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Angry Human and the Moon

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Paranormal Maven
In the latest installment of The Angry Human internet radio show David made some really interesting comments regarding the moon. Sighting some photographs, it's his opinion some pretty unusual stuff could be going on up there. I'm wondering if there is a thread about this somewhere? David, would you mind discussing this, or pointing me to some of these photographs? Very intriguing stuff to say the least.

Who knows, maybe the topic would make a great Paracast episode?

Check out the show. Mac user's can listen to the show by opening the stream in quicktime. File->Open URL... Then paste the link into the dialogue box.

I havent heard the AH show yet, but with regards to Moon anomalies have you heard the Don Ecker show with regards to this?

He also did this one which I havent had time to listen to yet as I have been busy recently so its on my list:

With regards to the first one, if you havent heard it yet you're in for a treat.

My own personal opinion is that that the most likely situation is that there is nothing anomalous up there, and people are seeing things that arent really there. However I do think there is still a very good case for something being up there and havent ruled it out.

If you do a search of 'Michio Kaku' on itunes you'll find a free download of a lecture he did fairly recently, and in that lecture he says that he thinks there might be something up there, simply because he believes that advanced culture would send out millions of probes to land on moons.... spying on civilisations in the universe
Im listening to the show you posted and i'm about an hour in and all I hear is David obsessing about Palin, Bush, telling us to watch Michael Moore Fahrenheit 9/11 and no moon stuff. :confused:
It's a brief moment towards the end, say 75% of the way through. It's a brief statement, but he seems pretty convinced which lead me to post about it. Don's UFO's Tonight and Dark Matters shows are great.