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Ancient Astronaut Theory - A Must Read Book

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Paranormal Novice
For anyone interested in Ancient Astronaut Theory, you have got to read this book: Humanity: The Alien Project - An Ancient Astronaut Theory by Vincenzo Macrino. I cannot recommend it enough. It totally blew me away. I watch Ancient Aliens, listen to Coast to Coast, read Sitchin and von Daniken but this book really lays it out with some pretty fascinating facts. Here is a link to where u can get it.

Humanity The Alien Project

Author also has a website:
I've read some of Daniken and have heard of Sitchin's claims, which seem ridiculous. I'm aware of evidence for ancient alien visits and don't deny it's possible. But I don't believe humanity was created by aliens.
Awww...come on now. How can you guys say this following pic isn't an ancient astronaut depiction?
I mean, it has captions and everything.
I've read some of Daniken and have heard of Sitchin's claims, which seem ridiculous. I'm aware of evidence for ancient alien visits and don't deny it's possible. But I don't believe humanity was created by aliens.

Erich von Däniken is a self proclaimed "entertainer" and admits to getting a chuckle out of his own work. Ancient Aliens is at best a silly, capitalizing, and repetitive to the point of utter redundancy form of entertainment that is self detracting from the study of the real UFO phenomenon. Zecharia Sitchin was a brilliant man early on, until he discovered that ignoring facts and writing fiction in the form of fact was to be a very lucrative source of income for him. The problem with Sitchin was his inept grasp of ancient languages, specifically the written Sumerian language. He was called out MANY times by legitimate scholars from which I'm afraid he hid himself away routinely.

I myself find as much or more plausible evidence to support the hypothetical notions for what might be a guided form of progressive evolution as I do the chaotic, faith based model ascribed to and by the school of Darwin purists. At best, either positions are best guesses. One just happens to be where one finds monetary institutional support due to the commercially vested interests of empirical science and their funding sources.
I'm not sold necessarily on much of the ancient astronaut stuff but I do see plenty compelling evidence for ancient humans who were advanced in some areas. I definitely think there were previous worldwide cultures (or at least some who had traversed the whole planet) and I think much of this evidence is ignored or actively suppressed because it would throw a major spanner in accepted evolutionary theory (which I am not totally against either) and really mess up history according to some religions (and funnily enough, back up some claims in those same religions). There does seem to be very strong resistance to even publicly questioning our 'accepted' timeline for humans.
I'm not sold necessarily on much of the ancient astronaut stuff but I do see plenty compelling evidence for ancient humans who were advanced in some areas. I definitely think there were previous worldwide cultures (or at least some who had traversed the whole planet) and I think much of this evidence is ignored or actively suppressed because it would throw a major spanner in accepted evolutionary theory (which I am not totally against either) and really mess up history according to some religions (and funnily enough, back up some claims in those same religions). There does seem to be very strong resistance to even publicly questioning our 'accepted' timeline for humans.

Oh YES!!!! Never truer words spoken IMO. There are so many people that claim to understand and even practice Occam's Razor when in reality they have been programmed to the effect that logical probability becomes indistinguishable from the fantastically obvious.

How often times it seems that our speculative thoughts are both delineated and motivated via the larger scope of our considerations. Both Religious and Anti Religious indoctrinations being prime socially driven examples that cage the minds of a great many.

Then God said, "Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground."

Whether being piously defensive supporters of select biblical interpretations, or alarmist "club empirical" rebels to the cause, sadly, so many great and worthy minds have been contextually made up for the devout. All this before even making their first speculatively cognitive move. Truly, where is Occam's Razor in ANY of this?
That's an overly wrought dismissal of those who don't agree with you. The devotees are the true believers in cases like this, not skeptics.

If the proof was obvious, it would be obvious. It isn't. Please don't assume those who disagree are dense, have closed minds or are unwilling to consider alternate explanations. It's both stunningly arrogant and a reversal of proof fallacy.
I'm not sold necessarily on much of the ancient astronaut stuff but I do see plenty compelling evidence for ancient humans who were advanced in some areas. I definitely think there were previous worldwide cultures (or at least some who had traversed the whole planet) and I think much of this evidence is ignored or actively suppressed because it would throw a major spanner in accepted evolutionary theory (which I am not totally against either) and really mess up history according to some religions (and funnily enough, back up some claims in those same religions). There does seem to be very strong resistance to even publicly questioning our 'accepted' timeline for humans.

Hey there! I appreciate your opinion. I think the resistance comes from the lack of actual evidence to support the theory. On the other hand, the vast majority of human history has literally centuries of plainly recorded history, support by artifacts, written narratives, pictures, paintings and human recollection.

I'm not suggesting there isn't evidence of some strange stuff; there absolutely is.

Just my two cents - cheers!
That's an overly wrought dismissal of those who don't agree with you. The devotees are the true believers in cases like this, not skeptics.

If the proof was obvious, it would be obvious. It isn't. Please don't assume those who disagree are dense, have closed minds or are unwilling to consider alternate explanations. It's both stunningly arrogant and a reversal of proof fallacy.

News Flash: Pot Calls Kettle Black

You could try engaging the subject matter in an attempt to respond. You defensively missed the "obvious" point by a great distance. Instead, your response reads more like a quick wordy dismissal of cited reason minus cited reason. There was absolutely nothing indicative of a quick, irrational, over wrought, or denigrating judgement of those that don't agree with me within my post.

I read Erich von Däniken's books in paperback as they were released as a kid because frankly I couldn't afford the hard covers via my weekly allowance. For years and years I clung to his words like the biblically faithful do with the "good book". Only to find out years later that he was a self admitted fraud. I guess as has been stated, "living is easy with eyes closed". No thanks, been there, done that.
Ancient aliens, races from other worlds who visited earth in the distant past - ok, I SUPPOSE it can be a valid theory - what the heck do any of us really know?

However, I shall have my cake and eat it when I say personally I don't believe a word of it :)
Awww...come on now. How can you guys say this following pic isn't an ancient astronaut depiction?
I mean, it has captions and everything.

Looks to me like a picture of my ex-girlfriend working out with two shake-weights. Perhaps my ex-girlfriend created humanity?
And of course, the celebrity level dismissal of AAT (ancient astronaut theory/ist) in and amid concerned vocal Fortean communication circles is not to uphold the fact that there is not a GREAT deal of legitimate anomalous historical evidence to be examined, there is, and that's a fact.

But a directly coupled/controlled, unbiased testing/reporting, of said evidence, along with an ongoing carefully maintained guard on the phenomenological representations of that evidence, amid diverse formal considerations, must be exacted as critically as any scientific uptake process possibly could be. The evidence should be openly, and ultimately, scrutinized. A rigorous process wherein a sincere cross examination of that evidence takes place prior to any premature theoretical conclusions or perspectives are formed. Especially those "theories" (read: hypothetical fantasies) of a preferred, or commercial nature, (heavy bias here ladies and gentlemen, eh hem! hello!) that have been speculatively framed in attractive fashion around a premature pseudo informational construct, built of predesignated subject matter/content/focus, and perspective conclusions. The phenomenological evidence should first be openly available to intense skeptical/critical review apart from any media saturated soundboard. One that currently, and in multiple times past, serves to insist on it's (AAT) as being mediocre level entertainment focused first and foremost.

Besides, what the heck is with that guy George's hair!? He looks like he's headed out to a local bar's Cure karaoke contest or something.
Going out on a limb here and do think we are seeded than just the evolution theory. Lets not forget Late Charles Darwin rejected his own theories in his later years. Went back into religious belief. Remember his grandfather was connected to the clergy. Also evolutionist doesn't have a great record in the past for it was used by nuts for racist ideologies in the past! Also religion does not have great track record either!
Agree with Rich on the Ancient Alien Theory has been hijacked by some who milk it to far and Don spot on about is plausible we came from some biological soup of genetic construction? By who don,t know but Zarchri was onto something and remember speaking to a very well known academic who agreed on his hypothesis but was scared of his funding to come out !!
Should we eventually find another earth, what will stop us from interfering with the evolution of those foreign life forms ?
Would there be an advantage in creating hybrids... To better control an emerging sentient civilization for example ? And mold them in our image ;)

Do civilizations on a galactic scale actually use this kind of recursive 'cascading' strategy? The 'modern' version of humans has been around for about 150,000 years which is really a tiny drop in the cosmic bucket.

If you ask the right questions you can't help but wonder... Were homo sapiens manufactured to stamp out neanderthals ? ;)