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Aliens, Illuminati and Ignorance

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Robert Baird

Paranormal Maven
Aliens, Illuminati and Ignorance

Unfortunately easy answers often become the fall back position of those who are seeking answers. It requires so much work to explain all aspects of reality, and the ego has difficulty admitting it will never know anything as a certainly. Yes, there are extra-terrestrials and they might even watch over what we do as we become more capable of endangering life in universe. Yes, knowledge can be gained through portals and other attunements. No, there is no difficulty explaining how we developed almost everything attributed to aliens. The only thing I cannot explain is how ignorance rose to near extremist heights and stayed there through so many centuries. I jest, of course. It is explainable through one simple word - religion.

"Faith is an openness and trusting attitude to truth and reality, whatever it may turn out to be. This is a risky and adventurous state of mind. Belief in the religious sense, is the opposite of faith - because it is a fervent wishing or hope, a compulsive clinging to the idea that the universe is arranged and governed in such and such a way. Belief is holding to a rock; faith is learning how to swim - and this whole universe swims in boundless space." - Alan Watts

I have a hard time calling Scientology a religion and yet like most criminal enterprises they imitate I have to admit they are better than any, if not them all. I have a very low opinion of them, so you can be sure I have an even lower opinion of all major religions, except Buddhism and Taoism which are non-theistic. The Scientologists do attempt to make society a better place and they have success managing their people. I just think it is better to be free, and think for yourself. But within every one of the theistic religions or cults, there are groups I find mystical values in and gain insight from.

There is value to be found in every religion and almost every thought. Making sense and using it for the Divine Providential rights of all life on Earth is where the rubber hits the road.

Grids 1

The currently running Expedition show on TV had the Atacama giant and Nazca Lines mystery on a recent episode. I confess Von Daniken raised my awareness about ancient technology when he said the Nazca Lines were an alien landing zone. It said what I say after decades of research, the lines are over water aquifers and people used spiritual rituals to draw energy to bring water to the surface. The rituals include alignment of the designs to the sun and stars (like Venus or the morning star) and the Earth Energy Grid like all other megaliths. The geoglyphic nodal points or areas where the Nazca Lines join over a deep aquifer are also in Poverty point designs or megalithic henges even when not seen or drawn. It is like the magic circle of pagans where there are five points to the pentagram drawn to perform rituals. Imagine the lines continue inside and outside the design. That energy attunement must have lead to water being brought forth at least in the minds of the people who drank it. To find the aquifers was a matter of dowsing - easily proven and still used in military situations today.

The twelve main energy vortexes including the Great Pyramid of Iesa have many smaller center points or nodes. You can think of a corollary in your own body - the chakras and psychic points chart which mirrors the lymph system. Epigeneticists may make a further breakthrough in this integrative insight soon. The twelve plates in the Dodecahedron are part of the ancient earth computer.

If as Sartre says "Love is absent space." What will the wisdom seeker experience in Love versus someone only seeking for what others agree with?

The following book is an academic masterpiece integrating archaeosymbolism, the collective unconscious, archetypes and consciousness studies, which start with paintings in caves but as we know the painting art is about 500,000 years older than we once thought - not so long ago.

"My third epiphany was in 1998 at a performance of Martin McDonagh’s play, The Beauty Queen of Leenane, when I heard the protagonist, Pato Dooley, wistfully declare:

When it’s there I am, it’s here I wish I was, of course. Who
wouldn’t? But when it’s here I am … it isn’t there I want to be, of
course not. But I know it isn’t here I want to be either.

In these words I heard Pato Dooley enunciate the universal dilemma of human kind; how to resolve the unattainable quite impractical desire to dwell in that imaginal place from which we have somehow been exiled, where we feel we are home and where we belong and where we know that the essence and reality of our soul will find its safe harbour. This dilemma, this longing is reflected in our religious beliefs and dogmas, in historical narratives, in the art and literature of all cultures and also significantly informs and structures much of our physical and psychological survival since it is most readily and commonly perceived in our storytelling."


Beyond the Dragon Project proof of energy varying and dovetailing with astronomical or astrological events and megaliths being part of a computer type of information matrix - we now have Gaia Theory developed by James Lovelock and Lynn Margulis and others including Hawkins who work on Crop Circles I have covered - here. It is more than just some Green initiative and Bucky Fuller saw how consciousness in even the marble under a sculptors tools can be worked with.

The following link should take you to a good or decent history of the Illuminati. Every detail in it is worth at least one book - that should be written if average people are ever to know what lies they are fed. For example, Genghis Khan (Temujin - see thread) is a Nestorian like Hecateus of Miletus who met Abaris who taught Pythagoras. The Nestorians ran China a millennium before Genghis re-took it. The Sufis and Manicheans are part of the ecumenicism which Catharism tried to bring to all people as they gave free education, free medicine and much more to a large area of France, Spain and Portugal while speaking Langue (language) D'Oc or De = of, Occamy = alchemy).

However, It is very wrong about the era before the Current era (BCE) and origins of alphabets etc.

The Illuminati Outline of History, Part II

The above link is like a lot of alien theory which is included in the foundational books of the Judaeo/Christian/Islamic cultus. It says some things which are worth serious investigation but if you do not do that investigation you will end up believing nonsense. Some of the things it says which I know are nonsense, include Sumerians being helped by aliens as Sitchen says the Sumerian records show. Those same records also identify where those aliens came from. It was Dilmun or Jubail (modern day Dubai). And yes, academia has continued to foster the idea that Greece and Rome, or the Classical historian's study, were the zenith of science and culture. They were Empires that Hellenized or destroyed books and knowledge from prior cultures. The complete Gospels or New Testament actually are written by Romans seeking to build a new religion they were in control of, and that religion became more expansive than the original Empire. The real benefit to the few who ran it was there were fewer people to share the wealth of conquerors with. It also says Francis Bacon founded Freemasonry. He did play a vital role in the Rosicrucian or Royal Society and he did have a very real interest in the Americas. He owned land near Oak Island for example. He did not found Free (Phre = Fire) Masonry.

As to the Pole shifts and the work of Hapgood forwarded by Einstein, it was one of the things I supported for many years due to things like the Mammoths found with intact buttercups above the Arctic Circle. But geology proves it is a magnetic shift only and the explanation for the Mammoth buttercups is a Meteor in 8350 BCE which caused nuclear winters and earthquakes that blocked the sun for many, many years.

"Then, when we factor in Zecharia Sitchin's deeper work as well, we realize that a group that had access to incredible technology aided the Sumerians, a group that possessed flying machines, lasers and other exotic equipment. A very advanced understanding of science and physics was present as well, including the knowledge of the full spectrum of planets in the Solar System. We are also told in the ancient Hindu Vedas and the Cayce Readings that Atlanteans did indeed possess flying machines, so this checks out. (It also could be that the Atlanteans were cooperating with Space Brothers that they had interacted with as well, given the preponderance of "Ancient Astronaut" data that is available. Sitchin's data very strongly suggests the existence of the Annunaki, or "Those who from Heaven to Earth Came.")

The maps were kept within the high ranks of the priesthood well after the start of the Sumerian civilization, and eventually, they were secreted into the Library of Alexandria in Egypt, and later into the academic halls of Greece. It is believed that only those who were members of the secret brotherhoods knew of the existence of these maps. The argument for the secret brotherhoods' existence is extremely strong, and the best book Wilcock has ever found on this topic is The People of the Secret by Ernest Scott, Octagon Press, London 1983. Scott's work leaves no doubt whatsoever that this Brotherhood existed, that it secretly allied the major religions of Christianity, Islam and Judaism, and that it still persists in the present moment as a positive group that communes with Higher Intelligence and seeks to gradually unveil the Mysteries to our civilization. It is indeed very interesting material, but if we try to take on Scott's incredible and highly academic arguments, we would have to write a whole new volume for this book!

These brotherhoods sent out seafaring explorers to rediscover the lands that were hidden on their secret maps, to eventually rebuild a great, technological civilization like Atlantis. Francis Bacon, the father of modern Freemasonry, declared the American continent to be the site for the "New Atlantis." And, in order to set this plan into action, the explorers themselves would need to copy over the maps, at least in part, so that they would have something they could work with. Certain authors including Hancock in Fingerprints of the Gods speculate that Columbus had access to these maps, and therefore knew that the Earth was actually round, and that new lands would be found overseas.

All of this proved to be quite interesting to Ivan P. Sanderson, the "father of the Grid," and now we will see why. The first explorer that we are aware of who copied over one of these maps is Admiral Piri Reis, in 1513 AD. This map focuses on Africa's west coast, South America's east coast and the northern coast of Antarctica. What is so interesting is that it shows the Antarctic Queen Maud Land area as an ice-free coast. And, as Hancock writes in Fingerprints, in order for this coast to have been surveyed without ice, it would have to have been mapped between 13,000 and 4,000 BC! Modern humanity did not know the outline of this coast until 1949, as a result of a comprehensive seismic survey by a joint British-Swedish reconnaissance team. (Hancock 1995, pg. 12.)

The man who put all of this map information together is Charles Hapgood, however his theories did not initially start with these maps. Hapgood was a History of Science professor at Keene College in New Hampshire, although his areas of inquiry obviously went far beyond simple history. Hapgood's basic theory concerns Earth crustal displacement, a close analog to the idea of "pole shift," where the surface of the Earth actually changes position. Hapgood says that the entire surface crust of the Earth "may be displaced at times, moving over the soft inner body, much as the skin of an orange, if it were loose, might shift over the inner part of the orange all in one piece." This theory drew the attention of Albert Einstein as well, who contributed the forward to Hapgood's 1953 book.

"I frequently receive communications from people who wish to consult me concerning their unpublished ideas [Einstein observed]. It goes without saying that these ideas are very seldom possessed of scientific validity. The very first communication, however, that I received from Mr. Hapgood electrified me. His idea is original, of great simplicity, and - if it continues to prove itself - of great importance to everything that is related to the history of the earth's surface."

In a polar region there is continual deposition of ice, which is not symmetrically distributed about the pole. The earth's rotation acts on these unsymmetrically deposited masses, and produces centrifugal momentum that is transmitted to the rigid crust of the earth. The constantly increasing centrifugal momentum produced in this way will, when it has reached a certain point, produce a movement of the earth's crust over the rest of the earth's body."

Yes, Columbus got maps from the reformed Templars including the Knights of Christ and it's leader his father-in-law. The Templar fleet like that of Solomon in the lineage of Merovingians had travelled the whole Earth for millennia. Yes, anti-gravity is a possible explanation of Energy Grid uses in conjunction with other mental and soulful explanations. But this grid and the Platonic solids is very very ancient technology going back at least 20,000 years. Yes, the secret societies kept the secret of the Pentagon Dodecahedron and even killed those who sought to explain it's secrets to Sophists or those outside their cabal. And those secret societies and special families who wrote the Bible and gave themselves monopolies on trade or shipping (Onassis is a Merovingian name) and usury (Benjaminites = de Medicis and now Rothschilds) are the Illuminati. So what? They have tried to educate people and give them their knowledge as the Cathars, Gracchi and others back before the Therapeutae of Pythagoras (see Abaris). What they get is Heresy Trials, Inquisitions, Crusades and conspiracy theorist nonsense. Their outreaches including the Jesuits and Club of Rome are not bad, they seek a real plan to take humanity forward towards it's Providential potential.
What I have chosen from among thousands of garbage-minded uninformed and deceived purveyors of ego will cover the core issues of ignorance. The Bavarian Illuminati founded by Goethe, Weishaupt, St. Germain and William of Hesse included watchful participants such as Meyer Amschel Rothschild and Professor Oppenheim (Merovingians or Benjaminites all). It was founded because the Catholic behemoth and corrupt unenlightened people and priests of society at large had disbanded the Jesuits. The Jesuits were disbanded for their efforts to create a better life than slavery for South Americans who were being harshly treated by monopolists given Papal authority for a fee. The Jesuits still try to help people form communes or sensible co-operative efforts.

Earlier Illuminati efforts include:
1. Alumbrados (Italian for Illuminati) efforts supported by the de Medicis created the Jesuits and an education system that still bears the name of Thomas Aquinas. He was an alchemist forced to write Aristotelian philosophy into the church dogma or see his mentor/lover the Bishop of Munich get more than just de-frocking. That man is Frater Albertus Magnus who inspired Goethe through his writings and who is widely regarded as the foremost alchemist before Paracelsus or even his equal.
2. The support of many Renaissance scientists including Da Vinci, Nostradamus, Newton and the Rosicrucians of England and the Emerald Isles. King Rudolf of Bavaria had done a lot to bring hope to real scientists as well. Though the Illuminati were often Popes they still had to do battle with corrupt prelates just as men like Jefferson did centuries later. Jefferson said Adam Weishaupt was a philanthropist and Jefferson was correct.
3. Along with their army of spies called the Templars we saw the Illuminati support the Cathars who raised women to be equal with men. They all suffered mercilessly for this in what is called the Children's Crusade because children holding the hands of their parents singing hymns to the living love of Jesus were marched into fires by the hundreds of thousands.
4. The Gracchi and Cynics (including Yeshua Bar Joseph and Seneca who was greatly admired by Jefferson, who wrote his own Bible) attempted to help people rebel against corruption and slavery of the soul and more.

I can go back in time far beyond their writing of the Hebrew Bible (see thread on the diaspora lie recently proven by archaeology). The Father of Biblical Archaeology Professor Albright of Johns Hopkins, said "The Bible is a Phoenician literary legacy."

That brings us to what a website written by a Satan worshipping Christian Bible thumper has to say. Yes, those who fear Satan are worshippers of that myth created by Rome along with the Hell and Heaven which they created as Jesuit and Pope John Paul II admitted in 1999.

""There are unseen rich and powerful people pulling strings, but they are just making themselves more rich and powerful for a short period of time. There are many groups, secret and otherwise, that are successful in spreading lies and misinformation, but almost everything is lies and misinformation in one way or another, so it really does not affect things much.

If there is an Illuminati, they are not very illuminated and are nothing to worry about. They do not know the nature of reality, or they would not be trying to control it. They will not be able to change it, no matter what they think.

There are no bad or good guys, just people that know the truth and those that don’t. Many will learn the truth and change their ways, and many won’t."

quoted excerpt from: The Present - Insights - World Government

People think that the symbolism on money, in movies, music videos, etc., is proof that the almighty 'Illuminati' rules the world. Calling some arbitrary group of wealthy, influential people the 'Illuminati' just promotes a false sense of power, perpetuating the illusion of control. This ego-ruled, owner class thrives on people believing they are powerful, in believing that they exist as the 'Illuminati' and have global influence and control. Just using the word 'Illuminati' in the context of power and control feeds the illusion that people have real power over others and over life itself. The people trying to divide and conquer life, hoard the resources, and destroy humanity and the environment for profits and influence are deceived and deceiving, not illuminated.

We need to stop calling these people 'illuminated', because that is the exact opposite of the truth. If they were truly enlightened, illuminated beings, they would not be playing the animal power games, perpetuating the dog-eat-dog world, dividing, conquering and trying to control life. If they were truly illuminated, they would know that what goes around comes around for everyone, including them, and they would realize that they are their own worst enemy. With this realization, they would immediately stop trying to control life and start sharing the wealth and building paradise on earth for everyone.

All that said, there is a larger force of deception in control of these rich owners and politicians, and the rest of humanity: the instinctual, animal mind... the beast within, amplified and also hidden by the cold, calculating mind of man... that which deceivith the whole world, what religions call Satan. These so-called 'elite' and privileged are more slaves to their animal minds than anyone else. They are too blind to even know they are blind; their minds have cut them off completely from the presence of Life and the Spirit (divine intelligence) of the universe, and also from knowing themselves and what they are really doing in the big picture sense. It's nobody's fault, literally. There are invisible forces at work that hide, distort, and also reveal the truth, and we are beginning to be able to distinguish between the animal mind and the spiritual mind, which are in an undeclared mental war for the souls in this world. The ability to discern truth from falsehood, reality from illusion, spiritual from beast, is our true awakening."

The Truth About the Illuminati

The so-called New World Order is a direct and continuous business Empire of Phoenician elites and families who built the Great Pyramid of Iesa (Jesus) and gave all writing alphabets to people of the Mediterranean and elsewhere. You can call them Atlanteans because they were all over this Earth for millennia before the meteor hit in 8350 BCE. I hope as you read the above excerpt that you saw it was well presented and reasonable with all manner of nice things to say about spirituality. That does not mean it is truthful. The issue of spacecraft is a highly probable ancient human invention but not spacecraft which could travel outside our atmosphere. Anti-gravity or Vril power associated with the earth Energy Grid is real. See threads on Pine Gap, HAARP and Tesla.

We can (!) re-distribute the ego's needs for honor that lead to the structures of Mediterranean patronage or cronyism. We do not need to read good anthropologists like John Davis in order to know what still runs everything around us. Please do not simply respond to my effort as if I am a mere and simple 'conspiracy theorist'. Those who call me that kind of thing are often weak-willed sycophants or just the thing people see when they look in the mirror; if they have not studied what is possible and why things are the way they are. Put another way - in the words of the scholar Peristiany: "The punctiliousness of honour must be referred to the code of an exclusive and agonistic microsociety; that of honesty to an inclusive, egalitarian macrosociety." Let us work together and end this ideology of gloom that insists humans can be no more than the 'beast with red cheeks' or some other object Machiavellians and politicos merely 'manage' as if we are 'money-trees'.

It should be obvious that the 'spin' I will put to the facts exists just as it does with any other writer. You may consider me a Utopian in the typology of Bryan Wilson or as one who "... 'presumes' some divinely given principles 'of reconstruction,... more radical than the reformist alternative, but unlike the revolutionist option, insists much more on the role human beings must take in the process'..." (2)

The following is a response to someone saying he thinks all the technologies being developed are going to be good for humanity or end up with a better lifeform running things on Earth. I can agree with the latter but I don't want to have human souls only on display in Zoos or Museums. My concerns about developing brain manipulation and artificial intelligence are the same concerns I have with the War on Women or any number of other ethical issues.

Maybe the so-called nymphs in the Voynich Manuscript or the Caves of Hathor tubes were souls just like the Well of Souls you see in Indiana Jones.

I wouldn't want anyone to worry about these things that ARE happening. I want people to DO something about it, such as inform themselves and make a plan for proper asset allocation and resource management. But that is not happening except in the arenas where robots are going to replace humans. The politicians and general media don't worry - so why should you?

No one is insisting on a political platform to plan with a bottom line or make needed legislation to protect humanity from Sovereign Nations (Manifest Destiny and Divine Kings). The Club of Athens says this Westphalian Order that rules us must change - and I agree. But I bet not one in ten thousand persons on Earth have any idea what the Treaty of Westphalia says. Instead we have ignorant conspiracy theorists encouraged by media to make all history questioning seem insane.

It was far more reasonable to talk about limiting the population on Earth to half a billion in the time of Thomas Paine than it is today. We are totally capable of feeding and taking care of more than ten billion people on this planet as I see it. But it will require a plan. Paine and others in Rosicrucian Councils of Three or the Royal Society did make a plan - and we MUST attempt such a far-reaching plan again in the present. The VigilantCitizen website has a slogan which reads "Symbols rules the world, not words nor laws". I suppose most people find this ludicrous but I don't. The information on the Georgia Guideposts and Rosicrucianity going back to Thomas Paine dovetails with many threads I have posted.


The extent of the mania developed in religions about demons and aliens seems never-ending and even increasing. I astral travel and go places and have offered to be in the magic circles of those who call forth the Dragons and so on. I have little doubt that they are projections. You can imagine after millennia of people seeing these things projected into the ether and their minds that there is a real strong energy bank of experience. I explained this to the adept summoners in great detail before writing books like Demonology and before being a target for their possession energy and other rituals. It pains me to see so much good spiritual energy taken over by fear and useless fantasy.
I know the legends of Agarthe and the Nazi beliefs very well. I know Hitler was enthralled and manipulated by these visions and people. I know the history and facts, most of all. There are no living creatures in caves near Tibet who have these attributes. I also know all apocalyptic idiocy has been a lie and will always be fear-mongering to get sheople and their energy for the use and abuse of power-mongers.

"ASIA - AGHARIANS - (or Aghartians) -A group of Asiatic or Nordic humans who, sources claim, discovered a vast system of caverns below the region of the Gobi desert and surrounding areas thousands of years ago, and have since established a thriving kingdom within, one which has been interacting with other-planetary systems up until current times. Vast cavern systems below Tibet allegedly link the Agharti systems of central Asia to "Snakeworld", a multileveled cavern system under the southwestern slopes of the Himalayas where the "Nagas" dwell, according to Hindu legend. Here a serpent cult of human and reptilian collaborators dwells, one which is said to have had contact with the Nazi Thule society during World War II. Long ago an Asian prince is said to have led several militant followers -- warrior monks -- into the caves and came in conflict with this serpent cult. Following the conflict the reptilians and collaborating forces were driven out, however in recent centuries they have regained some ground (Evadamic).


Between now and 2007 AD, our planet will have a 70 degree pole shift. Saudia Arabia will become the new North Pole. In the next 10 years, these are the changes we'll be witness to:

1. We will all become telepathic.

2. The Andromedan Council has ordered all extraterrestrial presences on the planet, in the planet, and on the moon to be completely out of our space. They want everything that's ET, benevolent or not, off the planet. This will be very interesting since there are over 1,833 reptilians living in our planet and over 18,000 grays living underground and on the moon. The council would like to see how we will live with each other when we are not being manipulated by ETs, as we have been for the last 5,723 years."


A friend who watched an alien show called Hangar 1 told me they said there were 52 alien species and so many crashed their spacecraft - he thought it should be made illegal to put such stuff on TV for gullible people to see. I had to laugh at his comment if these species are so advanced why are they crashing their spacecraft? Here is my reply to him.

There is truth to Wright Pat having had remains of what happened at Roswell. It was later moved to Nellis I heard. I lived near there and knew many people who worked there. A teacher in Clark County high schools told me that a retiree from Nellis had pictures of the two areas where spacecraft exist inside the supposed non-existent AFB. This guy was showing the pics to schoolkids in Clark County with approval from the school board. Everyone in Vegas knows the government is doing secret development there.

There are advanced spacecraft at Area 51, inside S-4. I have many reasons to say that including meeting a back engineer. But I also met the VP of advanced engineering for McDonnell Douglas who was in charge of the Skunk Works. He said they worked an idea I had about using opposite charges on an ESP bandwidth managed by computers.

I go with the original report of what happened at Roswell. It said weather balloons. And that is far worse than aliens - HAARP and Reich's orgone. That Orgone is very similar to the kind of energy Tesla used and I was talking about with the Skunk Works guy - more than once.

I really agree they should do something, maybe have a warning put on those alien shows, and Scientology should be termed a criminal enterprise. But all other religions are bad or worse, and sell this alien crap. I almost certainly will not do the interview with the Gnostics who I usually say nice things about because they too are running this old shite. Where do you draw the line on censorship? I suppose you know the CIA funded the National Enquirer to keep people talking about alien origins of what they were actually doing; part of a cover up.

Although I do not go so far as to say we have too much Tesla - it is true we do not have enough Reich. And it is even more true that we don't have enough Faraday which you can read Reich used to develop his orgone accumulator in the following article. Both Reich and Faraday had a more realistic and integrated spiritual philosophy. Orgone energy or cosmic thought fields and Pyramid Power such as Leedskalnin used is very interesting to say the least. Orgone is what works with Epigenetics and Emotu's water crystals.

"The Ether is Not Stationary.

A Stationary Ether was disproved by the Michelson-Morley Experiment. What Was Left Was a Dynamic Ether Too Difficult to Describe with 19th Century Mathematics,

Why Einstein’s Math Became Popular, & Where Wilhelm Reich’s Orgonometry Comes In.

The dilemma of a resurgence of interest in Nikola Tesla’s works with little regard for, or understanding of those of Wilhelm Reich is manifold. Increasing specialization in electronics compartmentalizes related sciences of common root in philosophy. A greater focus on electrical theory as a means to manipulate nature, while omitting naturalist observation, defeats its own purpose. Not only did Reich invent math for solving problems on the ether, in simple, common terms, he unified diverging branches of “sub-atomic” physics with the more grandiose cosmological sciences. Reich unified biology with physics itself, from a basis in medical psychiatry. Of the countless mental & physical illnesses related to emerging technologies that are proving unsafe, many could be avoided if more people were aware of Reich’s pre-kindergarden-like math, orgonometry, which bridges electro-physics to life energy sciences such as holistic medicine.

The existence of a primary life energy, orgone, at the root of all other energetic phenomena, calls into question our electro-chemical theories of neurology, diet, renewable energy and green technology. Many developers of over-unity technology may be familiar DC pulsed motors, but how many are working on ones that run on cosmic life energy?

The problem of rampant social disease, fascism and authoritarianism, can hardly be resolved by studying the works of an engineer in the habit of dealing with Nazis, whose inventions include a “Death-Ray,” the pre-cursor to our modern “Particle Beam Accelerators.” If anything, Reich’s theory of the emotional plague and the emotional desert, exemplified by James DeMeo’s saharasian hypothesis, coupled with subjective impressions of oppressive feelings by those studying “nuclear” and other forms of electromagnetic radiation in The ORANUR Experiment, offer a clue as to why electrical power first gained popularity in the hearts of 19th Century empire. Electricity is still fundamental to the power elite’s social structure, while the gentle bio-energetics of orgonomy & other life energy sciences are continued humbly by grassroots, peaceful orgnizations, and persecuted by power brokers & drug companies, as in China Falun Gong, homeopathic medicine & orgonomy.

Einstein was involved, not only with Leopold Infeld in the botched job of reviewing Reich’s infamous To-T experiment, but also with Robert Shankland in concealing Dayton Miller’s positive results for the Michelson Morley Experiment on Mt. Wilson. Einstein’s involvement with Robert Shankland in concealing Miller’s positive results protected not only his & Shankland’s positions as tenured professors, but also protected mainstream physics from the public knowledge that the available math wasn’t sophisticated enough to accommodate nature. As is often the case, fact is discarded in favor of theory, when the theory is easier to describe in simple terms. But the ether is not stationary! A stationary ether was disproved by the Michelson-Morley experiment. What was left was a dynamic ether too difficult to describe with 19th Century mathematics, which is why Einstein’s math became popular, & why Wilhelm Reich’s orgonometry is such a valuable, if overlooked, contribution to biophysics.

Tesla, imperfect, human, is a fascinating character who need not be overlooked for his important role in history, but neither should he be idolized as a great savior or revered as a polymathic genius, when his inventions that spawned modern radio & television became the heart of the propaganda machine used to enslave people’s minds to this day, out of his own willingness to work with shadow government operatives, like J.P. Morgan who funded Hitler & ended betraying Tesla worse than had Edison or Westinghouse. If there is one lesson the reader can learn from Wilhelm Reich in this regard, it is that hero-worship & idolatry are core aspects of the emotional plague and fascism of any color, red (Soviet) or black (Nazi) as Reich termed them in the 1933 book that landed him on both Hitler’s and Stalin’s Death Lists, The Mass Psychology of Fascism: Reich being hated by some because he rejected the hero worship of the public, is a paired function of the emotional plague with Mussolini’s being hated for accepting public idolatry. Neither Reich nor Mussolini ended well, but it was the emotional plague of mankind that put them both on pedestals, then tore them down."

The following research applies to every other thread I have placed on W-M. It could apply to everything you think or learn by any and all methods including soulful attunement.

I propose and have continuously done this for decades, that energy and consciousness are both connected and inter-related. This includes what leads to an explanation of ghosts and all the religious claptrap about demons and boogeymen of many sorts. It is hard for me to remember the first time I challenged people talking about g-ds or summoning dragons or demons to do their best - I would stand in their circle or sepulchre. I have explained why for a few decades, these things happen and how they work, scientifically. The Aether of Newton is not some static and never-changing or unconscious force and neither is your soul. The entropic theories of science all get a little right about how energy transforms but they have yet to grasp it's fullness. I cannot say I do either, but as I continue opening doors of discovery I find more wholistic inter-connections in every science and discipline.

The Hexham Heads are on the cover of Dr. Robins book The Secret Language of Stone. He goes into great detail in this book about piezo-electric affects in stone megalithic computer-type macrochips (see thread on Earth Computer).

This excerpt says a chemist looked into them, it mentions quartz which was a source of piezo-electric light and strange effects for millions of years which humans observed. Quartz was mined on Manitoulin Island over 100,000 years ago and I believe this pure quartz was taken to Ireland to cover New Grange. That is Solid State chemist and inventor as well as many other excellent credentials including the Dragon Project - Dr. Don Robins.

"Bizarre phenomena included poltergeist activity and the proclivity for the heads to move around by themselves. The heads themselves were about six centimetres in size: one was called “the boy” due its masculine, skull like appearance and the other, “the girl” {Robins called it 'the hag' which hearkens to the old crone of wisdom cultures like Wicca.} because it had long hair and female features carved into it. The final straw came when one of the family’s children and a neighbour witnessed a terrifying creature, “half-sheep, half-human” and the front door opening by itself.

Dr Anne Ross, an expert on stone heads, came into possession of the Hexham Heads after they were sent away for analysis. In recounting the strange circumstances, Dr Ross remembered a strange coldness emanating from the heads and taking an instant dislike to them. She initially concluded they were Celtic.

That night, Dr Ross woke around 2 or 3 AM, noticing the intense chill of the bedroom and the feeling that ‘something’ was there. She was alarmed to see a six feet tall half-man, half-wolf figure lurking by the door. The being left the room, followed by Dr Ross, descended the stairs and leapt over the banister, before heading to the back of the house. Investigations found nothing there.

Four days later, Dr Ross’ 15 year old daughter was terrified by the sight of the werewolf hiding on the stairs when she came home from school. The wolf again jumped over the banister and disappeared into the music room. Dr Ross’ daughter followed, but couldn’t see the wolf in the room. After this, the entire family, including the cat, saw or heard the werewolf, always slinking down the stairs and jumping over the banister. Once, Dr Ross’ husband, who was ill in bed, had his dinner taken up to him by his daughters, which was slightly hindered by the werewolf standing on the stairs.

The family associated the strangeness with the Hexham Heads and were desperate to get rid of them. Dr Ross worked on them as a matter of priority, halting her other work. Eventually the heads were passed on to other experts. One refused to take them on the spot, having had previous bad luck when he had stone heads stored in his car boot. The Hexham Heads were then investigated by a chemist, who discovered that they had a high level of quartz."


In this book you will hear how ley lines turned former skeptic and archaeologist Dr. Don Robins around.

Google Books

In this book you will see the quartz as a basic computer according to Dr. Robins. He did not include just quartz in that analogy but it is fair to say he did. Wikipedia asserts the same, but it is far more complex and as this says you get images projecting from the past which look like Werewolves as reported by everyone in Dr. Ross's family and others we will see mention about. If the History Channel ever starts exploring real interesting things other than their alien crud they could do the Hexham Heads and Lycanthropes, Sasquatches, etc. with my input. These projections are what Gnostics see as worms, and all so many other things including Christian Dragons, devils, serpents, Annunaki and more.

Google Books

In this book you have reference to a Druid Prince which was a mummy worked on by Robins and Ross who wrote a good book on it. You will also see the Romans doing human sacrificing and making women copulate with animals in their Forums to entertain their exalted citizenry. No wonder they took so heartily to Christendom (once they changed it from a far better form.) and crucifixions.

Google Books

In this Dowsers forum you find Robins miss-spelled and reference to me.


Here you see a lot of shamanic connections to Merlin, Dr. Don and Paul Devereaux who we have seen good mention about before.

Google Books

And as you search further you will see new books forthcoming on the Hexham Heads, and more about the disappearing Dr. Robins. I have good reason to believe he went into Black Ops in LA near where my sister-in-law's brother lived and I often visited when I lived there.

A friend just sent me this. It is something we have discussed would happen and part of why Jacob's Ladder and the Manchurian Candidate movies are prophetic. Golems were used a couple of millennia ago, and maybe far longer ago what Gene Steinberg is calling hybids were fact. I say it is likely true but it was not extraterrestrial in origin (except by attunement perhaps). It was the DNN. I will post another massive thread on that someday soon.

Britain prepared to develop 'killer robots'... http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/defence/10128745/Britain-prepared-to-develop-killer-robots-minister-says.html

Killer robots a small step away and must be outlawed, says top UN official... http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/defence/11059391/Killer-robots-a-small-step-away-and-must-be-outlawed-says-top-UN-official.html

I like how they call for a world wide ban, but say Britain reserves the right to have them to defend their troops in the field... LOL.
Ha Qabala, Table of Destiny, Ein Sof etc.

On a personal level I do not favor a boogeyman 'easy answer'. So too I favor collective energy souls and the Akashic Record concept over Ein Sof or religious priestly interpretations from people whose actions speak louder than their words. Enlightenment experiences such as Tesla had in 15 minutes which lead to his whole life trying to build the designs he received in that 15 minutes are better explained by tap-ins to a collective; than by alien contact though I understand why he felt alien. Attunements I have had seldom rise to that level I would call a flash of enlightenment. Bibliomancy and genetic information transfer are more of what I have benefitted from.

"The Akashic Records refers to the frequency grid programs that create our reality. A theosophical term referring to a universal filing system which records our every occurring thought, word, and action. The records are impressed on a subtle substance called akasha (or Somniferous Ether). In Hindu mysticism this akasha is thought to be the primary principle of nature from which the other four natural principles, fire, air, earth, and water, are created. These five principles also represent the five senses of the human being.

Some indicate the Akashic records are similar to a Cosmic or collective consciousness. The records have been referred to by different names including the Cosmic Mind, the Universal Mind, the collective unconscious, or the collective subconscious. Others think the Akashic records make clairvoyance and psychic perception possible.

It is believed by some that the events recorded upon that akasha can be ascertained or read in certain states of consciousness. Such states of consciousness can be induced by certain stages of sleep, weakness, illness, drugs, or meditation. Mystics, as well as ordinary people, can and do perceive the Akashic records. Some mystics claim to be able to reanimate their contents like they were turning on a celestial television set. Yogis also believe that these records can be perceived in certain psychic states.

Certain persons in subconscious states do read the Akashic records. An explanation for this phenomena is that the Akashic records are the macrocosm of the individual subconscious mind. Both function similarly, they possess thoughts which are never forgotten. The collective subconscious gathers all thoughts from each subconscious mind which can be read by other subconscious minds.

Edgar Cayce, the late American mystic, was said to be able to successfully read the Akashic records. Cayce did his readings in a sleep state or trance. Cayce's method was described by Dr. Wesley H. Ketchum who for several years used Cayce as an adjunct for his medical practice. 'Cayce's subconscious...is in direct communication with all other subconscious minds, and is capable of interpreting through his objective mind and imparting impressions received to other objective minds, gathering in this way all knowledge possessed by endless millions of other subconscious minds.' Apparently Cayce was interpreting the collective subconscious mind long before the psychiatrist C.J. Jung postulated his concept of the collective unconscious.

Other individuals who claim to have consciously used the Akashic Records are: Nostradamus, Charles Webster Leadbeater, Annie Besant, Manly P. Hall, William Lilly, Dion Fortune, George Hunt Williamson, Samuel Aun Weor, Alice Bailey, Max Heindel and Rudolf Steiner.

Chinese seer Tajao explored a variety of topics in the Records which span over two thousand years; and Sujujin was reported to only need the first name of anyone to access the Akasha and describe their life history."

Akashic Records - A Thorough Explanation
Maybe this thread will include the discussion going on in the Valle thread soon. Here is another relevant thread and an excerpt from it. This thread is about the Heliopolitans or Luciferians. Lucifer is not the Devil and Luciferians track the morning star Venus to see the effects of the sun and sun-spots on Earth and the people hereon.

The sun lights our way in a darkness still fouled by priesthoods claiming they are interpreters for Ra or the other sun - son of G_d. When you see other illuminating sources like Lucifer you are also seeing the morning star or Venus tracking the sun and it's effect on our planet. Yes, the Illuminized ones are a part of the creation of the entire Judaeo/Christian/Islamic cult as well as other religions or cults.

Thomas Carlyle is just one of the interesting characters who had much to do with Calvinism and the Knox family he married into. His friend and mentor named Goethe was a founder of the Bavarian Illuminati. Friedrich Nietzsche never really completed a book and yet before he went crazy his Wagnerian or Illuminized 'radical aristocratic' handlers used him well.

Those who believe their leaders are actually in touch with and inspired by some almighty god have wrought all manner of horrors upon those they are told are less or not 'chosen'. But we all must stop being 'chosen' or having our loved ones 'chosen' to be their Scarlet Women or sword and cannon fodder. A friend of mine puts it this way. 'My own maternal ancestors spent the better part of a cold and dreary thousand years playing a little game called: 'Storm the Castle,' in which they dressed up in unwieldy metal suits and pounded each other senseless with a variety of sharp and not so sharp objects. (Of course with nutrition not being quite up to par with today's standards and with daily rations of wine being something in the neighborhood of five liters, we are left with the sobering fact that most of us who trace our ancestry to Europe are in fact descended from short, drunken psychopaths who whiled away their time bludgeoning each other with hammers, maces and cudgels, hacking each other to pieces with swords, and scalding each other to death with boiling oil.)'

I can hardly accept that John Calvin is anything more than a power-broker when I see or read him saying we should not question authority. Should we merely accept his interpretation of Jesus or any other dogma his ilk has designed to empower themselves over all life and therefore God too. Calvin said, "When it is a question of our justification, we have to put away all thinking about the Law and our works, to embrace the mercy of God alone, and to turn our eyes away from ourselves and upon Jesus Christ alone."

Jan Hus was a church reformer who was burned at the stake, is a humanist whose message is garbled by the times he lived in too. I do wonder about his Bohemian origins and humanistic liberal attitudes fostered by Prague denizens or alchemists who became the Bavarian Illuminati. I see him as a bridge between the Cathars and Jesuits who are founded by the Alumbrados which means Illuminati in another language. He appears eminently better than his reformers who followed; when we consider Martin Luther of a century later.

Jaroslav Pelikan is the Sterling Professor of History and William Clyde De Vere {Important Royal of the Dragon Court family name.} Lecturer at this University which the Rockefeller/Rothschilds have so many attachments to. Yale is a central issue in research into the halls of power beyond the existence of Skull & Bones or the CIA people there. They also control the Olduvai Gorge research on the origins of man as well as so much in the administration of the laws and training of lawyers that I have dealt with in other books.

There is a little town or city in Switzerland called Sion which is rumored to have a connection to the Priory of Sion that I may look into in greater detail someday. Switzerland is the center of Rothschild and Battenberg Royal history for the last thousand years or since the time Rome supposedly fell and Christianity became what it is today. The red cross of the Red Cross is part of this along with the Templar red crosses which looked over the voyages or invasions of Columbus and Vasco da Gama. Here is Pelikan speaking about these red cross symbols.

"In an age in which the healing of the nations from the ravages of hunger, disease, and war has become the dominant moral imperative, Jesus the Healer has come to assume a central place. It was an emblem of the central place of Jesus {Perhaps for a lot longer than he knows.} when, under the terms of the Geneva Convention of 1864 for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded and Sick of Armies in the Field, the international organization created to carry out that moral imperative took the name 'Red Cross Society', its symbol, based on a reversal of the colors of the Swiss flag, is a red cross on a white background. Yet the connection between evangelization in the name of Jesus and the mission of help and healing has also been an issue for debate, especially in the twentieth century.

This debate, too, comes as a commentary on the literal meaning of a word in the Gospels: 'Whosoever shall give you a cup of water to drink in my name, because ye belong to Christ, verily I say unto you, he shall not lose his reward.' {Biblio: Mark 9.41} It has almost seemed that in every epoch there were some who were primarily interested in naming the name of Christ, clarifying its doctrinal and theological meaning, and defending that meaning against its enemies--but who named the name without giving the cup of water. Yet it has seemed possible for others to give the cup of water, to provide the healing, and to improve the social lot of the disadvantaged {Yes, and they are the ones who created the disadvantageous divisions and castes in society to begin with.}--but to do so without explicitly naming the name of Christ. Does that saying of Jesus mean that each of these ways of responding to his summons is only a partial obedience to this dual command? In the answer to this question, much of the debate over the primary responsibility of Christ's disciples in the modern world has concentrated on the disjunction between the two components of the imperative." (1)

Yes, there is jargon and code or esoteric meaning in this which even he does not know in the fullest depth I think. It is not unlike the talk about manifesting the god force which became a political agenda around the time of the Hyksos or Semites in Egypt. Some say Alexander was the first to claim divinity while living and I imagine he did it more than those before him. All these people were propagandists selling people on their greater importance rather than helping people see the divinity in all things which many earlier people had included in their knowledge that gods were mere representations of the forces of nature. Here is a top scholar from Egyptology writing about this Tuthmosis character and his so-called manifesting god in the first recorded instance.

"The first reference to the divine will being manifested is probably that made by King Tuthmosis III, who relates how, when he was still a boy, the god Amun, in the course of a procession of his statue round the temple, noticed him and halted. Tuthmosis prostrated himself on the ground before the god, who thereupon led him to a part of the temple called 'Station of the King', thereby publicly recognizing him as king. In this case the god revealed his will unasked, but from now onwards cases multiply in which the revelation of a god's will was sought for by men." (2)

These elites and their Divine Kings are a plague upon life on earth and it is not getting better. The sophistication of the intrigues are not always obvious like it is in Korea today where we have 'Moonies with Missiles' or in Iran where the Ayatollahs run roughshod over soulful enablement. The same thing works in most media controlled environments or the world paradigm in toto. Just because the traditional religions have lost some demographics in terms of having insane or cultish followers does not mean the Mormons, Noahdist extremists and Moslem Jihadists or Scientologists are any different. I like the thought expressed by James Watson in his foreword to Discovering the Brain. He said, 'The brain boggles the mind.'. It is also true that a lot of the 'boggling' has been done by those saying they seek God. We can be so much more - if we would DO as Jesus and other desposyni did. There are despots in these groups of the Merovingian or family of Jesus however.

We should be trying to end intolerance and the deification of one group while demonizing any others or branding some as heretical points of view. Ultimately all religions and beliefs are struggling with the same thing but those that stop seeking to participate in the creation and thus limit 'What is' are engaged in playing god. They often have made themselves the sole spokesmen for their imaginary god or the Lord as in the case of the Catholic hegemonists. But before we get into the current hegemony too much we will have to understand the root of the problem. The Reformation did not just happen and in some ways it is an academic or superficial construct. Here is Černỷ again as he addresses one of the origin myths thought to be most ancient. Note Heliopolitanism (Druidic sun-worship that Thomas Paine tells us is the basis of Masonry.) seems to be even more ancient.

Sun Worship - Heliopolitans
An Illuminatus Speaks

You will have to decide if this Illuminatus speaks with forked tongue or not. There is no black and white to the matter as I see it.

This next piece is from someone I know to be part of the Merovingian families and a real Illuminatus in the good sense. I think it fair to share this with you and she has told me I may share it and anything she has in web sites. However I do not identify her in this medium because she would not want the ego issues and flack.

"There is quite a bit of material in here on the Illuminati or the word and concept thereof. Now, we do not do the conspiracist's view of Illuminati. Simple logic tells you that what they consider "Arcane Secret Order" contains info they also will not know. So it is safe to discard these Theories.

Simply put, an Illuminati is a Rosicrucian/Hermetic (and sometimes "other") who has achieved a certain a certain degree and/or heights of various aspects, an enlightened individual who uses such light for his obligation towards the Universe, balancing it and making it a better place to live etc. The Order involved contains enlightenments of mind, soul and body that they will not reveal simply because "inquiring minds want to know". One must work towards gaining this knowledge and if they have the stuff it takes then they will gain this knowledge. If a seeker doesn't have the required prerequisites s/he is not going to be able to comprehend them anyway. This is how the info gets corrupted; misunderstanding and second and third hand info.
*smiles gently*I take my Order(s), seriously, they are not a game nor are the applications taken lightly. Most of the questions answered on this particular subject (including Hermetics and other Arcane Orders) regarding the Sacred Mysteries and Knowledge contained herein, can be answered in one sentence: "Join a Rosicrucian/Hermetic Order and find out the answers for yourself. I have done the work why can't you?"

I have never seen a book on Illuminati that is accurate. Could we find a hint way in the word "Arcane"? Could the dictionary be purposely throwing the uninitiated off? Or is this definition, like with other words, born of how today's uninitiated view? It is interesting to view a dictionary published at the turn of the century before the conspiracists and other "unhappies" who didn't feel it necessary to do the work others have and out of covetousness, jealousy, revenge etc. helped form this newer definition which can be found in any newer dictionary.*shrugs* But they cannot touch light like this. This older definition begins with a "Church" history, those who carried the light in ritual (this in itself is interesting*grins impishly*), then to a "16th century Spanish sect who believed in "mental prayer" discarding all rituales, tools" etc (the Mass etc)*grins impishly again* "The Bavarian Illuminati founded in 1776" (and one that has taken a lot of hits and is probably the seed for many of these erroneous "theories") "an anticlerical, deistic republican society, The Order Of The Illuminati", and "persons who claim to have extraordinary knowledge of enlightenment; chiefly of satirical use." Buddha is an Illuminati, The Christos is an Illuminati, Mother Theresa is certainly an Illuminati, there are a few Sacred Men in Eastern Traditions who hold this title and some in Western Trads. Even those who may be in an Order (within an Order) considered Illuminati, do not hold this distinct honor yet, but trying to work towards it, most never achieve it. Oh btw, an Illuminatis light will never die.

Illuminatis are those illumined who know that it is their obligation to see that others are also so illumed, they do not see themselves as gaining superior enlightenment that others could never possess. They do, however provide appropriate Paths for others to gain this illumination in their lives or as much as they can possibly get in this lifetime. Anyone who says they are an illuminati is usually not one (unless you are in an Order, then you are privy to more than the uninitiated, but promise you will have to work for it.) And Illuminati does not need to be known, have his/her back patted, nor do they care to or want to. They have dealt with ego issues a long time ago.
*smiles softly* I am not into handing out information I worked hard for, I liken this to my expertise in Siddhi/Kundalini/Ayurvedic Medicine, for which I worked hard and long to gain the knowledge and skills necessary to be effective. I can't give you a brief overview and a couple of tools and expect you to either fully understand all the dynamics and principles and send you out to heal. It takes a personal quest, study and applications as you work through different aspects."

Bucky Fuller said these most important words in 1981:
‘The U.S.A. is not run by its would-be 'democratic' government. All the latter can do is try to adjust to the initiatives already taken by [the] great corporations. Nothing can be more pathetic than the role that has been played by the President of the United States, whose power is approximately zero. Nevertheless, the news media and most over-thirty-years-of-age U.S.A. citizens carry on as if the president had supreme power.’

“The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education.” - Albert Einstein

Einstein's brain was being studied at McMaster University the last I heard. He had a larger area associated with what is known as dyslexia but which might just be a non-linear thinking attribute and evolution of humanity akin to what has been called Indigo Children. All adepts learn how complex systems of nature and thought make any replicable event somewhat difficult - not just the Uncertainty Principle or Schrodinger's Cat. Those are important but another atom-mysticist by the name of Bohr described how a great truth has an opposite which is also true whereas a menial or ordinary truth has an opposite which is false. I think he called it the Rule of Complimentarity. Most people might see this is what science faces all the time and yet has different standards when it is what they call quackery. Same goes for the handle Witch doctor and such. That is one reason why I wrote a book called Which Doctors. Here is a link to see the issue. I am adding this research site for any who wish to understand what the research professor from Glasgow or Edinburgh and I were discussing in relation to testing dynamic interactions such as what occurs when thoughts are joined with energy fields surrounding us.

ResearchGate - Share and discover research

I just checked that link and now it requires a little effort to navigate.


This link recommends one of my books addressing Rosicrucianity and Making the noted alchemist Franz Bardon who the AMORC promote, more credible. Bardon, Hermetik, Magie, Okkultismus, Christentum, Geheimpolitik

Language and gestures or the Bardic miming and performance arts caused a lot of human evolution and cultural adaptation to occur. The bards or poets kept the verbal history and performed for people while they learned how to speak and share thoughts or become more intelligent. Dream Dancing and the Orishas were part of this in Africa or with the Dervish. The qabala needs a lot more scientific inquiry. Language and gestures or the Bardic miming and performance arts caused a lot of human evolution and culture to occur.

The Mayans say: "Do not put yourself in front of your SELF." And "Do NOT put your self in front of your Self." And "Don't PUT yourself in the way of the SELF." and every other variation of the Magian Law it contemplates as does Shake-his-spear in 'To be or NOT to BE!"

Which of the Three Magian Laws is this? Is it more than one? It certainly is As Above, SO Below as found on the Tabula Smaragdina. It has elements of RIGHT thought = Right ACTION (All these laws have meaning as you change emphasis.) And because each law integrates with the others maybe it should be added as a law. I used to say that with the advent of Atomic or quantum knowledge being let out of Pandora's Box (Notice I did not say the discovery of it.) WE needed to remove the 'Keep Silent part of the third law. Scrire, Potere, Audere, Tacere.

I posited we add a saying attributed to Jesus (a title not Yeshua Bar Joseph): "He who is least selfish is MOST Selfish." My one course in Logic had a Professor who got his doctorate on a thesis saying Do gooders do good only for their ego. All year we went back and forth, and he proctored the final exam which per usual I finished way early. So I wrote an explanation in one page of why he was not deserving of a Doctorate if he did not consider the possibility of Karma.

A couple of months later I saw him at the race track, I know he saw me. He almost ran to get away as I approached.

All the epistemological modern wavering and woofing does not come close to understanding CONsciousness or CONstructs. I think epigraphists and code breakers have a better chance.

Language Of the Gods & Dogs

Language of the Gods:

In Man and His Symbols, Jung shows us the same archetypes in the untutored dreams of contemporary children, in medieval alchemy, in Hindu mythology, and in Persian folk tales. Joseph Campbell and Alan Watts have continued and extended this study of a vast and strange inner world, little appreciated until quite recently. How does Jung account for the universality of symbolic themes? He sees it as evidence for the collective unconscious, which could be called the collective Soul of humanity. Jung was not the first person in Freud's school who took from the Mystery Schools set up by St. Germain de Medicis in Freud's Vienna. But few authors talk about Silberer and fewer still know about how great an adept Hitler learned to be in these arts. Hitler and his father before him had studied long and hard in this bastion of Rothschild involvement. They received money in a legacy from their Rothschild family according to the OSS in a book by Langer called The Mind of Adolph Hitler: The Secret Wartime Report.

The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn was another personal coven of the Rothschilds in London as Crowley weaved his magic. Joseph Campbell did a forward to Marija Gimbutas' Language of the Goddess and there is a lot in her archaeological work that he knew would have altered much of what he had previously written. Jung did an excellent forward to the Evans-Wentz version of The Tibetan Book of The Dead and I heartily recommend it to any person seeking to know what connects the likes of Krishnamurti and Jung beyond the mere scholarship of Eranos Conference scholars.

In fact the Set and Gematria of all alphabets can be traced to adept Keltic or Phoenician scholars who the Father of Biblical Archaeology knows gave us the Bible. I think it is important for us to know who these 'gods' calling themselves Anunnaki or Elohim and alien Dragons were. So I have done a whole new history of man's cultural evolution that uses forensic and modern artifacts that I am sure Joseph Campbell would have loved to have access to.

Consider the impact of speech and the many ways it can be used including what Hitler (Trance channeling) learned in Vienna as you read this.

As usual we have people assuming things not in evidence about Neolithic people as they impose modern technological understandings upon a different society with different technology and spiritual goals. I am referring to this useful link with many pictures or illustrations that include the Earth Mother (Gaia) or a matriarchal influence. The Human Journey: The Neolithic Era > Page 2

Religious manipulation includes secret societies for the more studious or inquisitive demographic who also like to get some table scraps from the elite who dine upon us and our labours. You have probably heard about Hiram in Masonic lore - here is a little further code to contemplate. The Lord Hermes – Part 1 | GnosticWarrior.com

Many priests appeared to be great diviners because of their astronomical knowledge of events including eclipses. This kind of fake out was still being done in the last century and you could even say all the apocalypse crap of Christians talking about Mayans predicting the 2012 spiritual re-alignment as the 'end of days' is the same thing. But it often had ghastly results as in the case of Pizarro's men hacking and hewing thousands to death because their leader told his army that could easily have killed all the Spaniards to lay down their arms. History seldom tells you about the written agreement between this leader and Pizarro done about a year earlier on the occasion of Pizarro arriving in South America. The leader had used the Cosmic serpent astronomy as his reason for predicting the arrival of a new age. Sometimes this was done over a century in advance as in the case of the Holy Romans who worked with Aztecs to alter the Mayan calendar to predict the arrival of what Cortez brought to fruition on the first day of wheat - the return of the white g-ds.

The Greek oracles were often in an hallucinatory state due to gases coming up from the earth according to recent archaeology. They really didn't heed to hallucinate to repeat what they had been paid to say in order to assist getting people to venture out in new expeditions to colonize or defeat some other place.

If you go back a lot further you find priesthoods attuned to helping people and improving many conditions. The trust developed by ancient shamans was usurped by religions with interpreters running nations. The currently running Expedition show on TV had the Atacama giant and Nazca Lines mystery on a recent episode. It said what I said - lines over water aquifers and people using spiritual rituals to draw energy to bring water to the surface. The rituals include alignment of the designs to the sun and stars (like Venus or the morning star) and the Earth Energy Grid like all other megaliths.

The following link is selling the I Ching as the earliest divinatory system. It is derived from Ogham as are the runes. The author of the site says the Chinese invented paper - it occurs naturally on trees in Central America - better than papyrus which is also older than they say for Chinese paper. Yes, maybe the Chinese refined something a little more. But if you read the whole article you see more BELIEF and little truth. That is not to say I disagree with the thrust of the article - we do indeed benefit from knowledge developed by humans over more than a million years before the advent of writing alphabets which Plato noted lead us away from wisdom and discipline.

On the History of Divination - Divination Foundation
Not for or by myself. I will help others, I will give some books and copyrights to others. The Gnostic Warrior above wanted to Interview me, I would have, if he was willing to discuss some hallucinatory demon crap he believes first. Others have been willing to interview but not put the questions out in advance, which is a must if I think there is a chance of getting onto an agenda I do not want on my karma.

My point being IF I give my time and copyright away I do not want back more cosmic garbage.

Perhaps it is enough for me to continue doing what I an doing until I get my Old Age Pension late this year and go forth to see the world on a live aboard Catamaran. In line with the thread we have here I should put another thing forward which people often attribute to aliens, It shows how much archaeomythology gets from ancient religious texts. You can be certain that codes in these texts were there to keep their enemies from gaining access to technology or other secrets like maps or how to make maps. By attributing such knowledge to ET they had less chance of whoever would invade their land and gain access to their books. In themselves great secrets and hand drawn objects of art, how would the robbers or enemies learn the codes and gain the knowledge which could make them able to compete more equally in the future.

Ark of the Covenant
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You might already know about the Essene Templars and how they tell their initiates that they are not connected to Masonry at the early stages of their indoctrination. One such person who has read a lot of my work discussed it with the Essene Patriarch who supported much of what I said about their origins. So when I say Templars I include pre-Christian derivatives of the Mystery Schools that have always had differing names, symbols, icons, effigy mounds, logos, and associations. Most of the rituals remain connected to ancient guilds and priestcraft to be sure.

Stonehenge, Cholula and the Ka'aba of Mecca are ever-present reminders of what knowledge and power lie dormant in the macrochips of metal or rocks. The Kensington Runestone is a touchstone to gain insight into how perverse the academics can be. Hanno left a stone in New England that tells of 30,000 men brought to America before Jesus adopted the moniker of Christ or Christos (if he ever did). The Melungeons near the mounds of Pennsylvania might be the reason Columbus brought an Arabic (Berber) translator on his third trip to America rather than the Ogham-based Hebrew scholar he had on his first voyage. The Bat Creek Nine left the Roman Collosseum and its lions to other Christians, but the archaeologists who found their skeletons held the nearby rock upside down and thought it was Cherokee rather than Judaic or Semitic script according to a top linguist named Cyrus Gordon who has written extensively about the European and America cross-pollinations. All of these things are just recent history when compared with the 250,000 year-old Mexican human artifacts or Leakey's 200,000 year old arrowheads from the shores of the old Salton Sea.

Needless to say if this giant of archaeology would be ridiculed for such evidence, so will I. Dr. Lee and his boss at the National Museum of Canada lost their livelihood and suffered persecution for telling what they thought about the Manitoulin Island quarries dating to 130,000 years ago. But there is so much evidence now that the hegemony must begin to adapt and admit their errors. It isn't really likely that it was just a matter of simple errors or lack of information when you consider the ancient authors like Strabo, Herodotus and Plutarch as well as Plato and many more told these same stories; even if they did have less hard evidence. All the writers who wrote about circumnavigating Libya on two or three year voyages are likely talking about voyages to the Americas. We don't care if it was Hatshepsut's men, pseudo-Aristotle, Necho II, Juba or Hammilco - the stories have the ring of truth simply because it was possible and men are adventurous and courageous enough to try it. The hard evidence is not explainable by any other method.