Conspiracy Theorist
Although I've had other strange experiences, one particular experience has remained the most inspirational of my entire life. When I first had it, I really didn't know what to think.
I think it was around 1999, and at this point in my life, I was working at a downtown Kinko's in the San Francisco financial district. I had been promoted to an assistant manager in charge of the swing shift, but previously I had been the graveyard supervisor. And, even as assistant manager, sometimes I would have to pull a graveyard shift. We were having a remodel done to the store, but we stayed open the whole time, so parts of the store were torn up - fixtures, drywall, etc... The reason for this detail will become apparent.
I had a dream one night where I was working the graveyard shift alone. I was out in the Computer Services part of the store when I started to feel water coming down on my head. I looked up, and from the ceiling, a line of water began to form. I remember trying to dodge the water as I ran away from that area. There were also sparks coming from the overhead florescent fixtures, which were flickering.
I woke up the next day, went to work at my usual time of 2:30pm. When I got to work, right when I walked in the door, I started telling a coworker about how I had a dream of a flood in the store. His eyes got really big, and I was like, "What?". Then, he told me how they had a flood in the store early that morning! And, when I asked him to show me where it happened, he showed me the exact place it had occurred in my dream! Then, I asked him whether the lights were flickering and sparking and he told me they were flickering, but strangely, no sparks like my dream.
I was really kind of creeped out by this. I mean, I have had instances where I felt psychic, but this was beyond anything I had ever experienced. I was seriously considering just turning around and leaving for the day, thinking it may be a warning of something worse or something. I talked to my boss, and he convinced me to stick it out and work my shift (I felt lame even telling him about it, but I was spooked).
Later that evening, after the rush of customers died down, I was going around the store cleaning up. In one of the areas of the store that was being remodeled, I noticed two wires sticking out of a wall in a customer area, where a power jack was missing. They looked like live power wires, and I had seen kids playing only a few feet from them earlier. Being a responsible asst. manager, I needed to know whether they posed any danger. So, I grabbed some rubber gloves, some insulated tools, and I connected a paperclip between the two leads. Zap! A huge spark happened as the paperclip broke in two, blackened from the shock. In that moment, it was clear - there was the spark. The one element that was missing from my dream had become a reality! I put up a labelled barricade around the area, and left a voicemail for my boss, and thankfully went home.
At the time, I thought that this was either a premonition, or that it may have happened at the same time as I was dreaming it, since I probably was asleep when it happened. But, as I have grown older, I have come to realize that it was most likely a glimpse into another alternate reality. Perhaps I was covering for a sick graveyard worker in that reality. Or, in that reality, maybe I wasn't promoted, and still had my graveyard supervisor position. But, one thing is pretty certain - in that reality, I worked graveyard and experienced the flood.
Maybe it was random, or pehaps the vision was "sent to me" in order to make me find that dangerous power outlet, and save a kid's life... or maybe it was just a little inter-dimensional cross-over noise. I don't know. But, I tend to think of what we call psychic or remote viewing as just fleeting glimpses into these other realities. However, in my experience, they are rarely useful - since the other realities are different, and may not be useful or apply in this world. It almost seems like there is a law in action here, which prevents any meaningful information from being transferred between worlds, only unproven stories from one person's perspective.
Well, that's it... The most inspirational thing that ever happened to me: A minor flood at a copy center, which I saw in a dream. I know, that doesn't sound very exciting... but what would YOU do if your dream came true?
I think it was around 1999, and at this point in my life, I was working at a downtown Kinko's in the San Francisco financial district. I had been promoted to an assistant manager in charge of the swing shift, but previously I had been the graveyard supervisor. And, even as assistant manager, sometimes I would have to pull a graveyard shift. We were having a remodel done to the store, but we stayed open the whole time, so parts of the store were torn up - fixtures, drywall, etc... The reason for this detail will become apparent.
I had a dream one night where I was working the graveyard shift alone. I was out in the Computer Services part of the store when I started to feel water coming down on my head. I looked up, and from the ceiling, a line of water began to form. I remember trying to dodge the water as I ran away from that area. There were also sparks coming from the overhead florescent fixtures, which were flickering.
I woke up the next day, went to work at my usual time of 2:30pm. When I got to work, right when I walked in the door, I started telling a coworker about how I had a dream of a flood in the store. His eyes got really big, and I was like, "What?". Then, he told me how they had a flood in the store early that morning! And, when I asked him to show me where it happened, he showed me the exact place it had occurred in my dream! Then, I asked him whether the lights were flickering and sparking and he told me they were flickering, but strangely, no sparks like my dream.
I was really kind of creeped out by this. I mean, I have had instances where I felt psychic, but this was beyond anything I had ever experienced. I was seriously considering just turning around and leaving for the day, thinking it may be a warning of something worse or something. I talked to my boss, and he convinced me to stick it out and work my shift (I felt lame even telling him about it, but I was spooked).
Later that evening, after the rush of customers died down, I was going around the store cleaning up. In one of the areas of the store that was being remodeled, I noticed two wires sticking out of a wall in a customer area, where a power jack was missing. They looked like live power wires, and I had seen kids playing only a few feet from them earlier. Being a responsible asst. manager, I needed to know whether they posed any danger. So, I grabbed some rubber gloves, some insulated tools, and I connected a paperclip between the two leads. Zap! A huge spark happened as the paperclip broke in two, blackened from the shock. In that moment, it was clear - there was the spark. The one element that was missing from my dream had become a reality! I put up a labelled barricade around the area, and left a voicemail for my boss, and thankfully went home.
At the time, I thought that this was either a premonition, or that it may have happened at the same time as I was dreaming it, since I probably was asleep when it happened. But, as I have grown older, I have come to realize that it was most likely a glimpse into another alternate reality. Perhaps I was covering for a sick graveyard worker in that reality. Or, in that reality, maybe I wasn't promoted, and still had my graveyard supervisor position. But, one thing is pretty certain - in that reality, I worked graveyard and experienced the flood.
Maybe it was random, or pehaps the vision was "sent to me" in order to make me find that dangerous power outlet, and save a kid's life... or maybe it was just a little inter-dimensional cross-over noise. I don't know. But, I tend to think of what we call psychic or remote viewing as just fleeting glimpses into these other realities. However, in my experience, they are rarely useful - since the other realities are different, and may not be useful or apply in this world. It almost seems like there is a law in action here, which prevents any meaningful information from being transferred between worlds, only unproven stories from one person's perspective.
Well, that's it... The most inspirational thing that ever happened to me: A minor flood at a copy center, which I saw in a dream. I know, that doesn't sound very exciting... but what would YOU do if your dream came true?