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Angry Human

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Paranormal Novice
Hi there.

I'm new to the world of David & Gene and I have to say, I love the show - especially when Angry Human makes an appearance!

I have to say, I agree with practically all of what is said about the political/financial situation. You should see what's happening in the UK!!

I'd like to subscribe to Angry Human, but can't find an RSS/XML feed. I use Google Reader because it's one of the only online aggregators that I can access in work. All I can find is links to mp3s.

Can someone help me out?



BTW - I use my nickname not because I'm Mr Steinberg's Stalker, but because my major in University was Genetics and it seemed like a good idea at the time.:)
Along the same lines... why is the Angry Human page always like a month (or more) behind schedule? I used to check quite often but am losing interest as there doesnt seem to be anything happening.

edit,well dont I look the fool. Seems there is a new show!
I have listened to the show as well. David is far more "left" then me but I respect his views. You don't always have to agree with someone to respect them. You just have to be able to judge if they are a "good" person. David is a good person.
Is left liberal, and right is conservative correct? Where's the donkey lie? Why did they get asigned the sides they're assigned to? Never understood it.

I don't know what side I am on. I don't seem to fit anywhere. If there were a bikini girls scouts, no, woman scouts, I'd join them. The view would be nice, and I could feel manly doing, well, nothing, and not have to resort to war for stupid reasons. I'd be too happy with the view for that.
I remember in school, they made me pick between the donkey and elephant. They said it didn't matter which I picked. They were right in a way. Stupid to have us pick if it didn't matter though. Go look for intelligence in school.... More scarce than Bigfoot.

Sorry about the edit to your post Gareth, I hit the wrong button. That hasn't happened in many months btw.
Awesome question!

For me it is an opinion.

The “right” and “left” do not represent often what people see in both sides. My views my be different then others in that description.
I often think many of these differences seem to be social. Say gun control and abortion. I am more of a Libertarian and Constitutionalist then anything. On social issues I am more right, in the traditional right, then I am left.

Good people are on both sides. I think the primary issues reside in two issues. Foreign policy and monetary policy. I have strongly supported Ron Paul because he is closest to my views on those two primary issues. Obama and McCain fail, big time on both issues so we sadly have “no hope” for either to be correct within the next 4-years.
That’s my take on it, at least.
I don't listen to politicians much, so I am not well versed in their views. Having said that, what little I've seen of all, Ron Paul hasn't said anything I disagree with. He seems to have my views. But then again, I liked Pero, for awhile, then I got to see what an old fashion tard he was later on. But yeh, so far Ron Paul (what little I know of him) seems to be the best, by far in my view.

I actually don't trust the voting process, is one of the reasons why I don't follow the race. For those who want to paint me as lazy etc. I used to, but something else is going on with who gets elected. Or who gets put up for even a chance at election. So, I don't vote. Nor pay attention to the pseudo debates that go on with the douche bags and shit sandwiches.

I posted a cute girl in favor of him stripping in another thread. Hope you got to see it. Good for the ears and eyes.
Is left liberal, and right is conservative correct? Where's the donkey lie? Why did they get asigned the sides they're assigned to? Never understood it.

Like all things human, we just made it up! Traditionally ones political views are cast on a chart where left is liberal and right is conservative. Why? Because that's how those respective ideologies are usually seated in a parliment.

On modern political charts you'll find additional co-ordinates above (authoritarian) and below (libertarian), with dead center being pure centrist, which is extremely rare. But again those directions and judgements are arbitrary because humans love to make up shit and then analyze the living fuck out of it.

Aren't we interesting?
Like all things human, we just made it up! Traditionally ones political views are cast on a chart where left is liberal and right is conservative. Why? Because that's how those respective ideologies are usually seated in a parliment.

On modern political charts you'll find additional co-ordinates above (authoritarian) and below (libertarian), with dead center being pure centrist, which is extremely rare. But again those directions and judgements are arbitrary because humans love to make up shit and then analyze the living fuck out of it.

Aren't we interesting?

That's what I thought. But I've never looked into it, was just a guess.

You've probably answered this before Capn, sorry I don't recall. I read a lot:) How do you define yourself politically? If you don't, don't worry about it. I ask, because you usually have a definition for things:) Again, I'm not trying to pigeon hole you, only curious.
You've probably answered this before Capn, sorry I don't recall. I read a lot:) How do you define yourself politically? If you don't, don't worry about it. I ask, because you usually have a definition for things:) Again, I'm not trying to pigeon hole you, only curious.

I don't mind. I took an online political survey once that charted responses on a 10x10 grid and marked me one point up and one point left of center, which is reasonably accurate I'd say. I define myself generally as "centrist"; I'm more interested in realistic solutions than idealogical tenants. My concerns are for the greater good, not specific causes. I find extreme politics (both left and right) distasteful. Nobody should be that inflexible.
I just hope he stays where he belongs on another web site.Now with the elections over I hope david will shut the fuck up with his political tirades.this show has wondered off course lately.And I for one think the show ingeneral has sliped from its heights.I rest this fully on daves shoulders.Don't get me wrong I have listened to the angry man stuff on the other thread.not all of it is bad.But the paracast is the paracast.It maybe your show dave but i have said this time and time again on various threads.stick to the shows topic.I think you,much like the anderson fable the emperors new clothes,have been listening to to many yes men on this site.

I just hope he stays where he belongs on another web site.Now with the elections over I hope david will shut the fuck up with his political tirades.this show has wondered off course lately.And I for one think the show ingeneral has sliped from its heights.I rest this fully on daves shoulders.Don't get me wrong I have listened to the angry man stuff on the other thread.not all of it is bad.But the paracast is the paracast.It maybe your show dave but i have said this time and time again on various threads.stick to the shows topic.I think you,much like the anderson fable the emperors new clothes,have been listening to to many yes men on this site.


Yeah, I'll shut up, all right. WHEN I'M DEAD.

Until then, I'll inject my opinions into the show whenever I desire.

And for the record, what are we talking about? A minute of mentioning politics in the course of a two hour show? Don't you DARE tell me what to do on my own show, ya nameless, anonymous Nessie. When you can gather up the nerve to talk to me this way in person, then do so, otherwise...

Go choke on a picture of Palin eating a goat's eye.

And for the record, what are we talking about? A minute of mentioning politics in the course of a two hour show?

Exactly. The amount of actual show time dedicated to political talk has been so tiny that pininmefin clearly must disagree with you political views.

I dont see how he/she could get so riled up about it any other way.
I think it was depak chopra who said the brain doesnt really know the difference between real trauma, and remembered trauma.
both cause stress hormones and damage to the body.

personally i try and keep manifestations of anger in "real time" ie as the shit is hitting the fan. i dont "carry" it any further than i have too if i can help it.

I just hope he stays where he belongs on another web site.Now with the elections over I hope david will shut the fuck up with his political tirades.this show has wondered off course lately.And I for one think the show ingeneral has sliped from its heights.I rest this fully on daves shoulders.Don't get me wrong I have listened to the angry man stuff on the other thread.not all of it is bad.But the paracast is the paracast.It maybe your show dave but i have said this time and time again on various threads.stick to the shows topic.I think you,much like the anderson fable the emperors new clothes,have been listening to to many yes men on this site.


Yet you keep listening. Interesting. Speed racer slows down to give a show pointers. Why in a goat fuk hell, should any host listen to you over their own conscious? If you think this show would be better if they altered their opinions on the bases of some gnat turd of a post, then you truly need to listen to another show. Maybe try something dumb and safe like fox snooze. The Paracast isn't for everyone. Now do yourself a favor and piss off. You have better things to do I'm sure.

47 posts. You've thanked no one, and no one has thanked you. And you give pointers..... If you're so on the ball, make your own show. And make it free too.
The Paracast has many flavors that make up this gourmet meal we listen to every week. Some people consider the political views expressed as a bitter and some consider it a sweetener. Either way it is a part of the recipe that makes the Paracast what it is. I would guess that my political view point is 180 degrees off of what the general political view is for the aggregate of the listeners. I still think it is the best show going and I can stand to hear my guys bashed for a minute or two every week to hear Steven Greer ripped a new a-hole any day! :D
Some people consider the political views expressed as a bitter and some consider it a sweetener.

Personally, I consider it a sweetener. I also think that politics has a bearing on just about everything in human civilization, whether it be great or small. I'd love it if the Angry Human visited the Paracast a little more. :)