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Amazing Underground Temples in Italy

Free episodes:

Wow. It's great to know that creativity on such a grand scale still exists. Absolutely amazing.
I've been subscribed to their newsletter for a couple of years. I like hippies when they aren't lazy.

www.damanhur.org - Damanhur Home Page
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Same here.

I joined the Forum they had up awhile back and posted there for a few weeks. Then I posted a piece written by an Australian Abductee and noted how her essay and some of the ideas Damanhur was founded on were very similar.

Forum closed...

I'll look it up and post it again here later on.
When I first read the blurb I was fully expecting the typical underground temple images you see from around the world, which to the normal man on the street usually looks like a cave with a bit of stone that is purported to be an alter etc etc.

But damn! Talk about a work of art, nice find.
That's amazing, like something in a far fetched novel that you scoff at and think "that could never happen in real life", and then ... this has made my day!
Damanhur. I remember posting a thread about it here, about six months ago or so....https://www.theparacast.com/forum/damanhur-t3053.html?t=3053&highlight=damanhur

But yeah, isn't it breathtakingly gorgeous? When I stumbled onto this, I fell gobsmackingly in love with the art, hippie/new age-like or no! :eek: The story is kinda interesting, too! I shoulda joined them, rather than $cientology! :p

Anyways: Here's some youtube vids:

(In related videos, you can see more vids).

They've even got a few books on Amazon:

Amazon.com: Damanhur: Temples of Humankind (9781556435775): Silvia Buffagni, Roberto Benzi, Rob Calef, Alex Grey: Books

Amazon.com: Damanhur: The Story of the Extraordinary Italian Artistic And Spiritual Community (9781592750108): Jeff Merrifield: Books
Ok, so this all happened at the end of 2007. A well circulated article was published on Damanhur and like many, I was facinated by the images and wanted to know more. Clicking around the website, I came across the Forum link and so clicked it and found it was just put up (or opened up) recently. I joined and think I was like member number 9 or something like that. I also was struck by the similarity between the artwork at Damanhur and the artwork created by an abductee whose website I had come across back in 2005 or so. Some here may be aware of Tracey Taylor and her "Harmonic Blueprints".

As I explored the website, I came across some indication that the inspiration for Damanhur had come from a belief in the existence of "others". Some talk of "Orion" and star systems, Egypt etc etc. Real "New Agey" stuff (not that there's anything wrong with that). So one day I went back and reread one of Tracey Taylors essays. It was entitled "Drawings of an ET Origin". It had been a couple years since I had read it and was a bit surprised when I came across this bit that Tracey had written.

"A significant ancient identity known as Horus, perceived to be a God by the ancient Egyptian people, is another very important key to our past. I have always felt an intense connection to this being since I saw him during an experience at the age of seventeen. During the experience I found myself underground in what looked to be an underground cavern or passageway. He appeared in front of me, telepathically introducing himself, communicating that he is most commonly known on this planet as Horus and sometimes as the Feathered Serpent or Quetzalcoatal (which is what the Aztec people named him). He was standing side on to me, revealing only the left side of his face, very similar to the ancient Egyptian drawings where the face is in profile and the body face on. I vividly recall his large powerful eye penetrate me on all levels. Floating and moving sideways along an underground hallway looking at a wall covered with different types of hieroglyphics, I was told that the messages within the hieroglyphs would be revealed to all during my lifetime.<o></o>
We then stopped moving as I watched a snake-like tongue slide out from his open beak. With his tongue he then effortlessly carved a symbol into the rock wall. When completed, the symbol drew me into it at light speed then became very large. I found myself above ground looking at a triangle with two concentric circles within it. In the distance over a flat plain I could see mountains with the sun rising behind. Three tubular metal bars came down from the sky one by one, joining the inner circle with the powerful sounds of metal hitting metal. Three bars then descended to join the outer circle in the same way. An intense wave of energy enveloped me, as I awoke shaking in my bed at 3:00am. This experience began my ability to channel through the geometric symbols and messages. This extraterrestrial being has been a powerful influence on this earth throughout history in many cultures. He has been observed on this earth as a messenger, to plant seeds within our consciousness as part of humanities evolution. Many times he has shown us what advanced abilities we are capable of achieving, this is why I call him the ‘Architect of Consciousness,’ as the title for one of the coloured symbols depicting his role in this universe."
!Disclaimer! I do not know what to make of Tracey Taylor, her stories or her drawings. It is a part that goes beyond what I'm willing to accept. Nor do I know what to make of Damanhur. I do feel that both have found a way to turn their respective beliefs into positive influences on their lives, regardless of how I feel about them. I do think they'd get on with each other...but I endorse neither. !End Disclaimer!

So anyway, I created a thread on the Damanhur Forum entitled "Higher Intelligences" (I still have the thread 'approval' e-mail from tasso) and pointed out the similarities between what Tracey had written and the origins of Damanhur from what I had gleaned off the site earlier, posting there what I posted above.

Shortly thereafter, the Forum was taken offline and AFAIK, hasn't returned. And that was that. Now some may say that one had nothing to do with the other, but after reading the following, I'm really not sure.

Alien Origins (cached)

It seems to me that the Damanhur of today very much downplays the origins as a bit too "WOO" to be beneficial when it comes to PR. You'd be hard pressed today to find much on the site that relates to "Contacteeism". I think that post of my on the Forum hit a sore spot and that may have been why the plug was pulled. A bit of sanitizing going on I suspect.

Not sure how I feel about that.

"Drawings of an ET Origin"
(Wayback version)

Crazy stuff....

Check out this site if you want the REAL story behind the temples...they are not what they appear...


'Horus' is in fact a charismatic, tax evading, sex abusing cult leader....and former Damanhurians are testifying to the fact...

The temples are a fake esoteric disneyland to pull in recruits and fund the community's tourist industry...please don't fall for it...