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And the Oscar goest to....

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Goggs Mackay

Staff member
I figured I'd ask if anyone was interested in any of the movies currently up for gongs at this year's Oscars.

I've seen Foxcatcher, American Sniper, The Imitation Game, Whiplash and Birdman. I'll tell you what I think about these movies, briefly, and who I think should get Best Male. I'm afraid I can't really comment on Best Female cos I've not seen the nominated movies on the whole, though I do think Julianne Moore is overdue and she may get a 'complete career' Oscar, if not for her latest , 'Still Alice.'

Birdman, while well put together and acted, I feel it is really an actor's movie and a movie that would appeal to those who spend their lives either side of the camera and on stage. But to be brutally honest, I was bored with it and had to watch it in 2 sittings. When it comes to movies I'm just not that deep a thinker and probably much of the finer points go over my head!

Foxcatcher. Stunning performance from Steve Carrel - a real treat and total surprise. I had no idea he could do a performance like this. He looks so different and is so successful in portraying this creepy soon-to-be homicidal rich 'playboy,' although John Du Pont wasn't a classic playboy by any means. The other leads are fantastic but Carrel's light obliterates all else for me.
He MUST take the Oscar for best Actor!!

American Sniper. As soon as I heard a movie was being made about the life and tragic ending of U.S Marine Sniper Chris Kyle, I knew I had to see it. I was a marksman in the Navy and I always wondered what the life and training of an actual sniper might be like. I do like Bradley Cooper in this role but I very much doubt the movie or the performance is going home with any of the main awards. Great movie though.

Whiplash. Might indeed take an Oscar or two. Fantastic performances but I'm not sure if their is really 'enough' of a story told here to be at the top. But what do I know!

Imitation Game. I love Cumberbatch but to be honest, I don't think this movie is that great. I love the story, I've visited the real Station X where all this took place and I love cryptography stories and the role Turing had in early computing. As good as this is, I'm not seeing it at the top either.

I know I've missed a few contenders but these are the ones I've seen and care about.

Steve Carrel for Best Actor - and I really see this opening up his career away from comedy and deservedly so, IMO.

Anyone wanna add their 2 cents?
I've only seen Imitation Game and American Sniper. Both were great films IMO. As far as Oscar, while I greatly enjoyed watching American Sniper and the story behind it, I did not find it, at least for me personally, to be on the level of other war films I've seen that did get an Oscar. "Saving Private Ryan" comes to mind or "The Hurt Locker". But I do want to give my respects to any individual who can survive a BUD hell to become a SEAL. These guys are super human.
I've only seen Imitation Game and American Sniper. Both were great films IMO. As far as Oscar, while I greatly enjoyed watching American Sniper and the story behind it, I did not find it, at least for me personally, to be on the level of other war films I've seen that did get an Oscar. "Saving Private Ryan" comes to mind or "The Hurt Locker". But I do want to give my respects to any individual who can survive a BUD hell to become a SEAL. These guys are super human.

I agree Truthseeker. I would urge you to watch Foxcatcher, if only for Steve's performance as John Du Pont. I'd go as far as to say it is creepy and almost unwatchable because he portrays a very strange and distant man, who happens to wield some influence due to the standing of his family name in American Military history amongst other interests in business.