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Ann Coulter and Her Alien Lover

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I dunno... the simple fact anyone takes what that screeching harridan says seriously is sorta funny... in a dark, ironic kinda way.
I myself, am a non-screeching harridan, who prefers to be funny, more than serious. For whatever that worth, ( O )
But there is NEVER anything funny about the Neocon. Thousands dead in Iraq. Hundreds dead in Afghanistan. Thousands dead in Manhatten New York on 9-11-01. Needless dead, at the Pentagon. Innocent terrified dead, in Airliners. The endless parade of the dead, from the first Persian Gulf War. And Vietnam. And Korea.
And for what? For the Republican Neocon.
Vietnam and Korea? Really? And here I thought all this time that Truman and Johnson were Democrats. Oh, well. Back to the history books, I guess.
Vietnam and Korea? Really? And here I thought all this time that Truman and Johnson were Democrats. Oh, well. Back to the history books, I guess.
I have decided that LBJ is a Neocon in sheeps clothing, because it was HE and J Edgar Hoover, who were ultimately behind the US cou-de-ta assasination of our elected president John Kennedy, in my opin.
Democrats can behave or actually BE Neocons as well. Take Bill Clinton (please...) for example. Waco, Ruby Ridge, Albania. John Kerry was Skull And Bones. I voted for Obama, (...duck!...hide...) but as of today, I cannot yet tell him very much from the Bush Administration.
I supported Obama but he needs to shit or get off the pot in Afghanistan. Either come home (which is smart just ask the Ruskies)or give the military the forces they need to fight the war. Right now Obama is just bush lite. But, I still remain optimistic that he will get it together.
Nothing about Ann Coulter is funny...except maybe if her penile implant exploded.

I know you meant that to be funny.

But, being very serious here, I have thought for years that Coulter may have had a sex change.

Don't shoot me down so quickly there. I have seen pictures of her where I would bet a paycheck she has an Adam's apple. And she does have manly features if you look at her face alone.

Not to take away from her position. Love or hate her, she is a shaker.

Am I going nuts? Look at these.


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Strickly speaking in an anatomical sense, in addition to the adam's apple, a square jaw, pronounced bone structure, elongated cranium and large, flat ears are generally male traits.
I find it funny that nobody has ever investigated the connection between Arthur Coltrane, and Ann Coulter.

If people would investigate the fact that Ann Coulter's life starts where Arther Coltrane's ends, they might find out the truth of things where Man Coulter is concerned.
I find it funny that nobody has ever investigated the connection between Arthur Coltrane, and Ann Coulter.

If people would investigate the fact that Ann Coulter's life starts where Arther Coltrane's ends, they might find out the truth of things where Man Coulter is concerned.
Wouldn't a photo of both be illuminating if that's true? :D
My favorite Coulter video. Here she goes up against one of our better Canuck journalists, and makes the stupid, uneducated, poorly researched mistake of saying Canadians sent troops to Vietnam. Even after the cunt is corrected, she still can't admit she doesn't know her ass from her adam's apple.

Ann Coulter reminds me of what would happen if your local female high school bully never had to suffer the hard knocks of life that the rest of us bullies and victims had to endure on the way to adult hood.
Transsexual Ann Coulter, Fat Karl Rove & Bush
The White House Press Corps is delighted that their colleagues at TIME magazine, remembering Ann Coulter’s gratuitous "that old Arab" insult against the dear lady Helen Thomas, finally conned the transsexual drag queen, a.k.a. Arthur Coltrane of Pickens County, Georgia, former scion, before his sex-change operation, of an old Southern hog-farming family.

Eeveryone will notice how, since I revealed this fact to your readers, Coulter has suddenly begun going extra easy on homosexuals, even defending the sleazy male hooker Gannon/Guckert, late of the White House Press Corps, the Marine Corps, the Hard Corps, and practically every other member of the "body politic."

As I was saying, they conned her into doing an interview, and plastered a joke photo of “her” all over the front cover of TIME for all the world to see. After seeing the picture, Bush, who is well known for his brilliantly cruel nicknames for those he wants to psychologically intimidate, has taken to referring to Ann Coulter as “Grasshopper” among members of his Cabinet.

Conspiracy Planet - Humor - Transsexual Ann Coulter, Fat Karl Rove & Bush