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Aliens Extinct?

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or they don't use the same tech as we do, or they are not that advanced yet, or they don't come from the same dimension as we do, or....... you get the point ;)
In my (now) many years in paranormal/UFO research, I have heard/seen/read many ridiculous theories. I really must say that this one, ET is extinct, takes the cake. Maybe a case of wishful thinking?

In my (now) many years in paranormal/UFO research, I have heard/seen/read many ridiculous theories. I really must say that this one, ET is extinct, takes the cake. Maybe a case of wishful thinking?

I think a question of attempted cosmic theorizing on the basis of absurdly limited information.
In my (now) many years in paranormal/UFO research, I have heard/seen/read many ridiculous theories. I really must say that this one, ET is extinct, takes the cake. Maybe a case of wishful thinking?


Nice way to put it Don.

I tend to ignore these sorts of theories for a number of reasons one of which is that as a technological species we are mere infants, our understanding of the universe while not insignificant is really only the equivalent of baby's first steps in my opinion.

We make so many assumptions about what ET is (I am very much a nuts and bolts guy by the way) and how they communicate when in truth the only real answer is we simply don't as yet know. Oh for sure we can make assumptions based on our own scientific understanding but in the end they are at best a guess an educated one but a guess none the less.

The current study of the anomaly of "Tabby's Star" is some thing I recommend we all follow, many of the natural phenomena that could explain the dimming have been ruled out thus far .... alien mega-structure? it could well be if all other explanations are ruled inadequate then logic dictates that it may very well be one.

No I don't think ET is extinct, hell there are literally trillions of galaxy's out there with billions of stars in each one and it is mans hubris to believe we are the only intelligent life.
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Our knowledge of past global disasters affecting Earth's biosphere is incomplete but not altogether comforting. Humans are latecomers to this planet. The short lifespans of individuals, tribes and nations is of little help in predicting the worst this planet and the medium it inhabits may have in store for it. This is another way of saying we just don't know what the average lifespan of life at any level of complexity on an earth type planet might be.

Toba catastrophe theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Other words we all are just a speck in the universe of study and growing with time. The discoveries of water on other planets and different types of terrain humanity will find life from its basic form to unknown intelligence as time goes by.
Other words we all are just a speck in the universe of study and growing with time. The discoveries of water on other planets and different types of terrain humanity will find life from its basic form to unknown intelligence as time goes by.

If we manage to survive these turbulent times