Paranormal Adept
I have always been interested in ancient structures, sites, and monuments from around the world .Being Irish, i would be naturally be drawn to my own culture's history.
I might sound like a broken record with my interest in the hudson valley caverns and standing stones in New york.
If, this stones or dolmens are geniune. It actually changes American history somewhat, because they should'nt be there.
We have no evidence in the records of history "WHO BUILD THEM".
We now they could be Celt, because they have being verified as so by some historians others disagree and claim colonists build them. Of course, they might be only markers to something, other Groups previously may have been there before the Celts.
The problem with the celts and the druids, was that they never wrote down anything down about themselves, everything was verbal because they wanted to avoid there enemies gaining knowledge to their ideas and there culture.
Julius Caesar, even wrote, the Celts, are one of the most mysteries races i have ever come across. For some reason, Ireland was never invaded by the Romans, Historians' actually today, still today can not figure out 'why' Everybody else was under the thumb of the Romans.
I will show a video here to why, i think the hudson valley cavern and stones are an important find.
This is only, one site that will give u an idea, what the hudson valley caves, standing stones, and caverns are important.
This a standing stone of a Celt god called Janus. It is very old, it was only found recently.
I might sound like a broken record with my interest in the hudson valley caverns and standing stones in New york.
If, this stones or dolmens are geniune. It actually changes American history somewhat, because they should'nt be there.
We have no evidence in the records of history "WHO BUILD THEM".
We now they could be Celt, because they have being verified as so by some historians others disagree and claim colonists build them. Of course, they might be only markers to something, other Groups previously may have been there before the Celts.
The problem with the celts and the druids, was that they never wrote down anything down about themselves, everything was verbal because they wanted to avoid there enemies gaining knowledge to their ideas and there culture.
Julius Caesar, even wrote, the Celts, are one of the most mysteries races i have ever come across. For some reason, Ireland was never invaded by the Romans, Historians' actually today, still today can not figure out 'why' Everybody else was under the thumb of the Romans.
I will show a video here to why, i think the hudson valley cavern and stones are an important find.
This is only, one site that will give u an idea, what the hudson valley caves, standing stones, and caverns are important.
This a standing stone of a Celt god called Janus. It is very old, it was only found recently.