is the case. We have a tremendous amount of anecdotal evidence which is rejected as a matter of course. I have no idea of what Reality really is, but I suggest this general outline is probably more or less correct.

I recently bought a book, and I had never heard of it, or the author, but it looked interesting. The book hadn't come in the mail yet, and I was listening to the Paracast show from March, with Mike Clelland. That's a great episode! So Mike mentions a women named Dolores Cannon. I thought that name sounded familiar, so I looked at the order for the book... And it was “Custodians” by Dolores Cannon! (twilight zone music...)

So I got the book a few days ago, and I was skimming through it, and there's a part where someone is telling of an abduction experience, and they showed her a "video" of the earth, and a lot of people, and they were forming two lines. One line was people who were trying to raise their consciousness, and the other line wasn’t.

The premise was that the Earth would be destroyed, and the “UFO people” would take the enlightened people. Then she saw the Earth destroyed, and then a new one rolled into view. She said she felt the whole thing might have been symbolic. I told this to my wife, because she was raised as a Jehovah's Witness, and she said "well that's pretty much what they teach."

The thing that caught my eye was that people had to raise their vibrations in the context of raising their consciousness.

The reason it caught my eye is this is pretty much what happened to me. I wrote about the incident here before, but basically I woke in the middle of the night wide awake, and went to go sit in the dark in the living room. I suddenly saw all these images and had this stream of information.. about everything known in the universe... and I heard a voice talking to me in my head, and was told to write a book, and get people organized into a movement, and I was also shown some kind of disaster. What I was supposed to write about was some idea about people raising their vibrations. The idea was just popped into my mind, and I understood the whole thing very clearly. It was simple, yet profound. I thought "wow, why didn't I think of that before? it's so simple." The voice said "this would help people" and I had the feeling it was for some event in the near future.

When I protested that writing the book and getting people together seemed like a lot of work, and I wasn't sure I could do it (and I wasn't sure I wasn't to be a cult leader!) then the stream of info stopped. I could still remember the idea, but was not able to get up and write it down. I just couldn't do it. I kept convincing myself that I wouldn't forget it, because it was so simple. Then I got very tired and fell asleep. When I woke a few hours later, I could not remember the idea, just what had happened. Funny thing is I felt I knew this entity. I didn't see anything, but this wasn't the first time I heard that same voice, and I just felt is was an old friend of mine that saved my life once. I have never seen them... I would like to however.

So, it's clear, to me at least, that people are being contacted, and given some tasks to do, and shown stuff. But why?

I think we are here (in this forum) because we need to figure this out. I know I came here to look for people with similar experiences, or at least an open mind about it. At the very least talking about it is raising the awareness level. The more experiences I hear about, the more similarities I see in things that have been happening to me my entire life.

I gotta say though, I much prefer a John Keel world than the Carl Sagan version. it's much more interesting.
I'm guessing you don't mean the International Trade Commission.
Something to do with information technology and a word that starts with a 'c', I'm guessing. I feel like I'm on Acronym-Jeopardy.
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I was wondering the same thing.
So, it's clear, to me at least, that people are being contacted, and given some tasks to do, and shown stuff. But why?
Most of what I've gotten is in symbols and language that are completely beyond my ability to interpret. It's frustrating and seems to make no sense at all. It's like trying to teach a monkey algebra, and I'm the monkey.
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Most of what I've gotten is in symbols and language that are completely beyond my ability to interpret. It's frustrating and seems to make no sense at all. It's like trying to teach a monkey algebra, and I'm the monkey.

So just like crop circles, if this is an attempt at communication, it's failing. So what does that say about the intelligence of those who are attempting to communicate? If any of us went to the New Guinea Highlands and started talking English, only to be met with blank stares, we'd be accused of the worst form of ethnocentricism imaginable and be labeled rubes, if not racists and imperalists.

So are these guys stupid, ignorant, or what?
So just like crop circles, if this is an attempt at communication, it's failing. So what does that say about the intelligence of those who are attempting to communicate? If any of us went to the New Guinea Highlands and started talking English, only to be met with blank stares, we'd be accused of the worst form of ethnocentricism imaginable and be labeled rubes, if not racists and imperalists.

So are these guys stupid, ignorant, or what?

That's a great way to look at it!

Like waving your hand to someone. That can mean anything if you aren't from that culture.

My brother used to live with a woman that was a flight attendant, and when her airline started doing international flights, they had to be trained on hand gestures. Sticking your thumb up in the US means "good" and I think it was in Australia that it was like giving someone the middle finger! The "OK" sign here (thumb to index finger making a circle) means "asshole" in France! I might be a little mixed up on which was where, but you get the idea.

So for a culture that doesn't need to form sentences in a linear manner, and more-or-less puts fully formed complex abstract ideas into each other's minds, it must be a struggle to communicate with us. They seem to like to use metaphors. My experience was as I was shown images, I had the full meaning to go with it.. so there was a lot of metadata sent. We look at an image, and then have to interpret the meaning. They can send the meaning with the picture.

They say dolphins can probably send pictures to each other via the sounds they make, and look at the hard time we have communicating with them. You try to find the lowest common denominator, so we use geometric shapes and colors and stuff.

Kind of like crop formations.

This is so damn fascinating though.
I will spare you of showing any of those images here in this forum because there are some here who have problems handling information like this on a psychological and emotional level because it's so foreign to them. But,the fact is, it's there for anyone to evaluate.

Can you please point me to some? I'd love to see this. That was an interesting post. I had never thought that these entities might be deceased. That also would answer a lot of questions, like how they are able to follow people around for so long and so closely, and why some say they are the "elders".
I completely agree that there is a lot more to our universe and to ourselves than meets the eye. I think that with our current understanding of science we're only scratching the surface of what's possible and what our perception of reality actually is. I think that the future will see a sort of convergence of science and religion or spirituality, if you will. I also think that it's entirely within the realm of possibility that previous earth civilizations had a far greater understanding of our reality and could very well transcend into other realms or come in contact with beings from other realms.

Overall I find this topic fascinating. The more I learn about paranormal, the more it seems to me that there is definately some kind of a unifying reality that binds everything that we deem as paranormal. It could very well be that the paranormal reality is the actual reality that we graduate to after death (a sort of a wake up after a long slumber) and our world is simply a 'Matrix' pulled over our eyes - a world of illusion and deception that we have to make a sense out of.
considering. Maybe some of them are from there.. who knows?? Perhaps they once lived in another area of our universe and when they die from their physical plane, they end up in the same place we humans do.

Past life regressionist Michael Newton reports in his cases studies that uncountable number of souls are in the afterlife where the physical doesnt exist anymore, in a sort of staging area.

Today i listened to a (opens youtube) with well known OBE'er Robert Monroe, know for his books such as Journeys out of the Body. He implied that one can reincarnate on other planets etc.

geting back to my initial post..

I'm not sure that they use technology to pass through walls, but it might be. it just might be the nature of their existence.

Maybe. Maybe not. I've had instances whern i heard radio playing music, in a silent house with no radios switched on. A few weeks ago i read one could hear radio transmission just before experiencing an OBE!
Tech to transmit/receive radio waves has been available for quite some time now. Those arent physical matter.
Apparentley OBEs enables one to do interstellar travel. How to achieve interstellar travel utilizing a mechanical device. Something like a radio, but taking your physical body along.

Listening to The Paracast of 12-nov-2006 the interviewee mentioned that problems are solved during OBEs or, one can meet a being which helps u solve a problem. Thomas Edison apprantley got many pof his inventions from a OBE state.

A few interesting clues are the experiences people have on DMT. A very important book is "DMT: The Spirit Molecule" by Dr. Rick Strassman. I urge everyone interested in this subject to read that book! (It's going to be a movie soon as well) Test subjects given very large doses of DMT

here's a link to the book.

and 5-part documentary about DMT
Maybe. Maybe not. I've had instances whern i heard radio playing music, in a silent house with no radios switched on. A few weeks ago i read one could hear radio transmission just before experiencing an OBE!
Tech to transmit/receive radio waves has been available for quite some time now. Those arent physical matter.


I've heard of things like that happening too before OBE's and I know it's true because even though the scenario taking place in my own case when that happened to me once was different... I'm not surprised at all that you've had that experience before an OBE. From what I know, an experience like that is not unheard of for those who regularly engage in altered state or spiritual related exercises of one sort or another --- something about the radio... Thanks for bringing that up!:redface:

Also, that's DavidRavenMoon's quote, (not mine) about that DMT book but I'm going to order it because it sounds like it's got information that I may find useful. And thanks for posting that You Tube vid on that topic... am viewing it now.